Hmm that's a pretty interesting theory! At least I'm getting some support about the Vanitas/Anti-Form connection!
Agreed. Wholeheartedly. Lets hope we don't see any more of this nonsense in KH3 Agreed Twilight Town is strongly tied to the Nobodies, which presumably don't exist yet. And I thank God for that. The day a Pixar movie becomes a Kingdom Hearts world is the day I stop playing KH games I can't think of a single Disney movie that either would've fit great with the story of BBS that hasn't already been used to death in the other games. At this point Square's going to have to start dipping into those awful direct to DVD (or VHS in some older cases) release sequels for new material in the worlds they've already gone to.
I'm not saying that Anti-Form in necessarily due to Vanitas but if he's in there, somewhere inside Sora, then Anti-Form could be a way for him to exert control.
Well we can't rule out Xehanort's soul coming into Terra's body with his heart but regardless I've not read or seen anything OFFICIAL saying it's his heart. I haven't even seen someone's hack translation of any BBS material saying its his heart and lord knows there's been enough hack translations going around since the 9th. At any rate IF it is his Heart than that secret ending makes nooooo sense at all.
I don't think that's the case. No where has it been said that Terra's Heart is in the Lingering Sentiment. On the contrary in the secret ending when Terra and MX have their little word battle Terra indicates that both his and MX's Hearts are inside Apprentice Xehanort vying for dominance of his personality. The actual dialogue I'm talking about refers to Eraqus' heart residing within Terra's and that if MX were to try to absorb Terra's heart Eraqus would do something or other negative to MX. For Eraqus to be a threat to MX Terra's Heart must therefore reside still in his body. That's how Terra was to regain control after the battle with Aqua and turn the Keyblade on himself. What that action actually resulted in has not been translated yet. I'm inclined to believe that what animates the Lingering Sentiment is either Terra's Soul or the strong feelings of regret he left behind.
I see what you mean but I think it would be good for Sora to grow a little in this way. He's always more or less ignored the Darkness in his heart and in Anti-Form he's overwhelm by what remains there so its something to explore.
I was just thinking about the different Drive Forms from KH2 and what they're all supposed to mean and it struck me that they may have a connection to Ventus and Vanitas. At the end of BBS we know that Vanitas has more than likely been reabsorbed into Ventus' heart and that for whatever reason this has caused Ventus' heart to now sleep within Sora's heart. If Vanitas was indeed reabsorbed into Ventus and not simply destroyed, than somewhere inside Sora Vanitas still resides. In KH2 the Sleeping Beauty Fairies awaken the Drive Form ability within Sora allowing him attain new forms and powers which relate to his relationships with other characters (Valor=Goofy, Wisdom=Donald, Master=Mickey, etc.) Well Sora has two unique forms in Final and Anti. The first represents he and Roxas coming together as one being and the second is an influence from Sora's time as a Heartless. OK take the next step with me cuz it might be a bit of a leap. Roxas clearly has a strong connection with Ventus. They look and sound the same and apparently have similar taste in color schemes though beyond that we don't know the nature of their connection. Additionally we know that Vanitas is either the first Unversed or at least the reason they exist. The Unversed seem, to me anyways, to be some sort of proto-Heartless experiment by Master Xehanort. They appear in many similar or analogous forms (Shadow, Soldier, and Large Body in particular seem to have Unversed analogs), both are created due to the machinations of one Xehanort or another, and both feed of darkness/negative emotions/evilness/etc. OK ready for the theory? By tapping into Final Form, Sora interacts with the part of him that is Ven through Roxas and conversely, Anti-Form is due to, or at least related in some way to the remaining influence of Vanitas whose existence is close to a Heartless. So far, little has been said in game about Sora's time as a Heartless and what affect it has had on him and I would venture that, with the revelation of Vanitas and his connection to Ven/Sora, this is going to figure prominently in the next game. I'm personally hoping that Final Form will evolve in the next game with Sora gaining an armor similar to Ven's and that Anti-Form will become that Dark Form-esque muscle suit thing that Vanitas and Riku wear. I think that, in this way, Sora will now be tested by the Darkness that resides in his heart on his quest to restore Ven. This new Dark Form will be a significant temptation to the player to use because it's so strong but there will be some gameplay penalty for overuse and will thus be superseded in the end of the game by the armor. Thoughts? Feelings? Emotions?
I don't think we necessarily know what happens with Ven's Darkness after the inner and outer battle. It actually seems that Vanitas is destroyed or expelled to me, but either way I believe it is unclear what happened. I think the fact that Vanitas resembles KH2 Sora more indicates a previous connection between Ventus and Sora even before Sora restored Ventus' heart after having it broken after Vanitas removed from him. Vanitas is an incomplete being born after from Ventus after Sora's natural. I'm inclined to believe that Vanitas' appearance is influenced by Sora not the other way around. A few people on this forum have insisted the later which is ridiculous. Sora already pretty much looks like this at age 5. He was always gonna look the way he does from the time he was conceived. The only reason Vanitas looks like KH2 Sora is because Vanitas is the same AGE as Ventus which is apparently the same age Sora was in KH2 or near at least. If Roxas has a heart than he is, by definition, not a Nobody. The reasons why Roxas and Namine don't have memories of their times as complete beings has already been clarified. Namine because she was born from Kairi's heart and Sora's body and soul. Roxas because Sora did not remain a Heartless. Terra never ever saw Vanitas' face so it seems unlikely that he would recognize Sora from that. Aside from that Roxas had already rejoined Sora by that time anyway so I'm not really sure how the whole recognition thing plays out. Roxas became one with Sora in Twilight Town. Whether or not Sora knows it happened is irrelevant. The battle with Roxas was an inner struggle that resulted in Roxas accepting his fate. Nomura labeled the Keyblade Ansem SoD used in KH1 Keyblade of People's Hearts. Of the three types mentioned in the Xehanort reports one of the is called a Keyblade of One's Heart. There's probably a correlation but its unclear at this point. I don't the Keyblade of People's Hearts was designed to absorb hearts so there's no real reason why it should've absorbed Kairi's heart.
Yeah pretty much. I'm inclined to think that the "kid" Riku mentions to Terra was Ven. I think Ven and Sora's connection runs deeper than we know. In the opening when Ventus has his Awakening we find that when Vanitas was created it left Ventus' heart pretty messed up and it was only fixed by connecting with Sora's and that this connection is the reason why Ventus' sleeping heart entered Sora's at the end; however, we don't know why it was specifically Sora that was able to make Ventus whole again in the beginning. They must've had a prior connection. From the summaries it seems like Xehanort left Destiny Islands well after his childhood and IF he did leave when he was a kid I think it would've been quite a long time ago for Riku to know the story, but who knows it could go either way.
That was never explicitly stated by Nomura. It could possibly be inferred from a statement he made. That definitely never happened though...
Hahaha harsh but yeah maybe you're right...
Many people have conjectured this same thing on the Gamefaqs forum.
Yeah just to clarify again these are NOT translations at all. They're supposedly summaries of the Reports but I think we ought to be skeptical of them because the first report doesn't really match up with a translation that can be found on HEARTSTATION.ORG which is I think a more reliable website. Either way it's an interesting read.
What do you mean? They're called the "Xehanort Reports"...
Found this on the Gamefaqs forum. It's someone's summary of the Xehanort reports. Not sure if its totally real but it seems so. These are def NOT translations so take them with a grain of salt. All credit goes to Kouli of the Gamefaqs forum!
Kairi better have some action in the next game! Aqua was such an awesome female character and ended up maybe being stronger than either Ven or Terra or at least smarter. It would be disappointing if they didn't build on that in the next game. My hope for KH3 would be something like the three scenario thing from BBS with Sora, Riku, and Kairi trying to save/find their BBS counterparts but they accompanied by their Disney friends (Donald and Goofy with Sora, Mickey with Riku, and Minnie and/or Daisy with Kairi) like classic KH gameplay.
Where is the evidence that the X-blade broken creates the Kingdom Keys? Can we a video, screencap, dialogue, something? So far the only reference to this I've heard is on this forum.
I think memory is going to play an important role in why nothing has come up from BBS in the rest of the series yet. Isn't coded still going on? Nomura hinted that the end of coded would tie in with BBS and the secret ending. I'm that whatever happens in the end of coded triggers everyone's lost memories of BBS. Thus Mickey writes the letter to the Destiny Islands trio.
Yeah the reason why many characters who knew Ven and later saw Roxas make no mention of the similarity or refer to any of the events in BBS in gonna have to be explained in a later game cuz currently it doesn't make a lot of sense.
He didn't really hint that but he said something to the affect that the Keyblade was made from his memories of Destiny Islands which implies that it was HIS keyblade that he lent to Kairi and he held it at the same time he'd been wielding Way To Dawn so... it is possible that Riku can duel wield.