On one website they were selling it for $69.00 dollars. Is there somewhere where I can get it for a lower price? And also the thing that lets you play it on an american console.
Can you post how to make some please?
* steals oreos from La Sofa and laugh at Sorax*
I thought you were going to say peanut butter jelly time.
If you do can you post how to make them Please? does anybody on this site own a Wii? everytime I start a topic about the wii no One ever post on them. I want to make some celebrity Miis.
If it wasent for Sora there would be no Roxas. And Sora is way better.
That picture is fake.
you're not the only one who doesen't get it
Roxas ment sora was a good half because Roxas is part of sora and he said his skills were good,but sora didnt know what Roxas ment because he didnt know Roxas was his Nobodie.
Is this KH2 or KH2FM?
No, he said the H word.
I vote for Lil Wayne. I like rap, Rock sucks and all they do is just scream.
you can find it out when you go to your mail.
Mine is 5796 6187 7214 7712. If I register your number and you register mines we can text each other on the Wii.
dont do it.
When you asked what her username said.
Change the key chain so U can have a diffrent keyblade :D
No, it would be called KH Land
I agree with you.
I have a Wii. My favs are baseball and tennis.