o_______0;;;;;;;;;;;; Wow, this explains some of that yaoi on deviantart
Are you leaving us??? NO! I don't know you well enough yet!
ROFLOL, that's you Darkandroid
Listening to Umbrella by Rhiana and "working on a Bio lab" ^_^;
Yeah, me too...
This one not so much that it rox w/ Rox and Rik, but that I searched Google for pwn and found this XDDD
YES, wait until you NEED to go there to get materials for Ultima
plz sencor more... my little brother was here when you posted this...
Yo hablo Lionhart en la Kingdom Hearts uno y Ultama en la Kingdom Hearts dos. Lol, my spanish sucks.
I'd have to say the optional Phantom and Urlsala 1. I say Ursala 1 because of how technical the battle was and how annoying the camrea was. You couldn't see where anything was!!! Ursala 2 wasn't as bad because all you had to do was avoid her attacts.
Teh truth... And pete is a cat
I can't see it. It just says Photobucket brandband exceded.
Umm... Xaldan, ur thing says you only have 25 posts. Last time I saw u had THOUSANDS of posts, wtf?
It's actually the script for KHX.......... GIVE ME!
OMFG it is!
OMFG, guess what? In drama class, we're doing the play Oliver and we were having trouble with accents for the play so we were watching PotC: DMC, and guess what scene we got to today? THE JAR OF DIRT!!!
WTF??? I don't get it, is this a fake topic?
o_0;;;;;; XDDDDDDD
They didn't include Tarzan because it's owned by someone else and they have to buy copy rights to use it! It was enough of a hassle for Square in the first game and they said screw it for the other games.