Haha, yeah I guess they do. :D Ansem just always amused me because he always had to bring up SOMETHING to do with darkness, no matter what. I bet they would've made great Shakespeare characters. ;)
Man, I know I've done stupid things... but I can't really thing of anything too spectacular at the moment. This is the best I've got for now: My dumbest Pokemon mistake was engaging Zapdos in Red thinking, "What's this weird pokemon?", knocking it out, then thinking, "Well, that was weird." and carrying on like normal until I found out later it was a one-shot legendary Pokemon. The very first Harvest Moon game I played was 64, and the first thing I bought were flower seeds. They cost me the whole 300 G the game started you with and then when they were grown I could'nt sell them! So, being an inexperienced Harvest Moon-er, I had no idea how to get the money back and reset my file. Annnd... I spent 20+ hours in Shadow Hearts: FTNW getting my perfect ring score to 75% so that Al Capone would give me a semi-useful accessorry. Yep, didn't think that one through...
They are a pain in the butt to get. You really don't find too many of them until the higher floors, and you can only carry one at a time. I didn't bother with them until I got to the thirteenth floor, because nothing really drops them until then. Once I was there, I fought monsters until they dropped one, warped to the first floor, opened the door... and repeated for the rest of them. Very time consuming... :p
Yesss.... *eats all the sweets* Thankies! :D
Okay... well I'm going to go with Heatless Ansem, just to rock the boat a little. ;) Here's how I see it: Ansem and Xemnas go to fight... Ansem will NOT stop rambling on about darkness, driving Xemnas insane so he jumps off a cliff. Ergo, Ansem wins by default. lol, just kidding. Xemnas would kick his butt. :D
Oh, ye of little faith! Sora could do it... he would just need to outwit them! ;) Hehe, they would cream him if it were a purely physical battle, or course, buuuut maybe if he lured them out to his Gummi Ship... then fired up the meteor lasers... Of course, some may argue that the Gummi Ship takes away the all-by-himself aspect, so... maybe instead he could catch 'em in a rockslide (similar to how Hercules gets the Hydra in the movie) by blasting a cliff with some Firaga blasts or with the aide of a reaction command. He'd pull it off somehow! :)
Thanks for all the warm welcomes, guys! I will do my best to post a lot (it just took me twenty minutes to load this site... ugh, rotten computer) and don't worry; I shall follow the rules. ;)
Hey everybody! I'm a Kingdom Hearts junkie (as I'm sure is the norm here) so Xendran told me that I'd probably like this site. So far, I'm impressed; but I will say now that I'm probably not going to be too active, owing to the fact that my computer only has dial-up and I have to share it with six other people. :P But I will post as much as I can, and I'll see you all around the site! :)