Hey, I have another question! :D I was just curious if anybody had a rough translation of what the configuration menu says. I usually poke around with those things when I start a new game but this time I couldn't read it, haha. It seems to be the only thing I can't really find a translation of, so I was just wondering if anybody knew.
Um... off the top of my head: The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (SNES) Super Mario World (SNES) Kirby's Adventure (NES) Chrono Trigger (SNES) Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars (SNES) Pokemon Red/Blue (GB) And then later down the road came the PS FF's. :)
Join the club. :) I broke a nail, what should I do?
Heh heh, that is one of my ultime favourite FF moments! :D It's hard to pick, but I think I'll go with moogles! They actually talk, are playable party members in some games (FF6 and FFTA for example) annnnnnd they say kupo! And for all of you that say they aren't cute... have you SEEN the moogles in Crystal Chronicles? Plus the ones in XII are adorable as well! Kupopo!!
Yeah, I got mine the first Saturday it was out (Came out on a Tuesday I think) and my sister and I snagged the last two copies from the local game store where we work. The store has yet to get any more in as of now, and I'm soooo glad we got ours when we did! :) This game is so strangely addictive and fun to play! It has a kind of Kingdom Hearts ambiance (which is to be expected) yet at the same time is very original and unique. Oh, and about your Shiki=Tramp discussion earlier, my little sister was looking over my shoulder while I was playing and the first words out of her mouth were, "Holy cow, she's a tramp!" :D
Clearly my name is Mark In The WINNER.
I'm happy bunny number three! And the winner... is always me! :D
Can I get the secret ending on all the modes as well?
Um... I forget where I was exactly... but if you paise the game (I'm not sure if bringing up the menu works, I was scared to try) then they game gives you a little reprieve so that you can get up and do other things. The lightning will resume like normal when you unpause, but not while it is paused. All I know is I did not move from the spot I picked the entire time I dodged them... I think I might have wedged Tidus behind one of the Cactuar stones so he didn't move too much. It's been so long now it's hard to remember, plus I think I may have subconciously blocked the pain of it it out of my memory. :p But it works better if you turn off the lights in your house and stare at the bottom corner of the screen, instead of right at Tidus. You see the flashes better that way. Oh, and I had to do it alone... I tried with my sisters in the room at first at it was catastrophic. ;)
Yeah, I've actually heard that before. And I'll say, I do like it. ;) It makes a lot of sense to me. But, seeing as though it is only a theory and all... it's not necessarily true, which then brings us back to square one. :)
Hmm... okay. Thanks guys, it seems I still have some thinking to do before starting. :)
My only quibble with it is the sudden personality change of Squall half-way through. He's all like "Ew, Rinoa sucks" and his friends force him to save her... then two seconds later he's all "Rinoa! Rinoa! Rinoa!" I just didn't really buy it. :p I wouldn't mind it so much if it wasn't for the fact that the theme of the entire game is suppose to be their so-called love, which I didn't really get. I thought other FF couples were waaay cuter (Zidane and Dagger, for one) yet the game didn't focus on them. But other than that... I love all the other characters and the opening FMV is one of my all time favourties! Although the story does get a little screwy at the end (why exactly was Ultimecia trying to compress time?) it's still a good game. :)
Maha! I have all of the ultimate weapons, crest, sigil and all! :D And believe you me... if you are not insane (which I clearly am) it's probably not worth it. Fifteen hours of blitzball... *shudders* But the easiest sigils to get are probably Yuna and Rikku's which is good since they are key for the Monster Arena. So if you just focus on one three-person team, make sure they're in it and you'll only have to kill yourself for one other person. PS - I did the lightning thing in 25 bolt streaks... I'd pause it, get up, get a drink, use the washroom, then come back for more. Fun times... :p
Can I do a video game one? "I changed my mind! I’m not going to kill you anymore, so you run along to Dehuai... Since I’m here, he better hide his girlie magazines, ‘cause he could get killed any day now!" - Yuri Hyuga, Shadow Hearts. Love that game! :D
Hmm... okay thanks. I'm not sure if I want to do Proud or Critical yet... Critical might be a bit too intense for me. Do you learn different/less abilities on Critical?
Okay, thanks! That's what I thought, but then I read somewhere that you had to beat Normal to unlock Proud, and then beat Proud to unlock Critical. And I thought that was unusual, so I just wanted to check. :) And on a side note, what makes Critical so much harder than Proud?
I just had a question about the difficulty settings in Final Mix. Are they all available from the start, or do you have to unlock the harder ones by playing on the easier ones first? I've poked around various places, but I can't seem to find a definite answer on this.
Here's two Riku quotes, one's from the beginning of KHI and the other's from end of KHII. First he goes through the door to darkness by himself, then he come back with Sora ! :) "Once we set through, we might not be able to come back. We may never see our parents again. There's no turning back. But this may be our only chance. We can't let fate stop us! I'm not afraid of the darkness!" "Once we go through, there's no turning back. It's victory...or oblivion. So, Sora...are you ready? Do you remember before? We stood facing each other on opposite sides of that door. Now we stand side-by-side. Let's go home together this time."
I'm not asking you--I'm telling you. Who is on first.
Tomorrow's the pitcher :D "I throw the ball to first base, whoever it is grabs the ball, so the guy runs to second. Who picks up the ball and throws it to what. What throws it to I don't know. I don't know throws it back to tomorrow--a triple play."