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  1. Bariyou
    Fights are composed of more than one round, people.
    Riku and Roxas fight, Roxas defeats Riku, Riku decides that he can't win but Ansem can. Roxas beat Riku, Riku became Ansem, Ansem beat Roxas.

    So YES Roxas DID beat Riku.
    Post by: Bariyou, May 11, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  2. Bariyou
    My view, which almost got me banned on another website.

    Illegal Immigration = WRONG. If it was right, it wouldn't be called ILLEGAL Immigration. This is mostly the States' fault, as getting to the testing facilities are more difficult than just border hopping. I think if we made it easier, such as provided transport, and all that, then we wouldn't have so much border-hopping as we do now a days. We also wouldn't have as much conflict, either.

    Also, immigration is fine with me, but those who intent to immigrate have to at least attempt the language. Now I'm not saying that they have to be fluent, hell I'm not even saying that they have to learn it at all! What I AM saying is that immigrants, if they refuse to learn the language, should lose their right to complain about not being able to understand people. Seriously, it's gotten to the point where America's language won't even be English anymore, because we're promoting the language to being Spanish instead.
    We need to find a middle ground.
    If you refuse to learn the language, then you also must refuse to complain. If you at least attempt it, then I'm cool with it all.

    Rights extend to American citizens, end of story. If you do not want to become an American citizen, then you do not get the rights of an American. Personally, I think this is right, but I don't think anyone should accept it. This sort of idea is a tough-love approach, which would get our point across. It would also nudge more immigrants to try and become proper citizens as well.

    Also, we complain about border control, and yet how many soldiers do we have in the state-guard, who do nothing? They don't leave the state they're in, go to boot camp every few months, and get paid like kings. Here's an idea, put them on border control, and at least let them earn their pay. :3
    Post by: Bariyou, May 9, 2007 in forum: Debate Corner
  3. Bariyou
    Evolution is provable, mostly because it's happening right now. In fact, insects are evolving to become more and more resistant to toxins we spew. This means that man descending from orangutans is at least PLAUSIBLE, if anything.

    God DOES know what we're going to do (according the Bible) but he does NOT choose for us. Think of life like one of those "Choose your adventure" books. He can read to many endings, and knows what WILL happen to us, but doesn't decide it for us. He just shelves the books, and shows us what all the possible endings could have been for us, when purgatory comes. Or, so I'd assume.

    The eye-construction has been proven, check any youtube video on it.

    Big-Bang is a theory, as many things scientific are. The one thing that bugs me the most is that non-religious people bash on the whole faith thing. Sorry to say, but The Big-Bang IS a THEORY, and regardless of the wording, DOES require faith and belief. All the vague, and assumed evidence aside, you HAVE to believe that it could have happened, before you take in the evidence.
    Much like you have to believe in God, before you start accepting religion's rules.

    Science and religion require faith, people.
    They're not as different as we all think.
    Post by: Bariyou, May 9, 2007 in forum: Debate Corner
  4. Bariyou
    Now, #3. and #1. According to the "Holy" Bible, all those who do not submit themselves to God will have eternal punishment in Hell. Let's take ME for example. I am atheist, yet I am a philosopher. I am a humanist. Is it right to put me, one who has done nothing wrong, in the same place as Hitler? I do not see that as kind, let alone omnibenevolent.

    Wrong, the Bible states, I believe somewhere in ACT, I'm not sure. It's been a while, honestly, that entrance into heaven is NOT based on belief. In fact, Jesus himself says that you do NOT have to believe in God, nor do you have to turn to Christianity to be permitted entrance.
    Instead, it is based on what you've done as a person. IE: Good versus Bad choices in life. Also, cleansing of sin does NOT require prayer to God, but a deep sense of regret for doing it.

    As in, if I lie to spare someone's feelings, I'll still feel bad about lying to them. Thus, my sins are wiped clean, according to the Bible, and all without prayer.

    Note, I AM Atheist, but this just tends to be one of the most common arguments, that everyone misses.

    Also, if you look at the Bible as a literature text, Lucifer's intentions are only good. His place in Hell does not actually make him evil, as God created it, and all of its rules. Lucifer, to be honest, tried to give man knowledge, tells him what he wants, and lets man know that his impulses are not wrong. Lucifer is more a humanist than anything, honestly.
    Also, something that came to mind, was that Adam and Eve gained what knowledge they did from a BITE of the apple. What knowledge would they have gained from eating the apple entirely? Makes you wonder whether God forbid it for them, or for himself.

    In any case, I'm also going to say that I have nothing against religion, and many people envision Atheists as Anti-God. (AKA, GOTHS!) Religion has its good points, first and foremost providing guidelines for basic life (no killing, no stealing, no cheating) and it does give people a reason to do good, who would otherwise do wrong. Some people look to it for guidance, and others (myself being one) don't. I compare God to the Greek Gods, as they are the same in principle.
    Post by: Bariyou, May 9, 2007 in forum: Debate Corner
  5. Bariyou

    Look at it this way.
    Traverse Town=Heartless
    End of the World=Nobody
    That's basically how it works, mostly since TT has a door to the heart of the world.
    Post by: Bariyou, May 9, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  6. Bariyou
    "New Series" could also mean alternate time. For all we know, the game will be about Xehanort's memories, but be played with Sora. Or it could mean a new series, as in a movie.

    Anyway, since it takes place during the Keyblade War, full-body armor seems appropriate.
    Post by: Bariyou, May 9, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  7. Bariyou
    Well, it's open for speculation, really. I mean, sometimes it comes to element, and sometimes it comes to character. As such, I'd have to say that the weakest is Zexion, since his fights tend to go by the quickest, with the strongest being Xemnas. After all, can't be the head of an organizations, and not be the top-dog, right?
    Then again, Luxord is pretty pathetic...
    Hm, cards versus books....

    In any case, it'd start with Xemnas, and then Marluxia. From there, it's all up for debate, with Demyx, Vexen and Axel as interchangeable, since their elements all defeat one another. Though, Larxene, and her spammy lightning would be above them. Saix above her, and Lexaeus below him. Roxas would be in the top three, I'm sure, and Xigbar would be somewhere in the middle, or maybe after Roxas.

    So, I'd say Xemnas, Marluxia, Xaldin, Roxas, Xigbar, Saix, Larxene, Lexaeus, (Based on personalities, and killer instinct) Axel, Vexen, Demyx, Zexion, Luxord.

    Xaldin goes before Roxas, due to the fact that Xaldin is one of few fights that Mickey comes to Sora's aide, and since Roxas=Sora, that means that Xaldin>Roxas. That, and because Roxas is more or less stuck to the ground, where as Xaldin can keep to the sky. Besides, Lancer-Dragon FTW. :3
    Post by: Bariyou, May 9, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  8. Bariyou
    Actually it's because the new scenes in FM+ have voices ONLY in the japanese version. This means that when it comes to the English parts, the whole scene is silent, with Japanese subtitles. KHvids keeps it in Japanese, so that we can hear the voices, and know who's talking, without excessive subbing.
    If it comes out in America, then FM+ will have full voice option.
    Again IF it comes out.
    Post by: Bariyou, May 9, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  9. Bariyou
    Oh that's nifty.
    I never used summons in KH1. Well, except Bambi that one time, when I was trying out Arcanum, Ragnarok, and all that. Oh, and Simba a couple times. Always in Traverse Town, never anywhere else.
    I dunno, I guess I didn't care to try them. Though, on retrospect, I should have used Tinkerbell a little more. That's cool, though, that they'd put something in to destroy any free-roaming attacking summons.

    Awesome about Chernabog, though. Especially since he has a lot of those hard to avoid, heavy damage attacks. Tinker would do well, and I guess that's why they made it so you couldn't summon her. At least, not normally. xD

    Still the sky-hopping glitch is awesome. What's even funnier is that there's a video on Youtube of it happening on its own. During the Ansem fight, when he attacks, and Sora goes flying up into the air, and has to wait for Ansem to eventually go up himself. Gotta love KH, and all its glitches. xD
    Post by: Bariyou, May 9, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  10. Bariyou
    There's a glitch at Destiny Islands, just before you take on Ansem. There's a ledge you can stand on, and if you angle yourself correctly, you can jump up, and land on the Y-Axis plane (I think it's Y) for the island. If you keep jumping, you'll eventually reach higher than the islands, and be able to walk around on the air, above them. If you walk outside the islands, you'll fall down into the water, or behind the stage. You won't fall forever, but it's a fun little glitch where you can start the Ansem fight from behind the stage, instead of jumping into it.
    Check it out on Youtube, to see what I mean. It's pretty funny.
    Post by: Bariyou, May 8, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  11. Bariyou
    Your cheats shouldn't cause any problems, I wouldn't think.
    Going into Final Form is a 50-50 chance. Apparently you just have really poor luck, and keep failing. There isn't any specific place that it will work, and when your luck turns around, it'll come.

    Or you could always use the cheat to put Final Form in there.
    Y'know, whichever.
    Post by: Bariyou, May 5, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  12. Bariyou
    The "FAKE" Keyblade. :3
    Google it, or simply Youtube it, if you really must know.
    Post by: Bariyou, May 4, 2007 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  13. Bariyou
    And yet no one talks about the infamous Destiny Island sky-hopping glitch.

    So very sad...
    Post by: Bariyou, May 4, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  14. Bariyou
    I think I understand what part you're getting that from.
    To me it sounded like he'd scream, "Back at'cha!" and then fire off the Warp Snipe lasers. Then again, Xigbar likes to just scream stuff, and I was always too busy kicking his butt (Often with Anti-form, because it always came up on him) to really listen.
    Post by: Bariyou, May 4, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  15. Bariyou
    Axel is a nobody, simple as that.
    But what we have to be aware of is that Roxas somehow uses the power of light, and from what we can ascertain, is that the power of light can do some pretty extraordinary things. Light saved Riku's heart from being consumed by darkness, and yet let him still use it. Light also was able to carry Sora from The End of the World to Castle Oblivion, rather than leave him to the Darkness's whim. Not to mention the Door to Light appeared when Sora's heart was filled with hope by Kairi's letter. And most importantly, Kairi's light saved Sora's heart from being trapped in a Heartless body, and also restored his shape entirely.

    For all we know, Axel's connection to Roxas might have put him in touch with his heart. Not to the point that he had a heart, but more like felt the heart's vibrations, and reacted accordingly. It is plausible, and would explain the whole "Awakening" that Xemnas mentions in KH2FM+, after Axel's "death", and why Xemnas speaks to Aqua's armor.
    Which, if anyone is wondering, is what he's using to find the Room of Awakening, and find his other friend, or Ven. Love you Wikipedia. :3
    Post by: Bariyou, May 4, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  16. Bariyou

    God of War

    Now, after having beaten it, I think I can say that some boss fights are insanely simple. The fates, and Clothos? Yeesh, lost hardly any health. Though Zeus, he was okay, until he started spamming those double-lighting attacks. Always did it while I was rolling away, or in the middle of an attack I couldn't get out of.
    Aside from that, the ending was pretty good, and the emotional range of Kratos did expand from the two previous emotions he had: Angry, and pissed. I'm intrigued at how the next one will turn out, so I suppose I'm slowly warming up to it.

    The one thing I'm grateful for is the low penalty for death. Unlike other games that restart you at save points, God of War will place you at predetermined check points, often saving you needless stage-roaming to get to a fight you might lose...AGAIN.
    So that much I'm thankful for.

    Some enemies I seriously hate. Those Gorgons...yeah...they can go right to hell. Honestly, I can't stand their insta-stone gaze. Sure, you can reflect it back, but you get so used to L1+Square, that when you start it up, you instinctively mash Square, only to find out that the buttons are different, and you're stoned. Which, of course, leads to death, as the second Gorgon (Because there's always two) attacks the exact moment the first starts up that stupid stone-gaze.
    Hate does not come close to the anguish they've caused me. I mean, seriously, I used high-strength magic, and it takes me four times the spells to defeat them than any other enemy. And Titan-Rage doesn't to much, and it normally takes me a full bar to rid myself of them. At least the rage makes me immune to stoning, so that's a plus I exploit. (IE: Rage, calm, rage, calm, rage, calm)

    A good game, not something I'm used to, but still good.
    Still, some of the weapons are pointless in their very existence, as you spend half of the game with Athena's Blades that using anything else is so unnatural, and pretty much pointless to use. Then again, I found anything outside of Athena's Blades, Earth-shake, and Cronos' lighting to be pretty much pointless, after they were maxed, so.....
    Post by: Bariyou, May 4, 2007 in forum: Gaming
  17. Bariyou

    God of War

    It's an OK game.
    It won't win any awards for voice acting, or scripting, but it's not like it's horrendous or anything. I guess Prince of Persia, and it's acting set a pretty high standard for voice acting. The succeeds where it's meant to: To be bloody, and open for various fighting.
    My only major problems are minor things, which, if anything, take a death or two to figure out before hand. Which, contrary to many games, is fine, since you always respawn just outside of where you died, generally. The things that bother me most are when you get into a boss fight, and you kind of have no idea what to do, or what to hit.
    I mean, the first major battle in GoW2 had me all over the place, before I realized that to finish the first part was to destroy the hand that WASN'T moving, rather than focus on the mobile one. Some boss fights just require a little too much thought, which you generally don't have time for, since you have to focus mostly on avoiding all the spam attacks some of the bosses can perform.

    The other little issue are the moves. The special attacks are flashy, at best, and nothing more. They don't provide any extra damage, and often lock you into a series of movements that make you more vulnerable than anything. They work wonders when enemies surround you, but often you'll be in the middle of the attack, and enemy characters will stop running through damage animations, and attack you, all while taking no damage from the flurry of attacks.
    The only one that I've found that always works is the lightning ball, and that does some pretty weak damage as it is.

    It just gets bothersome to upgrade weaponry, and find out that you kill faster, safer, and more efficiently, when you just stick to normal attacks. Kind of makes it pointless to even upgrade anything other than magic to start with.
    Post by: Bariyou, May 2, 2007 in forum: Gaming
  18. Bariyou
    As we all know, there are two types of Heartless that exist in the KH universe. We have the heartless that are made when the darkness in their own heart grows out of control, and consumes them. These known as Natural Heartless, and take on a completely black appearance, two antennas, and glowing eyes. They're often referred to as Shadows, but are also known as NeoShadows.
    Ansem, albeit visually different, falls into this category.

    There's also the kind of Heartless when a person's heart is consumed by some kind of darkness other than his or her own. Reference in KH1, on the first visit to Traverse Town. These are known as Artificial Heartless, and take on a much more colorful visage. They range in shape and size, bear the traditional Heartless insignia, and are capable of many amazing things. The glowing eyes, though, remain an ever constant.

    But there's a third kind of Heartless which propose a new idea all together. When the darkness in a person's heart forces the heart free, but is unable to consume the heart, leaving only the darkness behind(I'd imagine). These Heartless, though never delved upon, appear in three different forms, are much more powerful than other Heartless, and have one common characteristic.
    A Heartless such as this, would be a Heartless, without a heart. Ones that have heart-shaped holes in their bodies. In other words, Heartless of this nature, would be Darkside.

    I stumbled upon the idea one day, while playing more of KH1. The idea, though never touched on in the games, is intriguing, to say the least. If a heart could escape its darkness, and join Kingdom Hearts BEFORE the darkness consume it, wouldn't that make an empty Heartless? Or Darkness in its purest form?
    Sort of like a No-Heart.
    The idea IS plausible, after all. Though I got to thinking, what kind of heart could do something like that? Perhaps a heart capable of wielding the Keyblade? After all, we know that a Keyblade Master's heart is very strong, but what if it was subjected to complete darkness, wouldn't it be able to bend the rules, much like now a Nobody can bend its shape, based on its will?
    But Sora became a Heartless, right? Then again, Sora's darkness was self-inflicted, meaning that his heart was unable to escape that darkness, as it was surrounded and consumed by it, before it even left the body.

    So, I'm going to turn this onto you guys.
    Is it possible for a Heartless to exist without a heart: to be made up of the darkness of a heart alone?
    Thread by: Bariyou, May 2, 2007, 2 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  19. Bariyou
    No, don't like Roxas.
    As a character, he's just...annoying...
    But more than that, Roxas is the reason there's so much AkuxRoku crap out there, and quite frankly I'm sick and tired of it all. I blame Roxas, and his existence, for all that pointless yaoi between him and Axel. Didn't need it, and it's gotten WAY out of hand.
    Post by: Bariyou, May 2, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  20. Bariyou
    I would think that Namine came to exist the way she did, from the memories Sora had of Kairi. That would generally explain why her name wasn't anything like Rixaik or something. It would also explain why she is able to manipulate memories, when Kairi could do nothing of the sort.

    She's not a Nobody, per say. She definitely has a body made of Naught, but it's hard to clearly say much about her. But I think it makes more sense that she was made from Sora's memories and feelings for Kairi, and that's why Namine looks like Kairi, even though the princess never succumbed to the darkness.
    After all, if anything, Kairi was more a Nobody than Namine was, since she literally existed without a heart for most of the first game.
    Post by: Bariyou, May 2, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX