Well, then there's a good chance that the entire dragon fight takes place on the other side of TWTNW. This would explain Kingdom Hearts being there, as the fight is supposedly taking place above TWTNW, and KH is above the place. Besides, it's not uncommon to link maps together, even if by simply flipping the floor, to save space in general.
Wasn't the whole point to the "Final Mix" thing supposed be for the people in Japan to hear it in English? I'm sure that's why they're not releasing it to the States. Because it's point is to be for the Japanese. Not to say this will NEVER change, though. Hell, for all we know, KH2FM+ might come packaged with like KH3 in a deluxe box set, or something. Though, you have to realize, that if they do, they'll probably keep to the tradition, and put the whole thing in Japanese. Maybe not for Re:CoM, but I doubt Disney and SE would want to go through the hassle of hiring a few more voice actors to cover a few parts, that just end up dying anyway. Although, again, since KH3 takes place in the past, there's a good chance that we'll get to hear those voices anyway, what with Eleaus, Even, and the like being part of Xehanort's crew.
I do NOT know Japanese, nor do I translate any further than general Katakana, which isn't really translating at all. If there are things I put that do not seem right, or aren't real romanizations, then don't yell at me like I'm supposed to know any better. I'm simply throwing out what I hear, in the hopes that it might sound like what they're really saying. If I'm not mistaken, Larxene calls "Ikazucha yo" or something along those lines, which is roughly "Thunder" or something. Makes sense, what with Pikachu being a cross between the Pika rat (real thing) electricity (The "ika" part) and the japanese generic cute noise "Chu". She also says "Niga to!" "Kaidemi na" aslso. Anyway, enough of my pokemon geekiness! Axel's japanese catchphrase is "Commit it to Memory!". Same thing as "Got it memorized?" but more commanding. What with it being a yell, and not a question. No one should feel too bad about Marsha, I mean Marluxia, though. A lot of his talking IS screaming. Though, I have to admit, the kind of rolling he's got in the back of his throat when he attacks is kind of cool sounding. "Iyukuzo" is what Marly says at times. "Omoi de" as well. "Hideona na" during Re:COM during one of the Card Breaks. (Part two) "Himeno wa mitsu ka" when he lets those little Flower Pod things to shoot at you. "Moishe" when he rushes. "Iruku go" when he takes to the air. He also yells "Nai" which also means "no". (Part three) "Wari no kashimaita" at times. Listening to the Lexeaus fight, he sounds like he's saying "Kage yo" whenever he's going to punch the rock. Zexion tends to talk far too quickly for me to pick anything up. "Muushibu deshou ne" or something like that. That's all I can get. Couldn't get anything from Vexen, but then again, I can't really stand his voice. Hope this might come in handy, though.
Give me a source as to just where you found this secret out, otherwise I'll be forced to ignore it as a decent observation. Aside from all of that, Namine was a part of the Organization, through default. She may not have worn black, or been given a number, but she was still in their ranks, much like a Dusk was.
Riku can't die during the Xemnas fight. Hp is transferred, though, so if Riku is very low on health when that part happens, you'll have basically a "one-hit and you lose" scenario on your hands.
First time: Twice. Wasn't used to his pattern. Second Time: Can't remember, lost count. Seriously, I was just under-leveled, and was too stubborn to level-up, so I kept going at it, and failing until luck got me a win. Same way with Ansem.
You'll need Power Crystals, if I'm not mistaken, for most boosts. Head to Timeless River, and take out as many of the Fat Heartless, and Car Heartless as you can. They're the most likely to give you those. As for the others, I suggest just trolling around the worlds. Dense items come from Nobodies, Fire items come from Land of Dragons (I think), as for the others I'm not sure. Also, keep in mind that you can synth smaller crystals up to larger ones. So even if you can't get a higher item, you can synth up to it. It's inefficient, but it's not like you can't collect more. Just keep an eye on the kind of enemies in an area. If a lot of them use certain elemental attacks, they'll be likely to drop a synth item that parallels their element.
Actually it answers it just fine, though the person didn't realize what you were asking. Limit Form is something Sora has, but Genie does not get it.
Yeah, that's how I saw it. After all, they would need the original composer to get the song done, right? I mean, it wouldn't make sense for another game company's composer to create music for a different company, or genre than what they're used to, right? So I'm thinking that if they have the composers, then they must have some need for music from that series, and a stage is most likely. And where there's a stage, there's more than likely a character to go with it. Seriously, though, if Actraiser's "God" or "Master" in the American version makes it into Brawl, I will die happily. Master>Sora, it's a fact. :3 Also, if Shadow gets into Brawl before Amy, then I will kill Sega and Sonic Team, seriously. Shadow does NOT deserve Brawl, just like he didn't deserve his own game. There had better be Sonic, Tails, Knux, Eggman, and Amy before I'll even accept Shadow as a character in Brawl. Simple as that.
Actually you can make some pretty powerful premonitions, if you look on the official site's musician's page. http://www.smashbros.com/en_us/music/music01.html Characters in the game who have stages, need the music to be redone by the person who originally made it, yes? So far we have composers from Kingdom Hearts, Actraiser (YAY!), Chrono Trigger, NiGHTS, GRANDIA, Golden Sun, killer7, Pikmin, and others. This means that stages will probably be set according to the series listed above, and most of these series have been on Nintendo, and thus will more than likely produce a character for them. This would mean that God/The Master, Sora, NiGHTS, Captain Olimar, and the main characters from the others (as I haven't played them) are very likely candidates. Although I'm not sure if that means that all third party doors are closed. If so, then Sonic is very unlikely. If not, then it's still possible, though I'm doubting it. Still, it raises a good deal of speculation, and that's from the composers page alone!
I like "Neverland", "Synchronize", "Twin Howl", and er...whatever Tron's limit is called. I liked Session, it was okay, but it could have been much better. Aside from that, all the other limits had a sense of style, and flair to them that other limits didn't. I especially like "Synchronize", mostly because of how well the attack is displayed. "Twin Howl" is a good representation of two different strengths, and "Neverland" is just like a mid-air dance, with sparkles. And a boy who likes to scream "NOOOOO!" at the end of each limit. xD Tron's is wonderful, mostly because of how much the little pixel attacks look like waves of water. Not only that, but it's one of few limits which persist after the final button is pressed. Like "Duck Flare" or "Fantasia" Tron's limit gives you a little bit of invincibility time to do extra stuff, while also doing decent damage. It makes his very valuable indeed.
Oh that does make sense. ... IF this were a contest on how to place certain forms in areas where one or two would have a clear advantage. But since this is a "Which form is strongest?" and we're assuming this all takes place somewhere in the Kingdom Hearts universe, your attempt at making Anti come up stronger fails. Let's not also forget that Anti is fast, but also very weak. It's strength is hitting multiple times in one attack, like Final, and after any combo it's at the mercy of any enemy, as Anti form does like to go aerial a great deal. If this is all equal strength, Anti would probably out half of Valor's health in a combo, and Valor would retaliate with one combo, putting it out completely. Anti was MADE to be the worst form. That's why it's a PENALTY form. The point about Final and Master made a little bit up ago is true. Like I said, Final can pull off some wicked combos, but since each form is based around Sora, Second Chance is a given. Aerial Dodge is a hard maneuver to pull off, but if ANY attack is made while spinning, the spin lasts until the attack is over. Since Final has maybe two gaps in its attacks, Master would either continue the spin (Depending on how early) or have a chance to counter. Besides, Final may be super strong, but think about the magic Master could pull off. 1.5 damage per each magic, coupled with a full four combo Reflect spell. Yeah, Final's little display of super keys would easily be it's downfall. Granted the same can be done for when Master starts attacking, but the damage won't be as severe when reflected from Final back onto Master. Which makes me wonder, what would happen if one attack was Reflected back and forth between the two? I mean, whoever would get the final Reflect would send at least three health-bars worth of damage back per little explosion, meaning that if done well, you could out Xemnas easily. Would be pretty cool, if you ask me.
Guard is your friend. Glide is your spouse. Reflect is your mistress. Use them accordingly, often, and to Darkness with MP Charge! When discussing the Kingdom Hearts Storyline, an IQ of at least 160 is required, and is to be taken with a grain of salt. Riku is not your boyfriend. Roxas doesn't love you. Axel isn't boning anybody. When discussing Kingdom Hearts Theories, an open mind is required. Disney characters are not bound to things like time, and reason. "IT'S MICKEY MOUSE, FOO'!" Will end any debate. Follow up with "HE'S DA KING!!" to win more internets, or look like a loser, depending on your choice. Riku still isn't your boyfriend. Roxas still doesn't love you. Axel still isn't boning anybody. Sora is the main character, not Riku, not Roxas, and not Axel, deal with it. It's Aeris, not Aerith, you goit. Kingdom Hearts is spelled C-E-N-S-O-R-S-H-I-P. Riku refuses to be your boyfriend. Roxas refuses to love you. Axel refuses to bone anybody. Unless you can recall the exact moment you first saw the movie, you have no right to criticize its use in Kingdom Hearts. Hearts ARE power. Nothingness is NOT eternal. Xigbar can't make up his mind. Riku will always refuse to be your boyfriend. Roxas will always refuse to love you. Axel will always refuse to bone anybody. These are the rules. IT'S MICKEY MOUSE FOO'!!
Well, Anti-Form lacks everything but sheer speed and power. Anti-form would quickly be outed by any one of the other forms. Valor would have the strength to combat any form, but lacks the ability to deal magic, and is thus at the mercy of every other form. Valor would be the second form out. Wisdom has impeccable magical prowess, but lacks basic strength. It can keep a distance, but without a steady stream of magic, it quickly becomes useless. It basic attack, thankfully, allows Wisdom to keep at a distance. Problem is, that no matter how well you aim the attack, it can still be easily avoided. Wisdom would be the third gone. Now Master and Final are two different, and powerful forms. Master blends magic and strength, giving it Valor's and Wisdom's best qualities, with none of the drawbacks. Final unlocks the true strength of the Keyblade, and allows for a flurry of powerful attacks, making it a better version of Anti. Final-Form can escape quickly through gliding, but Master-Form can deflect attacks with its second jump. Final can unleash powerful Keyblade attacks, Master can let loose stronger magic attacks. Final may be strong, but Master is stronger. On base stats, all Final has over Master is pure speed. Speed, which unless controlled well, can have Final zipping by its target, and missing. Master lacks that speed, but has great traction, so once it gets going, it keeps going. Final can catch anyone off guard with its attacks, but Master can lock enemies into attacks which deal extra damage. Taking into account these aspects, I would say that Master would come out on top. Final is fast, but lacks that trapping power that Master has. Not only that, but Master-Form blends magic and strength so that its power is greater than Final's is. Besides, have you seen the way Master lets loose Thunder attacks? The form has you bouncing around, as lighting rains from above. Final doesn't have the kind of usability that Master does, where as Master doesn't have Final's speed. Still, Master can pull out stronger magic, and its strength makes up for the speed difference. Master may not hold the same combo skills as Final, but it makes up for it with a greater range of strength. Final does nothing to Sora's base stats, nor does it do anything to his magic. Master enhances both, giving it greater strength over Final Form. Of course, Final Form lasts longer than Master, but we're not looking at form duration, are we? Again, Master can do everything Valor and Wisdom form do, where as Final is reliant on Keyblade alone to take down any foes. Master has much more usability, where Final doesn't.
It's not at all uncommon for designers to fall back on many safe designs, when creating characters. Take Nomura, I believe that every hero he's created has had spiky, dark hair, aside from Cloud. Then again, look at Zack, and he's basically the reason Cloud does anything, and can bee seen as the pre-protagonist, I suppose. Many designers have certain things that just work for them, and they stick with it. It's just how artists are, I guess.
Let me reiterate. Yaoi=senseless. Akuroku=yaoi. Therefore Akuroku=senseless. That's the final, and most mathematical solution there is. :3 As for the no hearts and lust thing. Personally, I would think it takes a heart to lust. Lust is love of the body, a body which can be different to and for some people. Lust is just a variation of love, which is often demonized into being something from the body, for the body. Lust requires a heart, just all other sins. They are variation of love, love for food, for the body, and for oneself. They all stem from love. Plus, I would think it takes just a LITTLE more than "HAY, I DUDE U DUDE, LESS SCREW!!" "OKAY!!" to happen. Let's be honest here, if it were that easy, then everyone would be bisexual. Besides with the kind of shift Xemnas has them running, do you think anybody has the time to actually screw? I mean, hell, in the time it would take for anyone to begin foreplay, Sora would have done something that would require their attention anyway.
First off, any fangirl that says "OMG AKUROKU YAOI EEZ KEWL!" Doesn't realize that the term "yaoi" means "senseless". Yaoi, in its general form, is simply pairing of male characters, for the sake of pairing. If any fangirl says that they have a yaoi relationship, agree, and then enlighten them to why they DO have a yaoi relationship. Their pairing is purely senseless. Now the sexual undertones are more heavily stressed upon in American culture, because of how we view gay people. To us, any two males that don't show affection via burping, swearing, or being crude are automatically gay. In Japan, two males are able to show devotion toward one another, and still be straight. Chivalry is still alive in Japan, and Axel and Roxas had a relationship of say two best friends. Axel was upset, because he was losing his best friend. In Japan, emotions aren't considered gay. That's why so many fangirls see Axel as the gay one, and often dress him to be like the "woman" of the pairing. The truth is, Axel and Roxas were friends, and Axel didn't want to lose that. Any love between them didn't extend any further than a friendship level, and it's easy to notice it, when you stop assuming that every male character has a boner for another male. Finally, Roxas was obsessed with Namine, to the same extent that Sora was with Riku. Now, I know many people will go "OMG DOEZ THAT MEEN SORA <3 RIKU?", and simply put, no. Sora and Riku are friends, just like Axel and Roxas were. The only reason Sora didn't go nuts over not being with Kairi was because Kairi was SAFE! Well, as far as Sora knew, she was safe. Riku, on the other hand, Sora hadn't seen (Or remembered seeing) since the door to darkness was closed. Hence why Sora went a little overboard, ignoring Kairi who had just been kidnapped (and escaped with ease) and going to Riku (whom Sora assumed dead, or something). Anyway, Roxas was obsessed with Namine, mostly because of the promise Sora made to her. Roxas had more of a love affair with Namine than he did with Axel, but the thing is most fangirls will deny malexfemale, because it's "too conventional". Once again strengthening the fact that most, if not ALL, yaoi pairings are senseless in their entirety. Axel wasn't gay, he was chivalrous, and didn't want to lose a friend. Roxas wanted to find his memories, and sought Namine for that. Sora knew Kairi was okay, thought Riku was still lost. Axel is not boning Roxas. Riku is not boning Sora. None of them are gay, it's just senseless fangirl yaoi. And that's a fact.
Isn't that "Can also use Sweet Memories" conflicting with the "No Torn Pages" challenge? Either way, it's definitely sounding like one of those difficult challenges. A lot of boss fights are basically centered around form skills, and Abilities. Which reminds me, what about a "No Abilities" to tack on there? It'd make fights much more frantic (like Axel's) since some battles are heavy damage inducers, and things like Second Chance are basically the only savior you've got. Though, that borders the line of too hard, but then again, those people are looking for a challenge anyway. And Synthesizing also has to be taken into account, as things like Ability Up, HP Up, and those can be made through it. And if it's Proud Mode only, then KH2FM+ would be ideal, since it has the no experience Ability, and thus fights aren't really training, but just item collecting. I dunno, I'd just so much as to call it the "Back to Basics" challenge, and give players the luxury of whatever the game starts you with, and nothing else.
Then I point you to my reply, near the bottom of the first page.
Hm, I'm going to have to say that this is well thought out. A few things I'd like to add are pretty minor, but I suppose whatever information gathered is useful. As for Namine, I've often said that her connection to memories, and her appearance are because of Sora's memories about Kairi. It would easily make sense, as Namine was created when Kairi's heart left Sora. Not only that, but Kairi's heart mingled with Sora's, for most of KH1. When Sora turned into a heartless, it can also be theorized that something from Kairi's heart left her, and also explain why Namine was able to become one with Kairi. Something left Kairi's heart, perhaps her memories of Sora (seeing as how in the beginning of KH2 Kairi talked about people she couldn't remember) and Namine, having inherited those memories and the memories of Sora, gave her access into the memories of others. As for worlds and their hearts, I do believe this is true. Though, the End of the World, has no heart. It is a collection of worlds, thrown together, much like Traverse Town, but it doesn't have a heart of its own. It can't, since The End of the World leads to the door of Kingdom Hearts. This would mean that End of the World is more a nobody world, with Traverse Town being more the heartless world. Minuscule, I know, but information is information. As for Xehanort, and all that, I still believe that it was the bald man who possesses the Mysterious Soldier. Yes, Mysterious, not Enigmatic, as this is the name he's given in KH2FM+. This would explain why after Xehanort loses his heart, his heartless takes on the appearance of the bald man, while still holding some similarities to the Mysterious Soldier. What gets me more than anything, though, is the use of Keyblades. We can conclude that Xehanort is one of the two people in the trailers. Yet Xemnas doesn't once use a Keyblade. Though, if you think back to KH1, Riku possessed by Ansem DID wield a Keyblade. The Keyblade which opened the heart to darkness was one that Riku couldn't have made, nor could have anyone other than X's Heartless. This leads me to believe that Xemnas has no memories of anything before his apprenticeship to Ansem the Wise, whereas his heartless had no memories of anything after the Keyblade War. This would explain why the heartless was after the power of darkness, and Xemnas was after memories. They each held pieces of one whole, seeking the same thing, but for different purposes. One final theory is the idea of Kingdom Hearts. I believe that there are two different Kingdom Hearts, if not more than that. In KH1, Ansem (for the purposes of this discussion, it's Ansem and Xemnas) sought to destroy as many worlds as possible. But he didn't have need of their hearts, just their bodies. In a sense, Ansem needed to destroy enough worlds to build a bridge of nothingness through the Realm of Darkness, to the door which leads to Kingdom Hearts. Now this Kingdom Hearts that Ansem was after was the heart of everything. In other words, it's the main source of light in all of the universe, the Kingdom Hearts which births more hearts. This is what I call the Main Kingdom Hearts, and it never disappears. Xemnas, on the other hand, was after a Kingdom Hearts he could build. This confused me for a while, since Kingdom Hearts is supposed to be the heart of everything, and yet it requires hearts to build? This would mean that Xemnas was actually after a secondary, or Artificial Kingdom Hearts, which he could harness the power of. This Kingdom Hearts is one that is built by many hearts, and has a one-use limit. This helps to solidify the memory theory above, as X's Heartless would be after the original Kingdom Hearts, just as the bald man was, where as Xemnas is after a fake Kingdom Hearts, one he stumbled upon while experimenting with hearts as Ansem's apprentice. It gives a decent amount to think about.