Darklight Disturbance Arak'Un, the Mines Conrad attacks Spirit Spider 2 Conrad destroys Spirit Spider 2 Tessa's Vitality Tulip healed Conrad for 9 health Tessa used Stoneskin on Conrad, Conrad gains 15% armour Rayyad smiled to his friends and nodded. Were they his friends? They must be now, even though he'd kidnapped them... and threatened to lock them up in the caves... oh well. He ran forward, if he knew anything about the Spiritweavers it was that they weren't great at close combat. He spun with his spear and struck at the beast. Rayyad moved two spaces forward Rayyad used Longspear Strike Spiritweaver failed to parry Longspear Strike dealt 30 damage He then moved downwards by 1 Spiritweaver used Spirit Bite on Rayyad Spirit Bite dealt 14 damage Spirit Spider 1 attacked Rayyad Rayyad Parried Rayyad was hardly done with his attack when suddenly a magical pair of fangs lunged towards him and the spider's spirit bite bit him on the arm. He hissed in pain and held his arm, but looked up just in time to see the translucent spiritual spider slash at him. Quickly he moved his spear in the way and knocked away the spider's sharp limbs. "It must be getting low on mana, go in!" Rayyad gestured to the titanic spider which was gradually getting weakened. Arak'Un, Rayyad's House The potion is painful, very very painful, but you can notice that the wound is closing and the pain from the poison is lessening.
"Oh I love Italian!" Nick responded "And, uh, I don't want to be any trouble, I can get there myself. So yeah, just give me the address please. Shall we meet there in, say, an hour?"
"Ms Kala!" Timothy shouted as she left the vessel. Kala was jumping through the air, sailing towards and enemy... when suddenly she stopped mid air. Timothy's metal hand grasped her and placed her back on the ground, before turning and punching the attacker so hard in the face he went flying backwards. "That was very dangerous Ms Kala, you could have gotten yourself hurt!" Timothy chided "Now I'm not going to stop you fighting, that's what we're here for after all, but you must be less reckless. Stay with me. They've got guns" Timothy leaned over Kala protectively as a swath of bullets came at them. Many of the bullets bounced off his thick metal shell, but some pierced through. "To cover, my lady!" He stated, as he grabbed her arm and dragged her behind the convoy.
"Excellent" Ashleigh responded to A Soldier. "Let us not hesitate" Ashleigh gestured for her subordinates and Veera to follow her and they got to the transport. A short flight later Ashleigh strode into the Order encampment once they'd arrived. "Soldiers! Status report, what does the camp look like? How many troops do they have?"
A smile flickered across Vyle's face as she asked him if he'd been sharpening his knives all night "Well I don't usually need sleep. I stayed in here all night" he said. He moved slightly closer to Ana "What will we do? I'll tell you what we do. We deal with these evils one at a time. At the moment... Solomon is the biggest threat I can see right now" Vyle explained "I saw the army he gathered from the dead of Oxenfurt. I won't let his sadisitc wrath destroy and defile more lives" Atop a hill lay a ruined fort, stones laying around crumbled walls. A stony path led up to the castle, and deft feet skipped along them, a black cloak flailing in the wind trailing behind the figure. And behind the figure lurched a horde of the walking dead. Each of their eyes glowing a deathly blue, their minds puppets to the mage's control. They carried tools and massive logs of wood, and as the mage crested the hill and sat on the grass in the centre of the ruined keep, they set down their tools and got to work. One undead child brought the mage a cup of tea. "Thank you young lady. Now what should I name my new castle? Something evil would be expected, of course. That's how people see me isn't it? That's how they've always seen me. Might as well acquiesce to their expectations. So. How about it? Something with "black" or "dark" in it would be nice. Extra points if it relates to necromancy. What are some good words? "Doom", "Dread", "Grim"... hmmm" Solomon pondered. The girl did not respond. He sipped his tea. "I'll keep thinking"
Masque bowed his head shamefully as she spoke to him. Of course she wanted to know about his murders, or attempted murders. But the last one caught him by surprise. She wanted to know about him? "There's nothing to know. I am my work. That's all I live for" he stated without looking up "I don't need to know anything about you either... but... I am sorry. The moment took me. I can't always control myself. Do... do you want to see the pictures?" "Tonight would be great! I... I mean... if you want to..." Nick responded "I... I haven't even said my name yet, heh... I'm Nick. So... uh... where do you want to go?"
Big Game Hunting Fordington "Nevertheless, old chap! I am sincerely sorry" Sanderson stated, patting the manchild on the back. Sanderson turned to the rest of the group. "Right, ladies and gentlemen, we're going to split into two groups. One group will come with me to talk to this mage and try to investigate about this "Winter Man". The second group will help the city guard defend against the drakes. So chaps, which'll it be?"
Darklight Disturbance Kara finds a bottle of green stuff in Rayyad's House. Alice and Lumen find their way through the tunnels and arrive in the great abandoned underground city of Arak'Un. They soon find Kara and Laurentinus. Big Game Hunting Sanderson smiled at Sebastien's comment about the gods favouring them and kept his skepticism to himself. Ulrich, however, seemed not like one to stay silent. Suddenly something struck him "By the five realms, Bryce, were you up all night?!" Sanderson asked with worry "My good man I'm so sorry! I completely forgot to assign someone to do other watches! Please forgive me!" he pleaded with the man. He was really genuinely worred, he'd been so distracted he hadn't paid attention to the welfare of those he was supposed to be protecting.
Nick shifted uncomfortably. He did not approve of what Cin did to the other knights, but he was powerless to stop it "I'm... uh... going to go out. Get ready and stuff" Nick sidestepped away. Then ran. He stopped a little while from the safehouse, hands on his knees. He needed a break from all this bloodshed and violence. He felt in his pockets and noticed a scrap of paper, what was that? Oh. The guy. Ryan Reynolds. He kinda felt bad about hitting that guy with the car. Decidedly, he got out his phone and dialled the number. He needed to get back into real life. "Uh, hey there. I... uh..." Nick greeted as the man answered the phone "I... I would like to take you up on that offer" "Are you alright?" "No" Masque answered the question automatically. He then held the mask protectively as Morrigan recommended cleaning the blood off him "No no no! I can do this myself!" Hurriedly he rushed off to the bathroom and, in a rush and making sure nobody saw, cleaned the blood off his clothes. The T-Shirt was fine, it was red anyway, but the jeans would be stained. He returned to Morrigan quietly. His gaze kept returning to this bodies... the blood spattered across the walls. It wasn't beautiful. It was gruesome. Was this how other people saw his killings? Shaking his head, Masque returned his gaze to Morrigan "What could you possibly want to talk with me about?" Paragon zoidberged away
Paragon cocked his head to the side "I don't generally have much faith in anyone. Of course, I never expected you to acquiesce, but I don't like the way things are going" He stated. When she accepted his offer, he lowered the gun and bowed respectfully "My pleasure. Now I must be going. Places to go, people to see..." Masque stood still in shock as the events unfolded. The knight had seen him? Stupid Masque, he wasn't being careful enough. Masque wasn't really paying attention to what else was going on except there was a lot of blood. And now his masterpiece was threatening the knight. Masque crept around to Morrigan's side, she seemed like she wanted to defend him, though he wasn't quite sure about her motives.
Vyle didn't need sleep, he just sat there during the night sharpening his silver knives. Through the night he tried to focus on the menial task, but found himself getting distracted by various thoughts. Soon enough, dawn broke over the horizon, and Ann bolted upright, terrified. "Shhh, it's alright, I'm here" he stated without getting up "Just a dream, and that's where it'll stay" carefully, Vyle put away his knives, and walked closer. He tried not to look at her neck. The hunger still gnawed at him, but he could resist. He'd done it longer than most of his kind. He would never sink to their level and certainly wouldn't harm Ana.
Big Game Hunting Sanderson listened patiently to Aedan, and his words alarmed him. He was surprised that Aedan was able to talk to the drakes, although he had heard of people of the woods being able to communicate with animals. Out of the corner of his eye he noticed Bryce slowly approaching with determination and a gaze fixed on the man. That was odd, but Sanderson remained focussed on Aedan and the newcomer Ulrich "If that is the case this would certainly be an adventure, old chap!" Sanderson said to Aedan "Now Ulrich my good man, be fair, we've only just arrived" Sanderson noticed Bryce moving unblinkingly towards him, shoving past Sebastien "Certainly we can help in liberating the town from the drakes, as well as finding this mysterious "Winter Man" tomorrow, old sport. Although I would advise you not to chase vengeance, it never ends well" Sanderson warned Ulrich. Bryce was getting closer. "Now I think it's about time we all had a good long rest and prepared ourselves for tomorrow..." that was when Bryce whispered in his ear. There were a few moments of silence as Sanderson slowly turned his head to face Bryce. Sanderson's face was expressionless, with a hint of fear. When suddenly it broke out into a grin and a chuckle "Nothing more than something Esford back in Varewyn cooked up for me old sport. It'll help with my insomnia. I do sometimes have trouble sleeping" Sanderson said calmly, but there was the nagging feeling at the back of his mind. What he said was true, but he really didn't want to go into detail about why he had trouble sleeping. "Let's test how well it works!" Sanderson downed the potion and immediately fell to the ground asleep. Night happened and everyone slept in their tents. Unless you don't want to. I'm a timeskip, not a cop. Sanderson stood up and stretched, yawning as the sun broke over the horizon "I tell you chaps" he stated "That was the best night's sleep I've had in a long time" as he spoke Sanderson readied his rifle and slung it over his shoulder. "Well chaps, are we ready?"
Spreadsheets: The Game
Spreadsheetsw: The Game
Lumen and Alice's Spider Battle One level 2 enemy Overall Exp: 60 Split among 2 30 Exp Each Most damage: Lumen. +10 Exp Best support: Alice. +10 Exp Kill on Giant Spider: Lumen. +5 Exp Totals: Alice: 40 Exp Lumen: 45 Exp Alice levels up!
Rayyad nodded to Conrad and awkwardly held out his spear "It's the spiders, I mean... the big guy gets his power from the spiders he summons" Rayyad stuttered "I've never fought one of these before... I guess I didn't have friends to do it with" Rayyad knelt to the ground and placed his hands on the earth. Magic flowed through his hands and into the stone, it began to shake, then the shockwave suddenly bolted ahead and struck the ground where the spider stood, the magic shot out of the shaking ground and struck the spider. The spider stumbled and became disoriented. Conrad used Greatsword Strike on Spirit Spider Spirit Spider is defeated Conrad used Defensive Stance Tessa used Vitality Tulip Vitality tulip healed Conrad for 9 health Rayyad used Tremor Rayyad dealt 21 damage to the Spiritweaver, but with armour and magic resist this is reduced to 11. The Spiritweaver is disoriented Arak'Un Spiritweaver's passive activates, summoning another Spirit Spider Arak'Un Spiritweaver uses Spirit Bite on Conrad, but misses because he's disoriented Arak'Un Spiritweaver tries again, and hits this time Arak'Un Spiritweaver dealt 16 damage to Conrad, but with armour this was reduced to 13 Spirit Spider ran down 2 spaces Spirit Spider tried to bite Conrad Conrad parried Lumen used Longsword Strike on the Giant Spider Giant Spider failed to dodge Lumen dealt 47 damage to the spider, killing it instantly. Overkill indeed.
Nick looked around the room awkwardly as the knights came in. If a fight broke out in the safehouse he wasn't sure about the survival rate of everybody involved "What do we do? We might have to fight them" he whsipered to Alarick "I don't want anybody to die" he stated with determination. If Nick had his way, the knights would leave and nobody would get hurt. "You don't own me..." Masque muttered, but didn't object otherwise to Morrigan's request. That was when the knights entered. Masque looked between the two fairies. It was him. The knight who'd attacked him earlier. "I will talk to you later" He stated, before disappearing into the shadows and skulking behind the knights, in case any fight broke out. He would defend Morrigan, she was his masterpiece. Paragon didn't immediately respond. He continued staring around the room, almost disinterestedly. "I did not come to kill you. This is just security" He stated, gesturing to the gun "Point Number 1: You sent knights after me. If you don't call them off soon it may not end well for them" he said casually. "Point Number 2: I know you're working with the Clave. I know what the Clave wants, and I must say I'm rather against it. If the nephilim succeed they will become almost godlike, and we'll become even more oppressed than usual. I will ask you this just once. Stop assisting them. Point Number 3: I've been in the shadows a long time and I think it's time to bring my face out into the open. I'd like a position of power in the Seelie Court" There was a moment of silence after Paragon finished his requests "In return, you will gain the power and resources of my agents, and I may be able to help you find the one known as Morrigan Moonsong, and her accomplice Ash"
Ashleigh considered the question for a moment in silence. Well, the room was silent, but a soft melody played in her head. She tapped a finger to the beat for a moment. "You're a good fighter, and I've worked with you in the past. I trust you more than I do any of the others" Ashleigh stated, she was by nature a very paranoid woman "But also... you'd be a better soldier if you could be more disciplined, and honestly I think I'm the only one up to the task of keeping you under control. You seem uncomfortable under authority, but you need to realise sooner or later that many of us are..." she was about to say "more intelligent" but thought that was unfair "... more strategically minded than yourself. And besides, I'd rather have you by my side, at least then I can keep an eye on you" "That is a horse Ms Kala" "The Xanahammah?" Ran mused as he held the hammer protectively "Ooooh, well. It's an ancient artifact. And the Hammers would pay anything for it. I could always go sell it to them... Ten Thousand Sarn Dollars, I'd accept from you" Ran stated with certainty. He then stared at the crystal. He wasn't sure about it, but he'd never admit that "Fifteen Thousand for the crystal. And I'd love to join. And it's not stealing, it's borrowing without intent to return. What would you like me to do?"
"Did you know, my metabolism is so good It's very difficult for me to get drunk?" Saturday exclaimed into the earpiece "So yes, everything I'm saying is me being completely sober. Anyway, whatcha doing? I saw a bird earlier. I think it was a jay. I like the name Jay. Do you think I should add Jay to my list of names? Nah, Walter Beowulf Saturday is already enough" Saturday rambled into the earpiece "Apologies if I'm interrupting anythi-HEY! DON'T TOUCH THAT- Sorry, that was Claude. CLAUDE. WHERE ARE THE BISCUITS? Did you know over a hundred people a year die from falling off roofs?"
"...And so you see, every electron knows about the state of every other electron. This is not exactly faster than light exchange of information rather it's..." The tall man waved his hands vaguely as he spoke "It's difficult to explain in words. It's much easier explained in equations, I draw your attention back to the board" He pointed with his cane at some scrawlings on the side of some ancient rusted bit of machinery "Hey, are you listening?" The masked man snapped his fingers. The audience didn't seem fazed. This was partly because they consisted of rocks. "Sigh" He said. "You'll never graduate at this rate. Anyway, tonight's homework is to write a 5000 word essay on Gravitational Waves and their impact on ice cream. Class dismissed" the rocks did not move. After several moments of the man glaring at one of them, it shifted slowly away. With a tut, he walked away. Calling it walking wasn't quite right, it was more like gliding across the sand. He took shelter in a bit of machinery and gazed out over the empty desert that had once been populated, until the man's fatal mistake. "Typical. Can't get the students anymore, how am I ever going to rebuild the Truth Machine?" he asked the empty air. Slowly, he unfolded from his sitting position and walked up the wall until he was standing upside down in the husk of the machine. Once there, he sat and stared out at the upside down world. "I suppose sometimes you just need a change in perspective" he looked down below him, at the sky. With the lack of light pollution on this now abandoned world, space was unfurled before him, a million stars scattered across a carpet of night.