Nick listened gravely to the situation. He already knew it all, but somehow it was worse with Alarick summarising it. "I'll go with you Alarick" He said with a smile at the older shadowhunter "Uh... I mean... you'll need all the help you can get. We might get attacked by pirates" he smiled, trying to make light of the situation "Fairy pirates?" She's here. Most of the time Masque had just been looking down at his feet and trying not to be noticed, but as he briefly looked up he noticed her. What was her name? Morrigan? She was supposed to be dead. And yet Masque was happy she was not, another death not on his flickering conscience. Without thinking he slowly began to walk towards the fairy "You're alive" he stated with awe "Thank you. Thank you for not dying. You really do embody the spirit of the artwork I was trying to create, in fact, I would say your survival is more poetic than the original intent" the masque hid his facial expression, but at this point he suddenly seemed to adopt an angrier stance "But you defied the original intent, why do things never go to plan?!" he fingered his pockets for the gun or knife which should have been there, but found nothing. Click "Thank you for sending your knights away, rather convenient for me. I wouldn't want to have to deal with them on top of everything else" the voice stated from behind the Seelie Queen. Paragon stood with a gun aimed directly at her head. She wouldn't have to ask to know that within the gun were iron bullets. Slowly, Paragon walked around the room, his footsteps loud in the silence. He looked around the room, his gun still aimed at the monarch. He did not look like he had any qualms about pulling the trigger if need be. Picking one of her flowers he examined it absent-mindedly, then dropped it casually on the ground, using a heel to tread it into the ground. Earlier A human captive had been taken in by Seelie knights and left in a cell to rot in the Seelie Court. However, they'd "forgotten" to take the man's phone. In fact, it was Paragon pulling strings and ensuring this outcome. Using the phone's internet Paragon appeared fully armed within the Seelie Court. It was a simple matter from there to find the queen herself.
Big Game Hunting Fordington Survivor's Camp, Dragonvale: Sanderson chuckled at Bryce's explanation of the Adventurer's Society. He sat down on a log by the fire. A new stranger approached as well, and Sanderson greeted them with a smile "Greetings my good man, Sanderson Bracklewood, at your service! Indeed we do hope to save this town" he said. Talking to both Sebastien and the new person he began to explain the Adventurer's Society "Good explanation Bryce, but perhaps I should fill in the details. Since the discovery of lands beyond Tyrrus I've been determined to go beyond this sheltered country and brave the strange and mysterious lands beyond! I knew there would be people in our fair country with similar interests, so I decided to set up the Adventurer's Society! We're here so I can train all the new recruits, once I'm more confident in their abilities we shall be heading South, beyond the Storm Barrier. The "Scary Lady" Bryce describes is my sister Shyra, she's taken a group into the Darklight Caverns to investigate some happenings. The "Man Without Sideburns" is our friend Aston Venger, who I believe was taking a group into the Forgotten City, but I think he got distracted by a strange fellow and is now going up to Fogwarden Keep" Sanderson explained. "What is your name stranger?" Sanderson hurriedly asked, avoiding Bryce's question about the potion. Perhaps if they were alone he would have explained more, but with these new people he was wary. Suddenly Sanderson spotted Aedan in the crowd "Hello! Aedan old chap! We're over here!"
Arak'Un Spiritweaver approaches! Arak'Un Spiritweaver uses More Spiders Another Spirit Spider is summoned Arak'Un Spiritweaver uses Spirit Bite on Conrad The attack does 10 damage, but with armour it is reduced to 8 Spirit Spider moved right down two spaces Spirit Spider used Bite on Conrad The attack did 10 damage but with armour it is reduced to 8
Big Game Hunting Fordington Survivor's Camp, Dragonvale: Sanderson smiled to Bryce "'Colleague' merely means we work together, we can be friends as well old sport!" he said "Sit with us, old chap! I hope you like steak. Can I ask your name?" Sanderson asked as he invited the man on the horse. After a moment, Sanderson took out a green potion and examined it warily. He sat there for a moment with a deciding expression. Old man Greenbeard looked at Aedan with narrowed eyes. "Haven't you read up on any history, boy!? Salvakoryn burned down this forest in the Second Dragon War and it's never fully recovered. And I may not know her personally but I can still have an opinion!" he then poked Aedan lightly with his stick "You need to learn not to poke your nose into other people's business! It'll get you in trouble at some point. But these are just the ramblings of an old man" he muttered into his beard. "Hisss! I will come back! I will have my food!" the drake hissed, as it scuttled away into the undergrowth. "You'd better tell your friends about this "Winter Man". They seem dangerous. And the sooner we can get those drakes back into the mountains, the better" Shadowweaver turned rapidly, eyes glowing blue. Ren's hand was very close to him, he snapped forward and his great teeth and mandibles clamped down on Laurentinus's fingers. Those razor teeth pierced through the metal and into the man's fingers, pumping a burning acidic poison into his blood. The poison caused sheer agony to Laurentinus as it burned through his veins. Shadowweaver turned, slipping on his legs, and scuttled away at speed, towards the palace. Alice used Crag on the spider. No idea why. There's a rock there now. The spider is pushed to the side. Alice used Stoneskin on Lumen. Lumen used Arcane Bolt on Giant Spider. Giant Spider failed to dodge Lumen did 22 damage. Lumen used Arcane Strike on Giant Spider Giant Spider failed to dodge Lumen did 10 damage. Giant Spider moves left-down 1 to get around the rock. Giant Spider used Slash on Lumen Lumen parried.
Vyle looked out over the valley of deer. He looked at Ana with gratitude that she understood. "Don't look. Please" Vyle pleaded. He didn't want her to seee him for the beast he was. With that he swooped down into the valley and landed upon an unsuspecting creature. Its neck was so supple and full of lovely blood. Vyle feasted on the creature. It wasn't pleasant, but it was necessary. He tried to wipe the blood off his face and hands and returned to Ana. He didn't say anything and avoided her gaze.
"I see" Asleigh responded "I'm sure we'll win victory for the Hammer" Asheligh nodded to her cousin, and walked out of the doors, briskly followed by Requiem, Anthem and Veera. Soon enough they reached a shuttle and entered. "Make yourself comfortable" Ashleigh commanded, reclining on a seat and steepling her fingers "I hope we will be provided with more information" "Oh if it is a problem Ms Kala I will help you, you will let me touch you, won't you?" Timothy suggested, leaning over her protectively. Ransak sat upon the chair proffered and put his feet up on the table "Well" Ransak began to look through the sack "I got onto their airship. Stole some stuff. Escaped" he stated, he then pulled out the massive Xanahammah "Weapon of Xanatos Reaver himself. The ancient artifect of the demigods. The Xanahammah!" he beamed as he held up the hammer. Placing it on the table, he returned to the bag "And this. Trans-dimensional crystal. A direct communication to Xanatos Reaver himself" he placed both items on the table "Also. I'm now in trouble with the Hammers. I want to join your organisation. Protection, mainly"
Nick briefly smiled in response, he was glad he got through to Alarick. He nodded at Alarick's orders and began to walk away. Suddenly he was paranoid, they couldn't trust downworlders, they couldn't trust fairies, they couldn't trust the clave itself. Who could they trust? Each other, that was it. Nick arrived at the safehouse, making sure to hide his trail and get there stealthily. "Soooo" Nick greeted the others already there "Am I interrupting something? Sorry, carry on"
Suddenly, all accross Tyrrus everyone was suddenly interrupted mid-mission. In the caves, by the town of Fordington, in the woods of the North, a booming voice resonated around the world "Foolish Mortals!" It boomed "Your lives are insignificant compared to I, Betrayer of hope! Tormentor of Characters! All across the land I am known as The One Who Likes Necromancy, I am RELATIVELY SANE! THE DUNGEONMASTER!" People screamed as the voice spoke, the bravest men quivered in their boots, even the most determined characters cowered away from that horrible voice, it spoke with intense Britishness, it had undertones of evil and seemed excited to torment all RPers everywhere. It was a voice that plotted and had plans for everyone "I have grown bored of this! Thusly, I have decided to mix things up a little!" It explained, all around Tyrrus people seemed to appear from thin air "I summon thee, Mogdor the Troll, The Hive, The High King of Aryndark, The Technomancer, Solomon, Masque, Scarlet Nightborne, King Archon, Doctor Saturday, Zaikerik the Betrayer!" The voice exclaimed with glee "To create, Chaos unending!" Undead crawled out of the ground in hordes, commanded by Mogdor, the High King, Solomon and Zaikerik. The Hive, King Archon and Scarlet warped the minds of even the bravest and forced them under their will. The Technomancer drove armies of mechanical creatures across Tyrrus, ravaging the land. Masque brutally murdered, left and right, in artistically violent compositions, Doctor Saturday just stood around plotting. It was chaos for the world of Tyrrus, none could hope for survival. April Fools.
Name: Doctor Walter Beowulf Saturday Sex: lots Male Age: Unknown Species: Cirifex Appearance: Humanoid. He wears a one-eyed white mask and white gloves, along with a black suit and grey scarf. He carries a cane. Spoiler: Classy Rank: N/A Division: N/A Bio: The Cirifex of the planet Dun were once a proud and scientifically advanced race, though they never became spacefaring. The race had limited abilities over space itself, many of them could teleport or manipulate gravity. However, one man, Doctor Walter Beowulf Saturday, changed it all. He was ambitious, and wanted the natural powers of the race to advance beyond ever before. Hundreds of his scientists and engineers worked tirelessly on a machine a monstrosity of a device, that could access the very nature of the universe itself. Unbeknownst to him, when Walter entered the machine he sealed the doom of the Cirifex. For several moments, Doctor Saturday was elevated beyond mere mortality and he had a glimpse at the true nature of the universe, all of space and time was shown to him, every single possibility, every star, every life, of every universe. But Walter's mind did not have the capacity to gaze into the truth for long. He went utterly insane, his brain unable to handle the overload of information. With his newfound powers, he ripped apart the machine from the inside. The machine was already unstable, and as Walter destroyed it from within it exploded outwards with destructive force never before seen to the Cirifex. It was a global shockwave, every building collapsed, every once-grand city fell into ruins, and every living Cirifex was instantly killed by the blast. Except one. Saturday emerged from the machine a changed man. Though the truth had almost destroyed him, and had caused him to destroy everybody he knew, all he wanted was another glimpse at it. Saturday is a walking contradiction. He is utterly insane and yet disturbingly rational. His intelligence is almost unmatched but he does lack some common sense. In terms of personality, he is often cold and aloof, yet at the same time sociable and talkative. He generally treats people with kindness, if a little condescending, and never judges at first sight, yet he treats human lives like they're his playthings.
"No need, I'm here Jayce" Ashleigh stated as she strode into the room. Anthem and Requiem immediately moved to her side loyally. She stood with much more authority and confidence now than she had during the argument with Jayce, in fact, she looked at her cousin as if nothing had happened. "So, a mission? Exciting" she stated expressionlessly, something in her voice indicated it was far from exciting "Where are we going, what's our objectives, and who's accompanying me? If I may, I'd like to request the presence of Veera" she glanced over at the other woman appraisingly Timothy stood by passively as everything happened, Kala didn't seem to be in any immediate danger. He wished he could make clothes for her as she requested, but he didn't have any cloth on him. As soon as he found some wool he would start knitting a cardigan for her. "If my memory banks are correct, Ms Kala, the enemy of the Shards of Hope is the Order of the Hammer, the faction that woman belonged to. And be not afraid, Ms Kala, I will protect you from all threats" Ransak had finally arrived in the Shard's camp. He scurried around, hunched, as he carried his sack of valuable items, which included two new additions. He approached a man who seemed like some kind of CAPTAIN or something, he seemed important. "Hey" Ransak greeted "Sir? Sergeant? Captain? Captain. I can tell by your reaction" his eyes darted around the camp at the many bustling figures, then pointed to himself "Ransak Frisk. Trader. Scavenger. I've obtained some items. Valuable items to the Shards. Stolen from the Hammers. Very Valuable"
Galadorn looked at Kala slightly sternly "Now you know we have a duty" He stated with a wistful look "No days off. Except Christmas" with that, he put on his armour and leaned down for Kala to get on his back. Cantering around Kaynta, he ran through the trees and plant life with enthusiasm as she held on. Eventually they arrived at the Palace, to find their masters missing. Galadorn sighed "The queen is young and irresponsible. She's probably run off somewhere... maybe we should do the same. You wanted to go to the library, right?" Galadorn asked, before beginning to trot towards the library.
Big Game Hunting Fordington Survivor's Camp, Dragonvale: Sanderson smiled calmly at the man who approached on his horse "Oh worry not, my good man. I think there's a misunderstanding here, we've been called in by his Lordship Ulysses Emirys to help with the drake problem" Sanderson greeted "May I introduce you to the Adventurer's Society, I am Sanderson Bracklewood, chairman of the society. These are my colleagues, Bryce and Lyra" he gestured to his friends "Would you like to sit and eat with us, good chap? We intend to fight this drake infestation in the morning" "And I would join him! Never liked dragons, or their spawn! You know what the dragons did to my forest? Burned it down! That great bloody fire dragon! And I never trusted Zythia either" Greenbeard grumbled "But this Winter fellow is disrupting the environment, they're worse than the drakes!" "Winter man make things cold! Winter man make winter last too long!" The drake explained, but now he looked hungrily at Aedan "You look tasty!" Darklight Disturbance The Mines, Arak'Un, Darklight Caverns, the Sunset Mountains: As Tessa grew the grass in those patches of soil something incredible happened. Firstly, water began to drip from the eyes of the weeping statues, watering the plants. The massive stone door slowly slid open, tearing the magic web. "Brilliant!" Rayyad exclaimed "It seems we can go through peacefully now, well done guys" Rayyad congratulated. He then turned to Conrad "The Spritweavers? They have powerful magic and control over spirit spiders. But they're slow" Rayyad explained, walking backwards through the cave entrance. Unfortunately, a single strand of magical web remained, and Rayyad stumbled straight into it. He quickly tried to shake it off, but the damage was done. The strand snapped and the eight eyes above them glowed brighter. Slowly, a titanic shape began to crawl down the wall. Its legs became visible in the dim light, blue skin. "Oh by the gods I'm so sorry" Rayyad stammered as the huge spider slowly came towards them. Rayyad's House, Arak'Un, Darklight Caverns, the Sunset Mountains: Shadowweaver shrugged, he could barely understand the humans but they were asking about their friends. Shadowweaver's mind tried to communicate with Rayyad, when suddenly he was intercepted. The spider let out an ear-splitting shriek that echoed around the ancient city, and his eyes flickered from their normal red to a violent blue, as if the creature was fighting it. The spider fell to its knees and held its front legs against the sides of its head. It continued to wriggle and shriek for some time "Intruders!" A ghostly voice called out, reverberating around the cavern "You shall be destroyed! None should be allowed within this sacred land! Rayyad is weak, and has forgotten his purpose"
"Oh I don't expect you to do any killing, that's what Claude here is for" Doctor Saturday stated, gesturing to the chauffeur who got back into the limousine and put away the sniper rifle. Saturday suddenly held up a finger and looked into the middle distance as she asked him about the money. He reached into a pocket and rifled through some notes "This... this is monopoly money" he stated gravely. Suddenly he thrust a hand into Claude the chauffeaur's pockets and pulled out a tablet. He tapped at it for a moment and beamed at the girl "There. Money has been transferred to your bank account" he suddenly raised the eyebrow of his one visible eye "You're about to ask how I knew your bank details. Answer: You'll tell me them later anyway, I just cut out the middleman. ANYHOO, here's the good doctor's address. All I want you to do is have a look around, here's an earpiece too, I'll be in your ear the whole time. Metaphorically of course. I haven't completed my shrink ray yet" Claude suddenly opened Ana's door and bowed to the lady. They were now outside her apartment building somehow, though the girl wouldn't have noticed them moving "I look forward to us working together"
Archon narrowed his eyes. This wasn't going as he hoped, but then again, she was eight years old. "Very well" Archon stated levelly "Violet, watch over Annabelle while I'm gone" King Archon left to prepare more for the doppler culling, when suddenly he was struck with another telepathic lashing. Another connection severed. In a rush, he examined the ones who remained to uncover which was gone. "...Kyle" Kyle kept on running, flame of spear ready to fling as his guards approached the criminals, when suddenly... he was hit. A searing pain struck his back and his head. The flame spear was extinguished, but his momentum carried him onwards. With shocked and delirious eyes, he looked at his targets, and decided right there and then what was important. Loyalty. Filled with determination, legs that were rapidly losing feeling carried him onwards as his vision faded. Blood spurted out of him rapidly, no normal human could have survived for this long. But Kyle was no normal human. Replacing the blood that he lost was a holy fire, a determined loyalty. "Come on, I'm going to have to take you to the cells" the guard with Talon shoved the boy and they began to travel in that direction. But the guard suddenly turned and his jaw dropped as he saw what happened next. The guards broke past the shield, and Kyle leaped. He could barely even see any more, but he could think. And he could channel his magic. His jump was less than graceful, and he landed, a limp body, directly in front of the doppler and the sorceror. But as dead as he looked, his eyes were still open and shone with determination, and his skin glowed. One purpose filled his mind. On thought. "For Archon..." he croaked. In a split second, without warning, it happened. Fire filled his eyes and mouth, literally. His skin suddenly ruptured, his clothes burned off, and blinding bright fire erupted from his body as he exploded into a raging inferno that would surely envelop anyone nearby. Vyle was surprised by Teliana's sudden assertivity, but was glad. She was recovering slowly. He raised an eyebrow when she demanded that he fly them out, and was about to question it when he realised it really didn't matter. He snorted when she told him she trusted him "huh, I wouldn't trust me" he muttered, but nevertheless took on his batlike appearance. He didn't like being in this form in front of her, it made him look ugly, repulsive. Flying them over the walls, Vyle looked back every now and then in a paranoid way. Witchers had never been the most tolerant with vampires, would they hate him now he was in this form? He landed on the other side of the walls and set Ana down gently "Now why are we here?" Willow nodded in acknowledgement, but the smile was slipping from her mouth. She'd heard from her employer about Milosh's dreadful methods of torture. Willow killed people, but at least she made it quick, she gave them a mostly peaceful death. In truth, her stomach churned slightly as she imagined what the lord of Crow's Perch would do with this mage. Nobody deserved such treatment, not even one of the King's racist mage clique. Willow backed away slightly, but kept a superficial smile. "I'm going to deal with the mage's friends outside, have fun with the little birdie" you horrible man. She hoped the mage would talk and end it quickly. Outside, Willow found the cart driver who'd taken the mages into the castle, along with a few Redanian soldiers. Nobody more had to die here. She walked up to the cart driver "Your employers won't be coming back. Go. Leave if you value your lives, before Milosh decides you need to join his other victims" Violet saluted Archon as he left, then turned back to Annabelle "Apologies for his grace's behaviour. He really wants you to grow up as a worthy heir, and is perhaps too pushy in that regard" In the centre of Pontarsfork, there was a clearing, a square, and area once busy with people, now dead. The bodies of those who once bustled in this idyllic village lay down in the dirt, and one by one they rose again, shambling away into various buildings to kill all those who may have survived the initial onslaught. In the centre of the square lay an overturned cart, its produce spread across the ground and trampled into the dirt. Atop that cart, sat a lonely figure. A ruin of a man. Cloaked and covered with what had now become nothing more than rags, yet retained an unnatural blackness that seemed unable to fade. The mage held a pointy hat, pitted and charred, in his hands. The hands were covered with gloves that were barely holding together and revealed areas of pale, sickly flesh. Though the man's face was concealed with a mask and a scarf, both of which were in a similar state to the rest of the man's clothes, a look of sadness could be seen in those cold blue eyes. "Why did she have to say that?" he muttered under his breath "Why did she have to be so cruel, so sadistic, to say that?" the mage shook his head slowly. Around the village, his undead continued to slaughter left and right around the village, he absent-mindedly commanded them, but their angry souls did most of the work. They didn't know what they were doing. Despite what some may think, the slaughter did not bring the mage joy. Perhaps one day it would, but for now he continued in hope. When was the last time he'd felt joy? When was the last time he'd laughed and actually meant it? It must have been... before... before he died. They sat together on the hill watching the sunrise. The green-eyed man was in the mage's arms. That was the main feature he remembered of the man, those all-encompassing green eyes, eyes that understood and accepted. nobody else was around for miles. They could have absolute privacy here. "How long do you think we'll be together?" he had asked, gazing at the rising sun. "Forever, darling" The mage breathed, as he began to feel the sun's warmth on his face "If you die before me, I'll go up to heaven and fight the angels themselves to bring you back" The green-eyed man turned his face to glance at the man with a quizzical expression "Why not join me in heaven?" he asked. The mage simply stared at the sun for a moment longer "Because... I don't think they'd let me in" he stated with sadness. The green-eyed man looked at him sympathetically. Then their lips met. Forever, he'd said. A lie. The green-eyed man was a human, he'd never live as long as the mage. The mage shook his head of the memory. He had no time for nostalgia. He reached into his rags and took out the locket, the one thing he made sure to keep safe no matter what. The locket seemed to be forcing itself open against the lock that held it shut, it was beating, pulsating. It was hungry. The mage released the latch and the locket flew open, sending dark tendrils of magic flying up towards the sky. The clouds turned dark, and dark ropes erupted from the piece of jewellery, latching onto any and all bodies it could find as their souls were dragged back into it. One by one, the locket consumed the souls of the village people and leashed them to Solomon's command. But the mage was fixated on something else, something only he could hear. The cries and screams of the souls already in the locket. Wailing of women and children, terrified shrieks of men, nobody was brave when they were dead. Nevertheless, the mage kept it open. The world was his playground, he didn't care for the cries of the dead. It would all be worth it in the end "Forever. I promised it" Solomon whispered. The locket shut of its own accord and the dark magic disappeared. As Milosh levelled his face with the mage's, she scowled at him and spat in his face. "I'll never talk. Especially not to you"
Nick glared. His stare was full of judgement "Well that's why we have to fight back, isn't it? I haven't know you very long, but I at least expected you not to give up in the face of this... this... evil" Nick stated, waving an arm derisively at the mirror. His expression took on a pleading look "You know Brianne wouldn't want this. Do you want to fight her? Because at the moment, you're heading down the path to fighting her. Besides, what makes Brianne's life any more valuable than all the others combined? For the angel's sake, what makes her life worth more than just one of the others?" Nick questioned, then sighed "We shouldn't be fighting each other. We need to be fighting them. That's the only way we can keep our friends safe, don't you see?"
Nick's eyes widened as he watched what happened, he fought the urge to punch that old man in the face. He couldn't just sacrifice people's lives! There was no reward worth a life, no matter if it was a downworlder's, or a nephilim's. "I hope you're not going to go through with this" Nick said, crossing his arms and glaring at Alarick "There's no excuse for killing" No excuse for killing. Of course. Masque lowered his head in shame and sank to his knees. He had once thought that lives were worth so little whereas the art he created with them was worth so much more. But now doubts filled his mind and several conflicting ideologies clashed.
Darklight Disturbance Darklight Tunnels, Darklight Caverns, The Sunset Mountains: Rolling d20 +1 for Alice's success at getting past the spiders Alice rolled an 18. 10 was needed for success. She successfully gets past. +10 Exp Rolling d20 +2 for Lumen's success at getting past the spiders Lumen rolled an 8. 10 was needed for success. Rolling d20 for his luck Lumen rolled a 9. As Lumen passes by, one spider wakes and attacks him The lighter tiles are all webby covered, if you step on them more spiders will wake up.Giant Spider used Slash! (6 AP) Lumen successfully parried The Mines, Arak'Un, Darklight Caverns, the Sunset Mountains: Rayyad examined the web cautiously "Uh, I think it's a Spiritweaver's Web" Rayyad stated, the looked up anxiously at the eight glowing blue eyes above them "One of the only spider types I don't have control over. They're the ancient guardians of Arak'Un" he turned back to the others "Any ideas for how to open this door?" Arak'Un Entrance, Darklight Caverns, the Sunset Mountains Without a word, the spider began to scuttle away and gestured for the two humans to follow it. It lead them through the abandoned streets and forests of Arak'Un, only inhabited by various small animals, until they reached a house that was slightly less dilapidated. The titanic spider couldn't go inside, but nodded for the two to go inside. The house had two rooms. The first was a kitchen of sorts, with a small table in the centre and some food preparation areas to the side and a fireplace. The second was a bedroom, with an unmade primitive bed in one corner and a small bookshelf. Big Game Hunting Fordington Survivor's Camp, Dragonvale: The drake looked up in surprise at Aedan, then growled in response "Starving! Starving! No bears! No deer! Winter Man scared them away! Winter Man scared us out of home! Need human meat! Need human flesh! Forest is cold, too cold! Human den is warm!" the drake snarled, then snapped at some of Greenbeard's followers. They stepped back and stared in surprise at both the drake and Aedan, but the old man himself simply looked at Aedan appraisingly "So you can communicate to them too? Hmmm" Greenbread stroked his beard thoughtfully "The others have all said similar things, warnings about the "Winter Man" and being scared away from their natural land. Something's disrupting the Mother's course of nature" Greenbread suddenly turned to the drake threateningly, his staff raised "You do not belong here! Unnatural spawn of Assuria!"
Masque considered the shadowhunters words. He wasn't sure himself how he felt about the work. On the one hand, it was beautiful, and provoked intense emotions. As art should. But... on the other hand... it was gruesome and... and three people had died for it. Was it worth the cost? He wasn't sure. Every day was like this, half racked by guilt and half racked by pride. Masque went along with only the slightest struggle and stood, ashamed, in the room. At least he head his mask. The walls were white. White was so boring. It disgusted Masque, he needed to colour the walls. But he had nothing to colour them with, and he assumed they wouldn't give him anything. Masque closed his eyes to block out the empty canvas. No. Not here. Red would be a nice colour. Nick followed Alarick unquestioningly and stood passively as Alarick contacted his contact. He folded his arms, then thought that looked a bit too hostile, and let his arms fall to his sides. He didn't really know what to do with them now. Arms were annoying.