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  1. WarpObscura
    Xigbar for me, I love his voice, attitude and weapons. Plus Warp Snipe is just lovely in action.
    Post by: WarpObscura, Oct 11, 2006 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  2. WarpObscura
    Mine would probably be the 1000 Heartless battle not living up to expectations. The trailers promised Behemoths!!
    Post by: WarpObscura, Oct 11, 2006 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  3. WarpObscura
    I kinda figured that much. The fellow's name is "Ethereal S". I suppose you have seen his other two DMC3 vids?

    I guess that was the case, but it did seem to detract.

    That is how many Devils Never Cry already? Someone has already used "Nobodies Never Cry" and I wanted to use that title... Curse him! :mad:

    You did get my PM, right?
    Post by: WarpObscura, Oct 11, 2006 in forum: Production Studio
  4. WarpObscura
    Members of Organisation XIII are trained to take surprises in stride. Or at least they are supposed to. Lexaeus was one of a very limited few (he believed only Xemnas and Vexen also shared this trait) who actually put this into practice.

    So he was not startled at all.

    "You'll have to tell the rest about your true sex if you want to do that," Lexaeus replied calmly as he applied the necessary force, succeeding in his attempt to bench press 150 kg.

    The question was whether Marluxia wanted to divulge his true state of affairs to the others.

    ((GLHF at school, Koktankuu, pity you have to leave.))
    Post by: WarpObscura, Oct 11, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. WarpObscura
    Hmm... Your use of "Feel the sorrow the light has swallowed" was most certainly ironic. I also believe you could have switched out a new scene with every instance of "The eye can see". I would say "needs some Gameplay" but I say that to everyone so nyah.

    The credit bits were from... Are they from Vermillion Phantasm?
    Post by: WarpObscura, Oct 11, 2006 in forum: Production Studio
  6. WarpObscura
    "You will respect the Sudoku-" Lexaeus noticed that Nobody was paying attention to him and all were focusing on Xaldin. "Nevermind. Forget the dandelions and wheatgrass, fellows," he instructed the Bobican Nobodies, "go for the rice. Remember to deliver them to the food processing room."

    He snapped his fingers, not before keeping the pencil he had been using, and a dark portal appeared. Entering it took him to the gym. "Let's try to bench press 150 kg today, shall we?" He set up the custom-made machine with weights high above the normal maximum and started.
    Post by: WarpObscura, Oct 10, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. WarpObscura

    FF4: Cecil

    FF6: Terra, Kefka

    FF7: Cloud (with a proper First Tsurugi instead of the handicapped bandage crap), Barret, Cait Sith, Vincent, Kadaj and co. (team battle!) plus the rest from the previous games

    FF8: Squall (away with that Leon stuff, bring back Lionheart and Lionheart/End of Heart), Rinoa, Seifer (actual Gunblade please), Irvine, Zell, Laguna

    FF9: Zidane, Adelbert, Kuja

    FFX/X-2: Auron (glasses and no more tucking left arm in clothes), Lulu, Jecht, Braska
    Post by: WarpObscura, Oct 10, 2006 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  8. WarpObscura
    "A three goes here... I've been doing this for so long and it stills disturbs you? ... Is this a seven? ... Don't worry, I'm not touching your precious roses... No, that's a five... Dandelions are bad for noses... Now this is a four... We need the rice anyway..." Lexaeus spoke only half-coherently, his mind shifting relentlessly between the Sudoku and justifying his actions to Marluxia.
    Post by: WarpObscura, Oct 10, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. WarpObscura
    "What shall we play then?" Lexaeus asked.

    Xaldin reached into the Nobody Hammerspace and pulled out a pile of Sudoku pads. "Sudoku Racing. See who finishes more Sudoku puzzles within three hours." He retrieved a set of pencils too.

    "I like Sudoku, but isn't three hours too much?"

    Xaldin scratched his chin, then said after a pause, "No." I hope Marly knows what he's doing...

    "Hmph." Lexaeus snapped his fingers and summoned another Bobican Nobody. "Go take care of the dandelions and trim the wheatgrass. Harvest some rice too." He pointed and they went off, calling their own tomahawks into existence as they stalked on in search of Marluxia's dandelions.

    "Shall we begin?"
    Post by: WarpObscura, Oct 9, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. WarpObscura
    As most people should know, there is a saying "the road to Hell is paved with good intentions".

    Is this still relevant today?
    What reasons can explain why the opposing statement "the road to Heaven is paved with bad intentions" is not a commonly-used one?
    Thread by: WarpObscura, Oct 8, 2006, 3 replies, in forum: Discussion
  11. WarpObscura
    We have explored what happens when a heart gives in to Darkness. It creates a Heartless. What if a heart completely expunges the Darkness and becomes completely filled with Light?

    I doubt it would be as good as it might seem at first. After all, to paraphrase someone I cannot remember, "You would be as lost and confused in the most glaring sunlight as in the darkest tunnel". It could also add a tragic element of someone who is tricked into following the Light by thinking that he is doing good whereas he ultimately is not. After all, the saying is "the road to Hell is paved with good intentions".

    That reminds me, why does Nobody say "the road to Heaven is paved with bad intentions"? Think about it, but answer not here. No need to get anyone pwned for going off-topic.
    Post by: WarpObscura, Oct 8, 2006 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  12. WarpObscura
    I like the coloured trails Red Queen leaves behind. Gives a KH-ish vibe, it does.
    Post by: WarpObscura, Oct 8, 2006 in forum: Gaming
  13. WarpObscura
    What are the disadvantages of using a deck with Keyblades that have * rating for CB recovery? Think in terms of the Keyblades actually available in the game, as opposed to in general.

    If you CB an enemy's Sleight with Zantetsuken, do you remove all the cards in the sleight or only one?

    When using low-"value", high-power Sleights like Ars Arcanum and Ragnarok, what are the benefits and flaws of using Genie Jafar over Parasite Cage or vice versa?

    In a PvP fight, one player uses Genie Jafar and the other uses Parasite Cage. Exactly what happens?
    Thread by: WarpObscura, Oct 8, 2006, 5 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  14. WarpObscura
    "Will do," Lexaeus called back as he opened a dark portal and went through it to the entrance of Marluxia's indoor greenhouse.

    "Which to multilate first? Ginger?" Lexaeus asked himself. Spotting a patch of ginger plants, he tapped the floor next to it and the earth covering the roots shifted to the sides of the pit to allow him access. Getting in, he pulled his tomahawk out of the Nobody Hammerspace, made a few hearty swings and demolished about half of the plot. With a snap of his fingers, the earth shaped into a set of stairs that he used to get out of the pit. Looking at his handiwork with some satisfaction, he scanned the greenhouse, trying to decide what to go after next.
    Post by: WarpObscura, Oct 7, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. WarpObscura

    View at your own risk, it is big. The image.
    Post by: WarpObscura, Oct 6, 2006 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. WarpObscura
    "I see what you mean," Lexaeus said in response to Luxord's talking about Marluxia. Although he had not actually seen the Savage Nymph eat cookies, the dropping of cookie crumbs had a characteristic vibrative effect on the ground that he could pick up. He was the Organisation's master of Earth, after all.

    "I think I should deprive another of Marluxia's plants of its stems to keep the earth in good fertile condition," He said after finishing his Frosted Flakes and washing it down with three mugs of water. Big enough for him, of course.

    "To work!" He snapped his fingers and summoned one of his unique Nobody minions, the Bobican Nobody. The buff, long-haired, American Indian feather headress-wearing, long coat-sporting Nobody appeared... in the way all lower Nobodies do... and followed after its master to Marluxia's indoor greenhouse.

    ***WHOADP SPLIT***

    Points to anyone who gets the reference!
    Post by: WarpObscura, Oct 6, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. WarpObscura
    Devil May Cry 3: Vergil's Awakening (DMC3 Fanfic) (Mission One complete, expected completion something 2007)
    HiMEs Never Cry (My-HiME AMV to Devils Never Cry) (Expected completion Late Oct 2006 to Nov 2006)
    Keyblade Warrior: A Style Tribute to Krizy (KH AMV to Phoenix) (Expected completion March 2007)
    Post by: WarpObscura, Oct 6, 2006 in forum: Archives
  18. WarpObscura
    Not mine, but this was one of the most random and funny things I found by accident.

    Waffles, Pancakes and French Toast, Oh My!
    Post by: WarpObscura, Oct 6, 2006 in forum: Production Studio
  19. WarpObscura
    Well, you know how Xigbar has his Snipers and Xaldin has his Dragoons. So I was suggesting you invent the Nobody underlings for the rest of them.

    ***WHOADP SPLIT***

    "Not much help," Lexaeus said to himself. He decided to go eat it dry, because Frosted Flakes can be eaten dry. At least for him.

    People entered and left and entered and left and ... Luxord entered.

    "Making a lot of hysterical noises," Lexaeus answered Luxord's question as he finished a handful of the Frosted Flakes. "So, mind telling me what you saw that had been sawing itself into your retinas and rocked your socks so much you were left quaking in your boots?"

    He suddenly felt as though somebody was glaring at him for the multiple puns he had just fired off and pursed his lips in anticipation of Luxord's answer.

    ((C'mon, Mish or Darkandroid, send the Lex-man a steely glare!))
    Post by: WarpObscura, Oct 6, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. WarpObscura
    Since you do ask... Anyone gonna take mine?
    Post by: WarpObscura, Oct 6, 2006 in forum: Production Studio