I would have chosen Cloud or Squall if they had kept FF7 Omnislash and End of Heart. As they did not, Auron for me! :p
No one has managed to transcribe the lyrics for Mezame yet, so Devils Never Cry it is. Devils Never Cry (Staff Roll version) Shootie HG for Capcom Steel a soul for a second chance But you will never become a man My chosen torture makes me stronger In a life that craves the hunger A Freedom and (a) quest for life Until the end the judgment night Bless me with your gift of light Righteous cause on judgment night Feel the sorrow the light has swallowed Feel the freedom like no tomorrow Stepping forth a cure for soul's demise Reap the tears of the victim’s cries Yearning more to hear the suffer (of a) Of a demon as I put it under Killed before, a time to kill them all Passed down the righteous law Serve a justice that dwells in me Lifeless corpse as far as the eye can see The eye can see (X5) (clean vocal lyrics*) Bless me with the Leaf off of the tree On it I see The freedom reign We are falling The light is calling Tears inside me Calm me down Midnight calling Mist of resolving Crown me, with the Pure green leaf Praise to my father Blessed by the water Black night, dark sky The devil’s cry Bless me with the Leaf off of the tree On it I see The freedom reign We are falling The light is calling Tears inside me Calm me down Midnight calling Mist of resolving Crown me, with the Pure green leaf Bless me with the Leaf off of the tree On it I see The freedom reign Praise to my father Blessed by the water Black night, dark sky The devil’s cry (demonic lyrics under clean voice) Life of vengeance, a passive test Until the grave I will rest Engage the pressure until it crumbles The existence of the lifeless black souls Onward to the sacred battlefield Where justification and limits are revealed Tools of steel in rage they conquer Weed out the killing of victim’s stalker The powers proven to end the madness Upon I take it to end the savage The rays of light a truth of meaning To my father the blood is pleading A justice rage for all to feel With innocent cries and hatred squeals The gore of evil seems to satisfy When slain an maimed and pacified My chosen torture makes me stronger In a life that craves the hunger A Freedom and a quest for life Until the end the judgment night Watch the footsteps but never follow If you want to live tomorrow Steel a soul for a second chance But you will never become a man
What if the reason he goes evil is precisely because of the Light in himself? The old saying goes "the road to hell is paved with good intentions". The modern problems with fundamentalism and extremism show that one who believes too strongly in the righteousness of his own religion can take dire actions against the rest of the world. If you want an in-DiZney example, look at Judge Frollo in Hunchback of Notre Dame. After all, light is not automatically equal to good as darkness is not automatically equal to evil, contrary to the stereotypical (and very sadly flawed) belief.
Lexaeus, having finished his exercise for the time being, got out of the gym via the front door and started heading towards the food-processing section of Castle Oblivion. He had not gone many steps when he chanced upon a bunch of Dragoon Nobodies using their lances as pogo sticks, bouncing around like Tiggers on crack. Yes, he knew of the Book of Pooh. It was no secret, after all. "Gentlemen!" He greeted and the Dragoons snapped to attention, their earlier silliness abandoned. "Do you know where I might find a remotely sane entity to listen to? Perhaps your master might know?"
Lexaeus was still in the gym, preoccupied with bench pressing. Right now he was doing 155 kg. I have this strange feeling something happened to Zexion, but I don't know what...
Ah, okay, thanks. Now to go find footage of fights against them, any suggestions? Outside of 1000 Heartless Battle, as before.
Well, it probably is the level. Were you using a superior Keyblade, if I might ask? One-man TL is still good looking for the large number of swings issued though.
A "quick question": Where can you find those Heartless knight-things which give you the "Rising Sun" RC to use against them? Apart, of course, from 1000 Heartless Battle.
My name is Reflega, but you may call me Victory. By "Azul86".
Actually the second one is not "Real Hussein" but "Without Saddam". Still, very good finds. :D
Eternal Session rules because it looks good with the lightsaber blades, Spiral Swords and the All's End thingy as well as having the power behind it. Mansex gets raped using only Eternal Session. Watch for how much All's End knocks off his health.
How do you think they will handle Devil Arms? Will the Devil Bringer change to reflect the powers of the defeated Devil or will Nero still hold them in hand as Dante and Vergil did?
Doors, right? So you want Map Cards. If you have already crushed all the enemies in your floor and need more: I presume you know that you can always return to floors you have been to before? The entrance room will always be open so you can go to Traverse Town, wipe out the Heartless there, then ascend the floors, repeating the procedure. You get your Map Cards without needing to use any. Easy stuff, really, at your level. Unfortunately, the stuff is random, so I guess you will have to discard some if you cannot find what you want and already hit maximum.
Pardon my peculiar choices. Aerith: My Heart Will Go On (Celine Dion) - It symbolises the AerithCloud thing that never really came to pass. Ansem: Top of the World (All American Rejects) - Ansem was a king who fell due to his starting the Heartless research. Axel: Redemption (Gackt) - Axel "redeems" himself for his evil behaviour by helping Sora. Cid: Uncle ****a (South Park) - Just that kinda pottymouth, our Cid. Cloud: Tenth Man Down (Nightwish) - Under his deadly exterior, Cloud wants only peace, but until Sephiroth is destroyed, he will not have it and faces rejection. Demyx: Pretty Fly For A White Guy (The Offspring) - Demyx is too much of a Wannabe organisation member rather than a real Organisation member. Donald: Drop The Bombshell (Powerman 5000) - Wizard of deadly magic! Goofy: In The Hall Of The Mountain King (Edvard Grieg) - The wacky goofster. Kairi: Viva Forever (Spice Girls) - Always been waiting for the return of Sora and Riku. Larxene: The Great Empress (Millia's Theme) (Guilty Gear XX #Reload) - Fast and brutal just like the Savage Nymph. Lexaeus: What Have I Done To Deserve This (Pet Shop Boys) - Undeserving of his death. Luxord: Slash! (Ohta Michihiko for Digimon Tamers) - Master of cards. Maleficient: Hellrider (Judas Priest) - Never-stopping evil. Mansex: Centre of the Universe (Kamelot) - Such is Mansex's ego. Marluxia: I'm Too Sexy (Right Said Fred) - For the prettiest of them all. Mickey: Mezame (My-HiME OST) - Hail to the King, only such is epic enough. Namine: Pushing Me Away (Linkin Park) - Namine wonders why she had to do as DiZ/Ansem says. Pete: You Two (Chitty Chitty Bang Bang movie) - Blame "lol, Kingdom Hearts". Roxas: Ensei (My-HiME OST) - This far slower sibling of Mezame laments Roxas' fate as a Nobody to always watch out of Sora's eyes. Saix: Yakety Sax (Benny Hill Theme) - Insane fun just like the Luna Diviner! Sora: Materialise (My-Otome OST) - Bringing judgement down on evildoers as this suggests. Squall: Free (Powerman 5000) - Squall/Leon wants to be free of the bonds that bind him to his sorrow and free with the unstated-but-most-certainly-suggested Rinoa. Riku: Bad boy (Cascada) - Leaving behind his friends to romp on the side of evil. Vexen: I Believe I Can Fly (R Kelly) - The scientist believes in the success of his experiments. Xaldin: Taste The Blood (Shootie HG) - "Feed your anger" says he to Beast. Xehanort's Heartless: Brave Heart (Digimon) - "Show me your Brave Heart" that I may make ever-stronger Heartless of it! Xigbar: Hawaii Five-O Theme - We are going surfing... Yuffie: Mission Impossible Theme - Can she ever be a real ninja on par with greats like Ryu and Hotsuma? Zexion: Smooth Criminal (Alien Ant Farm) - A slick operator with his illusions.
"I knew Marluxia was crazy, but this takes the cake," Lexaeus uttered to himself once Marluxia had gone off. He continued doing his training.
"Warp" - I love teleportation. "Obscura" - In an old Zoids fanfic of mine (not online anymore), my OC had links to Vega Obscura. I like the kid! There was supposed to be a "ligia" in there, but my username here is "WarpObscura", not "WarpLObscura", so it matters not.
My Heartless of choice would be NeoShadow, while my preferred Nobody type would be Dragoon or Sniper.
Decapitation? Burning the body to ashes? Those methods work for pretty much every other "thing" out there. Unless of course Vamp can reconstitute his body from stray molecules.
Enjoy the full version of Devils Never Cry then. I was not criticising your choice of music, by the way, merely lamenting that somebody got to "Nobodies Never Cry" before me. Ah well.
"As if! You can talk all you want, but that won't change a thing." - Xigbar "See, that would work - if I were [sic] just any old dude. 'Cept I'm not. I'm with the Organisation. Nothing 'any old' about me." - Xigbar *Laughter* "That's RIGHT, he used to give me that exact same look." - Xigbar "I guess you think you can psych me out by saying really random stuff!" - Sora "Be a good boy now!" - Xigbar "Run! Run away!" - Demyx "Stupid computer!" - Sora "They're gonna pay for this." - Mickey "If the subject fails to respond, use aggression to liberate his true disposition." - Demyx "Oh, we do too have hearts. Don't be mad." - Demyx "I am you." - Sephiroth "Someone from the dark." - Roxas "You've really put Organisation XIII in a pickle." - Xigbar "But MAN did it pick a dud this time. You don't look like you're half the hero the others were." - Xigbar "Alright, reload!" - Xigbar "Different name, same fate." - Saix "You are the source of all Heartless." - Mansex "Foolish apprentice of a foolish man." - Ansem "If light and darkness are eternal, then surely we nothings must be the same... eternal!" - Mansex