HiMEs Never Cry is in Beta release now. Final release expected 1st Dec 2006. KH: Keyblade Warrior is 1/3 done already. Seems like it will be finished ahead of schedule. Another one in planning: "Otomes Taste the Blood" (My-Otome to Taste the Blood) (Expected completion Late Dec 2006)
"The night is still young," Lexaeus uttered to himself as he wandered through the corridors of Castle Oblivion. He pulled a Neverland World Card out of the Nobody Hammerspace. "I feel strangely tempted to go bash up on Hook." ((Kairi, I just noticed that you spelt my username wrongly in the first post of this thread...))
If you have the cards to spare, bring out the Zantetsukens and always keep one ready to smash his Sleights. Remember to break his Elixirs as well.
Use the Dodge Roll well. You do not want to spam it because Meteo has a high chance of nailing you during the recovery, but ignoring its availability will punish you as well. Try to refrain from using Sleights until Darkside is at most one HP bar left too so that you do not run out of cards too early.
"Yes, I suppose I could wait some more hours. I have been waiting so long for some good instruction, so I could a bit longer. Night," Lexaeus replied to Luxord's request and went back to his walking. Where had the Superior and Saix disappeared too? He was still waiting for the Nobody cows to appear.
It can also anagram to "Tan Hero". Strange but true. Thanks to Mr. Garbanzo of Thoughts of Zexion fame for making that better-known!
Lexaeus was getting bored. Stoning was not his favourite sport, even if it was part of his element. He just happened to be in the corridor leading to Luxord's room and saw the Gambler of Fate walking back to his room. "Hey, Luxord!" He greeted. There was something he needed to know. "Could you spare the time to teach me Contract Bridge?"
What about character-type bosses, then?
Three Keyblade cards, any kind, can be same or different. All value nine or zero. When activated, Sora makes a slash and some kind of long trail comes out. However, do not be fooled by appearances, the bugger is actually very difficult to damage the enemy with and the damage is light. As mentioned, I have been lucky with it thus far. The real benefit of Zantetsuken comes from its less obvious effect. It Breaks the card or Sleight in use and the cards broken are broken permanently until the battle ends. That means that Hi-Potions, Mega-Potions, Mega-Ethers, Elixirs and Megalixirs cannot "retrieve" them. Of little use against "large" bosses, of course, but very useful against character-types and your friends. As you can whittle down their deck and no amount of Item Cards can save them. Which brings me back to my question. Do you need to actually damage the target with the Zantetsuken to permanently break his/her cards or will mere activation be good enough?
I need to clarify one thing: Do you need to hit an enemy with a Zantetsuken (as signified by them turning pink briefly) in order to permanently break the card/Sleight in use or will mere activation of the Zantetsuken do it? I have been lucky with striking the crazy thing on the bosses so I am unclear about this.
Thanks for the sig, mate! Man, Xaldin is so under-loved...
Lexaeus had simply nodded, turned and uttered "tell me when the time is right" in response to Marluxia's show of gratitude, stalking off on another stroll through the corridors of the castle. He was nowhere near when the incident involving Axel started.
Lexaeus decided that the birthday celebrations would most likely be held in the kitchen and made his way there with the case in hand. He waited for Marluxia to get over the shock and presented the wrapped case, saying, "Your present, Marluxia. Custom made by Zollo for you, per my exacting request." --------------------- Just a reminder, Zollo is the weaponsmith who services OrgXIII's needs.
Worry and rush not, I can wait a bit. :)
I gotta request. KHFM random gameplay battles against NeoShadows and Soldiers (normal Soldiers, no need to be together, at least three full battles). YouTube was no help. Please?
:( My apologies, I did not know. It was not in the rules and it is not a commonsense sort of thing. I shall not commit that crime again within these boundaries.
username or w/e name want |Warp L. Obscura| the character |Xaldin| a picture of character in a link (no fan art) This one? a quote of theirs |"Trust no one. Feed your anger!"| BG colour: Beige
Lexaeus finished wrapping up the case and looked at his handiwork proudly. Now when do I give it to Number Eleven?
Lemme try with a Keyblader. Name: Timo Jouhani Ho Keyblade Name: Shirado What the keyblade looks like: 1.5m long, thin blood red blade in the zweihander style. The "protrusion" is a cored diamond shape with a strangely-floating orb in the centre. If that fails, suffice to say that it looks like this. One handle is shaped like a crucifix with only one end linked to the hilt like in regular swords, while the other is a crescent moon linked on both ends of the hilt with a five-point star attached. The keychain is longer than normal at 30cm, formed like a series of linked carabiners and ending with a trio of entwined "S"es. Timo addresses Shirado as a male even though weapons have no sex. What the warrior looks like: Male. Dark yellow hair usually slicked flat. Feline eyes. Short, sharp nose. Large earlobes. Square jaw. 1.91m tall. Tanned Oriental skin. As buff as it is "naturally" possible for a human to be. Fingernails trimmed to as short as possible except for pinkies. Although not outwardly tangible, trained tenor capable of hitting sopranoic notes. What the warrior prefers to wear: White long-sleeved shirt with cuffs. Dark grey three-button waistcoat. Stiff collar and fuchsia bowtie. Dark blue ankle-length tailcoat. Black long pants and leather shoes. Personality: Quiet and introverted but very decisive. Hates dissent and rebellion, desires harmony. Outwardly disapproving yet secretly envious of romantic relationships, which he knows he can never enjoy again. A radical at heart, he is willing to trample over civilians in his quest to put a permanent end to evil, even though he knows his family will abhor him for it when the time comes for him to account for his deeds. Those sharp of ear will often hear him sing Yuki Kajiura classics in whispers. Bio: Timo was a man of well-heeled family background from a world known as Anoilrem in the Realm of Twilight, an engineer whose only claim to martial ability was a rigorous exercise regimen and a Taekwondo course he had taken in his youth. He had a wife and three children. All was good. Then one day a year ago, the Heartless suddenly struck. He was away from his home at the time and was unable to defend his family, something that haunts him to this day. The Heartless had managed to do away with everyone else in the hotel he was staying, but Shirado had appeared and guided him in fighting off the interlopers. For unclear reasons, Anoilrem was not destroyed by the Heartless, but it was nevertheless reduced to a ghost world with very few survivors. When he returned to his home, he found many mage-type Heartless, primarily Wizards, on the grounds and slaughtered them all. The last of his family on Anoilrem, Timo took a family Gummi Ship to Radiant Garden where he now resides in an austere apartment, trying to discover exactly why the Heartless attacked his homeworld. Fighting Style: Although his world was not Japanese in culture, Timo prefers to use a modified Iaijutsu technique. Since Keyblades do not have saya, Timo "operates" by rapidly summoning Shirado for swift attacks and then de-summoning him. Due to the circumstances of his history, Timo has a massive hatred of destructive magic. Although he knows the basic elemental trinity of spells due to his private study subsequent to the cataclysm, the only kind of magic he will use frequently is the Cure-series. He will always seek out mages first and refuses to ever help any magic-loving allies who are in trouble. Although he lacks any specific externally-manifesting powers, Timo is faster, tougher and more agile than the average human, a fact only enhanced by the power a Keyblade confers on its wielder. Quote: "Vengeance is the weakest of shields, but the strongest of weapons."
Well, to be honest, I did say "relations", not necessarily "friendship". Good work anyway despite the slight misunderstanding. It amazes me how well the slaughtering of Shadows bit goes with the flow. Trinity Limit and Eternal Session can be easily found using YouTube (the KH1 version aside... and ignore the irrelevant bits while you are at it), even though the quality is less-than-optimal. If you cannot download and convert them yourself, I could help with that so you have material to improve with. Which download host do you prefer?