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  1. WarpObscura
    Yeah, Almighty Darkness feeds the Heartless steroids so the cards they use become even higher in value. However, if you are trying to hunt down Enemy Cards, Almighty Darkness also increases your chances of getting them.
    Post by: WarpObscura, Nov 22, 2006 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  2. WarpObscura
    Nine more days to Final Release of HiMEs Never Cry.

    KH: Keyblade Warrior (A Style Tribute to Krizy) is finished. Way ahead of schedule too, without sacrificing quality either.

    Vergil's Awakening still in the works. Replaying DMC3SE to get back my "feel" for the ssstyle.

    Otomes Taste The Blood starting soon.
    Post by: WarpObscura, Nov 21, 2006 in forum: Archives
  3. WarpObscura
    I made a Kingdom Hearts MV. Technically, this is my second work, but my first is still in Beta Release so it counts as the first of my Final Release works.

    Kingdom Hearts: Keyblade Warrior (A Style Tribute To Krizy)

    Contains spoilers for all three games.
    Thread by: WarpObscura, Nov 21, 2006, 14 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  4. WarpObscura
    I regret to inform you that you will have to just keep on synthing Teeming Darkness rooms and slicing through Heartless until you get lucky. Do you know that you can delete map cards if you have reached the maximum and are not getting more? Use that to help you.
    Post by: WarpObscura, Nov 21, 2006 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  5. WarpObscura
    I was always under the impression that Keyblades automatically returned to their wielders if they were taken away by any means. However, the incidence of Keyblades being used by people other than their wielders in KH2 seems to contradict this.

    For example:
    1) Riku using Oblivion which he caught after Roxas threw it at him
    2) Kairi using the Keyblade Riku gave her
    3) Sora taking Way to the Dawn from Riku to attack Final Xemnas

    So what exactly is the truth? Is it actually possible for a Keyblade-user to "lend" another person temporary control of his Keyblade? Does the Keyblade wielder exert influence on the Keyblade to make it usable by others or is there another factor to explain this?
    Thread by: WarpObscura, Nov 20, 2006, 11 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  6. WarpObscura
    What does the second one do? I have seen the first and third, but the second one is hazy in the ocean of my memory.
    Post by: WarpObscura, Nov 20, 2006 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  7. WarpObscura
    Name: Suffix Haerrs

    Faction: Villain

    Sex: Female

    Physical description: Asian skin. 1.82m tall. White hair in a chest-length braid, fully pulled back with no bangs or sideburns. Orange eyes. Double eyelids. Short, sharp nose. Small lobeless ears with an orange-gem'd earstud on the right ear.

    Outfit of choice: Black thigh-length evening gown with a yellow strip going diagonally down to the left from the right shoulder. Black knee-length frock coat with yellow trim and two hip pockets. Black biker gloves.

    Weapons: Twin switchblades. One has a gold grip with a ruby affixed to the end, while the other has a bronze grip with an attached sapphire. Both have silver-coloured blades one foot in length.

    Personality: Suffix is perpetually irritated with everything around her. At least, that is how she acts. Behind the facade of neverending anger is a frigidly rational mind of genius-level intelligence. A schemer of the highest order that would make Machiavelli proud, she has no qualms using anyone and everyone to achieve her goals. To her, ethics is an alien concept and morality is as useless as a comb for a bald person.

    History: Suffix was born in the same place as the hero and went to the same school as him. In her earlier years she was an introverted little girl, unnoticed by most (including the hero) and not very likable by those who actually took note of her. No one accepted her as a friend. She wanted to be part of the most popular clique, the members of which would eventually become the present-day leaders of state, but she was rejected.

    Eventually, though, Suffix proved her greatness in a surprise assessment. Her father, who was a prominent warlord, proceeded to send her away to a distant country's private school for society's elites. Surrounded by more mature and understanding classmates, she eventually matured into a beautiful and wise lady. Once she completed her education, she returned to her homeland and entered the civil service, where her former schoolmates now held high rank.

    However, under her alluring looks, her heart had been forever twisted and irreversibly darkened by the discrimination she had experienced in her youth. Declaring to herself that she would not allow such things to come to pass again, she tapped on a large variety of sources for her secret ends. Even as she acts the part of a prim and proper member of high society, she plays the shadowy puppetmaster too and nefariously manipulates the other characters into a position whereby she can overthrow the current governmental system and establish anarchy.

    • Attack - Swipe at one of the party members with both switchblades. Deals two separate hits.
    • Offguard - Suffix teleports behind a party member and brutally thrusts a switchblade into his/her back. Although the maximum damage dealt is no more than 1.5 times the maximum damage of "Attack", the main advantage of "Offguard" is that it completely ignores Defence (or whatever you are calling it), thus it will always deal the full intended damage.
    • Without Warning - Suffix's equivalent of the highest-level Electric/Thunder/whatever-you-call-it spell that the hero's party can use. Only even more powerful, of course.
    • Limit Seal - If struck by a Limit Break, Suffix stands still for a moment and then suddenly appears behind the party member that used it, a vertical line of energy appearing exactly in the centre of that party member. That party member then takes damage equal to 50% of how much the Limit Break dealt to Suffix. Ignores Defence.
    • End of Days (Limit Break) - Suffix teleports in front of a party member and slices him/her to ribbons with 21 blindingly-fast slashes, then uppercuts him/her into the air before snapping her fingers. A massive beam of energy shoots out from a rip in reality high in the atmosphere and engulfs the target.
    Post by: WarpObscura, Nov 20, 2006 in forum: Archives
  8. WarpObscura
    Sadly, "Ansem" (I suppose you know what the quotes are for, assuming you have played and finished KH2?) is considerably more hit-and-miss than Marly II, given that there is no way to predict which attacks he will or will not nullify.

    Best advice I could give would be to ready Parasite Cage to break his personal Enemy Card, as well as using your Zeroes to break his Sleights and Items and reloading as soon as you run out of Zeroes. If you keep this up, you should be able to run down his deck to something more manageable.

    As always, play keep away until he can form no more Sleights.

    I think. I have yet to try the minimum-health game. Sorry for not being able to be more helpful.

    No Key to Rewards in Castle Oblivion.

    No need to open all the rooms, just enough to get to the Key of Beginnings room and then the one that has the exit. Use a Moment's Reprieve card on the room which has the exit so you can save before the final boss. By doing that on Riku's side as well, you will be able to come back after finishing R/R and get the Lexaeus and "Ansem" Enemy Cards.
    Post by: WarpObscura, Nov 20, 2006 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  9. WarpObscura
    Were you talking to me? No right? There is nothing relevant to my request on that page...
    Post by: WarpObscura, Nov 20, 2006 in forum: Production Studio
  10. WarpObscura
    Hey, you made the minimal requirement. Complain not. Tsk.
    Post by: WarpObscura, Nov 19, 2006 in forum: Production Studio
  11. WarpObscura
    The "Xigbar Saix Ri-KU" bit was pure awesome on a stick.
    Post by: WarpObscura, Nov 19, 2006 in forum: Production Studio
  12. WarpObscura
    Glad to help, come again! Watch yourself in Castle Oblivion though, the enemies will be stronger than ever before. If clumps of Shadows are overwhelming you with numbers, use Ragnarok. Holy will also work against anything, even Defenders that have their front to you.
    Post by: WarpObscura, Nov 19, 2006 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  13. WarpObscura
    Not really that good damage-wise, just difficult to dodge. Which either way ends up getting you damage.

    The "Marly II" refers to the second encounter with him. More specifically, the final one. The numbers refer to number of times encountered.
    Post by: WarpObscura, Nov 18, 2006 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  14. WarpObscura
    What about Larxene? Beat her too?

    Be careful when dealing with Marly. His Sleights require good timing on your Dodge Rolls to avoid if you cannot whip out a 0 or 27 in time, plus he is ridiculously evasive during his reload phase, even more so than RR.

    The same cannot be said of Marly II, though. XD
    Post by: WarpObscura, Nov 18, 2006 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  15. WarpObscura
    If you love using Sleights, yes, it will help you get more out of your deck. If you are playing beatdown, though, it will be useless.
    Post by: WarpObscura, Nov 18, 2006 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  16. WarpObscura
    Lexaeus finally shook his head and returned the Neverland World Card to the Nobody Hammerspace, taking out a piece of paper, a marker and some Blu-Tack instead. He headed back to Luxord's door and wrote a message on the paper, Blu-Tacking it on the door. After which, he proceeded to walk back to his room, not bothering for the convenience of the Dark portal.

    The message read:
    "Anytime you're ready to start the Contract Bridge lessons, Luxord, visit me after 0900."

    Number Five had no idea that Number Ten was out and assumed he was asleep. Thus the course of action. Of course, he hit the sack as soon as he was in his room.
    Post by: WarpObscura, Nov 17, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. WarpObscura
    Only against character bosses to break their Enemy Card effects. Decide for yourself if you want to do that.

    I would disagree with you due to the sheer usefulness of Cloud's Sleights. Just stay away from zeros, though.
    Post by: WarpObscura, Nov 17, 2006 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  18. WarpObscura
    Vexen's enemy card might save you if you really take that much damage, but I would recommend AGAINST depending on it.
    Post by: WarpObscura, Nov 17, 2006 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  19. WarpObscura
    13 is not enough. Remember, we need at least 18. The Neo-OrgXIII members plus the five Keybladers. I count only three Keybladers (including Timo), four if Hexin is to use Nickel alongside Hexin. Not enough yet.
    Post by: WarpObscura, Nov 17, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. WarpObscura
    What I did was to go on the defensive and keep dodging his attacks, crushing his Sleights with Zantetsukens and breaking his Elixirs until he was down to a very small deck, then whip out the Omnislashs and smack him down.

    I regret to inform you that I have no more savegame there, otherwise I would gladly make a video for you. X_X
    Post by: WarpObscura, Nov 16, 2006 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX