Search Results

  1. Kingdom Hero
    Can I have a simple sig.
    can i have these words on there: follow the light.escape darkness. (in cursive?)
    background:like dark water ,sora on the left riku on the right in the middle is the ultimate weapon keyblade and the way to the dawn keyblade(in the formation of like an X)
    p.s.thx in advance!!!
    Post by: Kingdom Hero, Feb 4, 2008 in forum: Art Shop
  2. Kingdom Hero
    oops my bad lol.
    Post by: Kingdom Hero, Feb 4, 2008 in forum: Art Shop
  3. Kingdom Hero
    thank u sir Im sorry for breakin a rule!
    Post by: Kingdom Hero, Feb 4, 2008 in forum: Art Shop
  4. Kingdom Hero


    im serious i need some friends plz!!!!!
    Post by: Kingdom Hero, Feb 4, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Kingdom Hero
    I dont know much about signatures,but I do know i want one with kingom hearts , sora, and other kingdom hearts related thing,someone tell me the options. thank u!
    Thread by: Kingdom Hero, Feb 4, 2008, 8 replies, in forum: Art Shop
  6. Kingdom Hero
    mine would definelty by thunder,or five minuets to midnight , or apologize!
    Post by: Kingdom Hero, Feb 4, 2008 in forum: Music
  7. Kingdom Hero

    hi im new!

    Can some1 show me where to find the best place to get a kingdom hearts signature?
    Post by: Kingdom Hero, Feb 4, 2008 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  8. Kingdom Hero
    I aggree with u because the battle of hallow bastion was the funnest part,I mean deafting 1000 heartless totally awesome!
    the axel battle was awesome as well.
    Post by: Kingdom Hero, Feb 4, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  9. Kingdom Hero
    Ok Heres Wat U Do U Read The Story And Add 2 Words,and Whoever Thinks It Good They It Is Can Put The End At The End.rules! 1: No Cuss Words 2: No Sick Gross Sexual Words 3: Dont Erase The Story. 4: Make It Funny 5: I Can Be About Watever U Want It Be About!

    So I Went Walking Down The Street And
    Thread by: Kingdom Hero, Feb 4, 2008, 26 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Kingdom Hero
    here u make up ur own story about sora, donald,kairi,riku,goofy, living together in one house!make it funny,akward,sad, IT'S UR STORY!!! so have fun with it. !~here is my story.....
    p.s. a little heads up, in ur story sora and kairi r married.



    g-gawrsh wats wrong?
    d-I cant reach the cookie jar........
    g-hehee dont even try I saw kairi eat them all lastnight.....
    k and s-hey wats wrong?
    d-look I bought those cookies and u ate them u fat hippo!!!!!
    k-im not a fat hippo
    d-fatter than a fat hippo!
    k- dont forget I still have a keyblade!!!!!!
    r-haha....funny story I kinda sold it on ebay for 1 mill. munny.....
    s-*this isnt good*
    k-sora , honey, i need u to go on ebay and find my keyblade , while I strangle theese two with my bare hands!
    g-gawrsh be easy on um! they didnt mean it,,....
    hi sign here!
    s-wat is it?
    r-o its somethin....
    -kairi runs outside
    k-A CARR! u bought a car with my keybladE!!!!!I will choke u so fast the darkeness jumps out!!!!!
    r-sorry look in the glove box.
    k-yay! a box of cookies~!~~~!!!!~~~
    Thread by: Kingdom Hero, Feb 4, 2008, 12 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Kingdom Hero


    I need friends.plz add me send me msgs. :)
    Thread by: Kingdom Hero, Feb 3, 2008, 16 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Kingdom Hero
    My favorite is the ultimate weapon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!its rocks in final form!
    Post by: Kingdom Hero, Feb 3, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  13. Kingdom Hero
    my favorite fight scene......would be..............ummmmm..................i cant decide...............the game is the coolest ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Thread by: Kingdom Hero, Feb 3, 2008, 18 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  14. Kingdom Hero
    Msg Alert!

    I think the forum area would b better if u got a msg sayin when some1 has replied to ur post,or ur rep has raised,stuff like tht......u know? :silence::star-wars-smiley-02:starwars:
    Thread by: Kingdom Hero, Feb 3, 2008, 30 replies, in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  15. Kingdom Hero
    I would take away a keyblade from some1, And be the hero!
    Post by: Kingdom Hero, Feb 3, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  16. Kingdom Hero
    here is sora!!!!!!it took a lot off work!

    so wat do u think?
    Post by: Kingdom Hero, Feb 3, 2008 in forum: The Playground
  17. Kingdom Hero

    hi im new!

    hello im the biggest fan of kingdom hearts evr so ur site is the coolest!Since im new i was wondering if some1 could give me a little rep?im not begging im just askin, it doesnt matter if u want to or not.I have already met a friend who has been very helpful! I give ur site 100/10 stars~!~:)
    well some1 tlk to me lookin for more friends!!!!!!!
    Thread by: Kingdom Hero, Feb 3, 2008, 13 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures
  18. Kingdom Hero
    ok well I was playing kh2 and when I got to the point where u have to get money i did the the one where u hit the ball,well i kept hittin it and when i got 20, i got stuck in midair hittin the ball so i kept hittin and when i fell my combo was 190!!! lol
    Post by: Kingdom Hero, Feb 3, 2008 in forum: The Playground
  19. Kingdom Hero
    1:at the end of kingdom hearts when sora and kairi r trying grab each other hands, kairi's phone goes off!
    2:when sora first discovered his keyblade he said"holy crap!!, so thts where the key to my dairy is."
    3:when sora was turnered into a heartless " eeeewwwww Im a moving terd"
    4:when sora ran into the guy in the secret spot in kh1, the dark guy said '" i am ur personal online stalker!"
    5: when sora met peter pan sora said"dont touch me ur a gay cheerleader!"


    g-gawrsh wats wrong?
    d-I cant reach the cookie jar........
    g-hehee dont even try I saw kairi eat them all lastnight.....
    k and s-hey wats wrong?
    d-look I bought those cookies and u ate them u fat hippo!!!!!
    k-im not a fat hippo
    d-fatter than a fat hippo!
    k- dont forget I still have a keyblade!!!!!!
    r-haha....funny story I kinda sold it on ebay for 1 mill. munny.....
    s-*this isnt good*
    k-sora , honey, i need u to go on ebay and find my keyblade , while I strangle theese two with my bare hands!
    g-gawrsh be easy on um! they didnt mean it,,....
    hi sign here!
    s-wat is it?
    r-o its somethin....
    -kairi runs outside
    k-A CARR! u bought a car with my keybladE!!!!!I will choke u so fast the darkeness jumps out!!!!!
    r-sorry look in the glove box.
    k-yay! a box of cookies~!~~~!!!!~~~~~~
    Post by: Kingdom Hero, Feb 3, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Kingdom Hero
    so this forum isnt a contest more like a art forum
    1)info must be clear to understand
    2)dont copy someone else's
    3)if u can get a pic then put it on there.

    Here is my organization member.

    name: pixel

    Weapons: he is blind folded becuse he uses dark aura blasts (dark magic)(kinda like what riku uses in kh2 but stonger)) and he uses this aura to control his weapons, his weapons are ninja throwing knives

    friends: Axel, Roxas, Siax, luxord.

    he likes namine and kiari!! but know one knows!

    he is 16, and he has been in the organization for 3 years , and his fight skill is off the top, i mean he is really good at fighting. when he takes his blind fold off his aura gets weak, and then the worst thing he can do is blast you, you may be wondering how can he see?, well his aura guids him and with his aura he can see a little of everything.pixel is kindof a rebel, he dyed his robe white to b different.
    (couldnt post my picture......its tight)
    Thread by: Kingdom Hero, Feb 3, 2008, 1 replies, in forum: The Playground