can some1 lock this thread so noone sends messeges to it for no reason. thx khero
if u hate kairi and sora some much why do u play the game? and the keyblade wat was riku sopposed to giveher a big long heavy 1 with skulls on it. no. shes would thow it down and give him a very bad look. just saying wat I feel khero o p.s. i was tlkin to the person who started this thread not orange orange is my friend! :)
Do u have any suggestions off a cool description of a new sig? I must b really annoying but is tht graphic program something u have to pay for?cause if its not I wanna try it,maybe.
ur theory might work, but heres mine: I think tht xemnas and king mckey had it planned tht he would find a way for sora to somehow get chosen by bravery. idk dont listen to me lol my theories are ******ed lol
o thts kool!well tlk to ya l8er thx again!Ill drop by later if I can up with another sig. khero
well,we all should know by now tht roxas is sora's nobody and namine is kairi's nobody.... I heard from my friend tht sora wasnt acctually the chosen keyblade wielder, he said he saw a video tht said sora's family his like great great great ancestors were the chosen keyblade wieders!!!!im not totally sure if thts true or not. isnt the keyblade war all about finding the true keyblade weilder??? Its all confuzing!!! lol !!!
ok It took me a couple try's but I FINALLY figured it out!!lol!!!ty!!!!! how do u do that it so awesome!!!!
ty!when I get it on there I will show you how It turned out :)
Thank you amberslovick, now this thread is pointless,I have been prooved wrong. thanks for yall's help khero
So does anyone have a clue when its comin out? Cause im really excited!!!!!
a think we add a new option,because im tired of having to hit my profile then hittin view threads so heres my idea, next to quick links , there is a new option-my threads. and if u hover over it,it drops and another option appears,my posts! If u like my idea let me know! thank you! khero~!~
im sorry but the name is pixel,not kingdom hero,tht is my bad so sorry! I was tired and I typed this name:kingdom hero, but i meant pixel. so sorry!!!!!!
hi um it said tht its to big i thiink how do i put it in? I went 2 sig opyions and went to my the one tht said saved image on computer(cause I saved it)and hit browse hit the sig. and hit save and it said somethin like too big or somethin idk...........can u help me?
hi!I have my own character he is apart of the oraganization,(he joined after 1 of the members were destoyed by sora!)I know u dont like profiles but I need to put it for ya,so u know who he is! name: Pixel age:16 personality:cool,laid back,lazy,powerful. subname:the aura of the light and darkness. weapon: he is blind folded , he uses dark aura blasts (dark magic)(kinda like what riku uses in kh2 but much different and stonger)) and he uses this aura to control his weapons, his weapons are ninja throwing knives.if u take off the blindfold he is blind.He wears it because he is guided by the aura. can u add him to the list under saix? thx! khero
Name: kingdom hero Rank: the aura of light and darkness Number: Personality: lazy laid back powerful Reason For Being Here: I wanted to join another guild.friends.
I was tellin my friend to go to my profile hit view my threds and look at the organization infinite and if they want make an organization character. welp I g2g see ya tommorrow! thx for all the help! khero!
Can i have a signature made? text:we are the hero's of the light...... background:kairi's keyblade, a way to the dawn keyblade, ultimate weapon keyblade(the tips of the keyblades touching ,kind of like when sora donald goofy use trinity)behind tht is pure light not white , and a crown in the corner.. p.s. if thats too much never mind,but thanks sooo much!
well since ur mi friend make it cool stuff like tht,im tryin to form an organiztion plus there is at least got to be 1 joker or funny 1 in the group so you could b the funny 1!(axel is the funny 1...or demynx)
hey u guys checkout my profile and hit view threads posted by khero,and check out the organization infinitie forum its cool!
thx u guys im just waitin for the graphic shop to make me a sig.wat r yall doin?