Search Results

  1. Darkaeroga
    After the 2nd anaversery suprise thing Kh-vids skin (the backround color and details and everything) changed....To this white style. I hate it. I like the old Blue style with the BBS banner on the top. I tryed to change it...its usually gives you options in the bottom of the site...but there is none anymore...I hate my current Skin...Please help me. This skin always confuses me in wierd ways...
    Thread by: Darkaeroga, Dec 20, 2007, 18 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Darkaeroga
    Thanks :D :D :D
    Post by: Darkaeroga, Dec 20, 2007 in forum: Art Shop
  3. Darkaeroga
    yes it is...
    Post by: Darkaeroga, Dec 20, 2007 in forum: Art Shop
  4. Darkaeroga
    Umm...Nailpolish...Sorry to bring this up but...I asked for "400x125" not 400x150...i want to make it match my other sig size. Also ....Its suppose to say..."Shall I Awake your path?"
    Post by: Darkaeroga, Dec 20, 2007 in forum: Art Shop
  5. Darkaeroga
    Alright thanks...Waiting for new request...
    Post by: Darkaeroga, Dec 20, 2007 in forum: Art Shop
  6. Darkaeroga
    Rocking Roxas....Here is the new version...hope you like it...if its not good. You can request a new one...i luv making sigs/avatars...

    Remember...put made by darkaeroga in there...
    Post by: Darkaeroga, Dec 19, 2007 in forum: Art Shop
  7. Darkaeroga
    Ahem...*Fixes Cough*...I really don't like this one...The colors do not match at all with the render...but if it looks good to can take's not up to me to decide...its the customers rating that counts. So heres the image....



    Please rep....and say its made by Darkaeroga if u want. Again...If you dont like it....You can tell me some of the things and leave the colors to me ...i am kind of experianced at these color choosing ^_^...
    Post by: Darkaeroga, Dec 19, 2007 in forum: Art Shop
  8. Darkaeroga
    I would say....spirit meybeeeeeeee...............very small...butwith extrodenary powers!
    Post by: Darkaeroga, Dec 18, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  9. Darkaeroga
    Bloody Hell! Thats Wickid , Good work M8!!!!
    Post by: Darkaeroga, Dec 18, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  10. Darkaeroga
    There you go 2Foxxie4U ! Hope you like it. Remember to rep and say something like "Made by Darkaeroga^^".....



    Hope you like it!!!!! :D :D
    Post by: Darkaeroga, Dec 18, 2007 in forum: Art Shop
  11. Darkaeroga
    yushe/sora..thanks....xuan...i will check it out....but roxas and ven not being one ...i know that...but im just thinking what it kinda would be like....
    Post by: Darkaeroga, Dec 17, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  12. Darkaeroga
    I didnt know what u ment by battlefields as im not a big fan of starwars , i dont know many battle sorry. The text space wasnt enough so i had to animated...hope you like it......sorry for being in my worst. I was in a bad mood when i was making this so sorry , i just want to relax for a while...

    Im sorry for the outcome , its not my very best , im to oerwhelmed...hope you like it.
    Looking for new request...I will do the rest who requests today...tomorrow , and people who is in tomorrow will odviusly be ASAP!
    Post by: Darkaeroga, Dec 17, 2007 in forum: Art Shop
  13. Darkaeroga
    Ven is a charecter in the famous upcoming game world wide...Kingdom Hearts Birth by sleep. Ive been thinking about roxas and vens appearence as they look the SAME!
    What if roxas is ven , but when sora died and turned into a heartless , there was a nobodie needed , then ven lend his soul...
    What if Roxas is just a memorie left from ven when he left/died or whatnot , and roxas has a message that will take a big role in the future...
    WHAT if , ven is hiding the secret about him being roxas currently because he has future plans for the world. Meybe all these things will take role in the future...

    Probobly , in the end of the game and flash back to the future and show what was those big plan or those messages...
    These are the things that hunt me...for some of you who read this , may think that im wrong or it wont happen "because" of something that happens...well thats ur oppinion , and this is mine....
    Thread by: Darkaeroga, Dec 17, 2007, 3 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  14. Darkaeroga
    What a master peice u have written. I though its something going on in sora's heart when he went to sleep , the eventss that took place before are connecting to his hearts...and then after that....those things will end up in Kingdomhearts 3!
    Post by: Darkaeroga, Dec 17, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  15. Darkaeroga
    Thank you so much!
    I luv ur work , can you make me a new made sigs are getting old....
    Name: Darkaeroga
    Image/Render: I know the picture is big but please maake it smaller and only put the middle roxas....
    Font: Your choice
    Words: The Dark the only path...shall I awake your path?
    Size: 400x125
    Texture: Your best choice....
    Other: For the sig , there is no limit to bytes so , this time put "Darkaeroga" in every corner , fading in and out.

    Please take your time, take hours if you want....just do it right , thanks......
    Post by: Darkaeroga, Dec 17, 2007 in forum: Art Shop
  16. Darkaeroga
    Image/Render:Put only Roxas...Click Here.....
    Words:The Dark Path
    Animation?:Can you put "Darkaeroga" Fading in and out?
    Other:Make it a Dark Theme

    I can make my own avatars , but im not as good as you...As you can see...Ive made hunted Hunters avatar....Please take you time and do a good job...Thats all i ask...
    Post by: Darkaeroga, Dec 16, 2007 in forum: Art Shop
  17. Darkaeroga
    Your welcome....looking for new requests....
    Post by: Darkaeroga, Dec 16, 2007 in forum: Art Shop
  18. Darkaeroga
    Hunted hunter , I've got yours done. Is it okay with you if i put it in the avatar example in the first post?If it is , pm me to say yes/no. Also it be awsome if you put "Avatar made by Darkaeroga" , you dont have to though. Edit: Oh shoot , I spelled Deviner wrong oh man! I got to do that again. Well , tell me if you want me to do everything again....for that one me though...
    Well Here it is.

    Here's the link...:

    Very Berry , I couldnt get sora or roxas , give me a good picture of them both if you want them in.side the sig. Also say something like "Made by Darkaeroga" IF YOU WANT TO!

    Here it is....

    Hope you both likem...
    Post by: Darkaeroga, Dec 16, 2007 in forum: Art Shop
  19. Darkaeroga
    Alright Ill Get Yours Done Soon...patience Is Required..
    Post by: Darkaeroga, Dec 15, 2007 in forum: Art Shop
  20. Darkaeroga
    uhh...she came to a dark ally....
    Post by: Darkaeroga, Dec 15, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home