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  1. YingYangWarrior
    Limit Sora, do you have the right link?
    Post by: YingYangWarrior, Jun 24, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  2. YingYangWarrior
    Did anyone test that WTF Code yet? I would like to see the results ^^. (NOTE: My ARMAX is broken, that's why I won't be testing it.)
    Post by: YingYangWarrior, Jun 24, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  3. YingYangWarrior
    Wrong Link ^^'

    Can anyone give me the code that lets party members join Sora, on battles which he is supposed to be alone?
    Post by: YingYangWarrior, Jun 24, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  4. YingYangWarrior
    Name: Royal Form (Sora and Mickey fuse)

    How to obtain: Go into battle to defeat, Old Bald Guy.

    Appearance: (I actually drew this one out XD) Think about Sora and the King's outfits put together. With colours such as, Red, Silver, Gold and Black. He also has a crown on his head, slightly tilted. He also has a small gold aura, around his body. (If I had my scanner working I would have posted a URL for the picture, and yes. The crown I'm talking about is in Final Mix.)

    Advantages: Weilds two Keyblades. Running is increased by 1.5X. Jumping is increased by 2x (This meaning just normal jump not High jump). Can keep Sora's Guard and Counter-attack. Can use the Kings Spells. Drive Guage is lifted to 9.

    Disadvantages: The Keyblades are automatically Kingdom Key and Darkness Arms. Defense is lowered. Only the use of two spells. Drive gauge depletes 2x faster.

    Abilities/Equipment: Weilds two Keyblades, these being automatically Kingdom Key and the Darkness Arms (I think that's what they called Mickeys Keyblade). He fights with 1.5x strength. His running is also is also increased, but not much. Sora can oly use to spells, Pearl and Healing Light. Pearl being a long-range light attack, that follows the enemy and Healing light, heals Soras health, magic and drive, but very slowly, so it's best to use from a distance. Can use Guard and counter attack, using both Keyblades. He also has one Limit know as The King's Aura. This Limit uses the Kings full strength, sending Pearl everywhere and Sora charges at the Main enemy, slashing them with all of his strength.

    Anything else: This form is supposedly for KH3 ^^'.
    Post by: YingYangWarrior, Jun 24, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  5. YingYangWarrior
    Could someone give me the code for Cloud as an Ally?

    Oh, and EvilMan any chance of giving us the link to that tribute, I would like to see it.
    Post by: YingYangWarrior, Jun 23, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  6. YingYangWarrior
    Can you tell us, some of Anit-Form's abillities?

    My ARMAX Broke a few days ago O_o
    Post by: YingYangWarrior, Jun 22, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  7. YingYangWarrior
    Can I ask, what's bad about Combo Plus in Wisdom Form?
    Post by: YingYangWarrior, Jun 22, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  8. YingYangWarrior
    Oh, sorry about that ^^'. I just assumened it was AR

    084E - Donald (Space Paranoids)
    084F - Goofy (Space Paranoids)

    This is just a chance I'm going to take. Is there anyone who could test this, unless it's already confirmened. I'm just making sure of something.
    Post by: YingYangWarrior, Jun 19, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  9. YingYangWarrior
    No it's not that ^^'.

    It's when I got to the KH2 section I just get normal AR Codes you could get from Codejunkies.
    Post by: YingYangWarrior, Jun 19, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  10. YingYangWarrior
    No, I mean the exact page like this page is I need the exact URL.
    Post by: YingYangWarrior, Jun 19, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  11. YingYangWarrior
    Could someone give the link to that page, on the European website with the Universal Characer Modifier.
    Post by: YingYangWarrior, Jun 19, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  12. YingYangWarrior
    Could someone give this code in PAL

    Mickey (Ally) Replaces Goofy (ARMax)
    Post by: YingYangWarrior, Jun 19, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  13. YingYangWarrior
    Thanks for these Advent.

    Its greatly appreciated. Now all I need to do now is, go buy a new ARMAX XD
    Post by: YingYangWarrior, Jun 19, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  14. YingYangWarrior
    Is it possible to have the ally Mickey to replace, a party member?

    If it is possible could someone give me an, Ally Mickey replaces Goofy?
    Post by: YingYangWarrior, Jun 19, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  15. YingYangWarrior
    Could someone give these codes in PAL.

    Dual Weilding Roxas in Donalds Slot

    Mickey ((without robe)) in Goofy's Slot

    Riku as Guest

    Appreciated ^^
    Post by: YingYangWarrior, Jun 18, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  16. YingYangWarrior
    Thanks for that khkid1212 ^^.

    Hope you're doing well with these codes.
    Post by: YingYangWarrior, Jun 18, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  17. YingYangWarrior
    Oh yeah, that's right ^^'.

    Thanks for these khkid1212, and even more thanks for converting them, but. Could you change the normal Roxas for, Dual-Weilding Roxas. Sorry for not menioning that ^^'
    Post by: YingYangWarrior, Jun 18, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  18. YingYangWarrior
    Eh, since I'm quite not sure with this ((I would normally use a ARMX)) could someone 'get' these codes for me, using the Universal Character Modifier.

    Sora as Character Slot 1
    Roxas as Character Slot 2
    Mickey as Character Slot 3 ((With-out Cloak))
    Riku as Guest

    I'll apperciate, who ever manages this for me. That means rep XD
    Post by: YingYangWarrior, Jun 18, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  19. YingYangWarrior
    We just got a model of some random guy XD
    Post by: YingYangWarrior, Jun 17, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  20. YingYangWarrior
    I think we can all say Xaldin's insane, XD.

    Well, hopefully we'll getting something good soon ^^, I do have a code request but I think I'm going to wait awile.
    Post by: YingYangWarrior, Jun 17, 2007 in forum: Code Vault