OOC: Ya, sorry. I wish more people were on. I mean, I was away and there were 20 new pages to read, then when I have the time to post, hardly anyone is on. Oh well..... BIC: Laulite was walking along the sidewalk, in the pitch black, practically no one was out. I wonder what people think of this blackout? He sighed. How am I to find anyone out here? I wonder where everyone is? Lin almost laughed. Rob isn't a very good babysitter, is he? He popped another candy into his mouth, then walked into a post. "Sh**!" He fell back and landed hard on the sidewalk. Lin spit out his candy because it now tasted of blood. He put a hand to his mouth and felt warm liquid drip down, but, seconds later, he was healed. Laulite smiled. I love these stones! He stood up and continued walking, releasing the power of the his healing stone as he went. Sodalite is very useful. EDIT: I have to go now, bye!^^
OOC: Sorry dude, Lin's not in that location.
Xandor stopped, suddenly scared. He spoke quietly, but his voice was shaking. "Wait. Nicole? You were....I saw you....How did you get here? Are you even Nicole?" He was totally confused. Philippe moaned as he lay on the floor. My head hurts....A lot. He wasn't paying much attention to the what anyone was saying.
OOC: Sorry, I haven't been on because I was at a sleepover with my friends. It was a blast. I don't think we even went to sleep. Well, maybe eventually, but I am feeling tired from all of that fun. Anyways, I am back! BIC: Laulite watched Matt walk away. Temper, temper. He should really learn how to control his anger. Especially with a stone like his. If I had a stone like that....Lin grinned. If I had a stone like that, I wouldn't be following these idiotic kids around. He ignored the fact that he was just as younge as they were. He popped a candy in his mouth and started to walk in a different direction. Lin walked a little bit then stopped and clutched his stomach. What is this feeling? I feel.....guilty? Because I wasn't there to stop Lilly from being kidnapped? He shook his head and continued walking. Why would I feel that way? I mean, it's not like I can do anything about it. I have no idea where they would take her. I don't even know if she is still alive! Laulite sighed. This is my problem.
Xandor was pulled from his unsettled sleep by the loud sobbing. If anything, it should be me who is cryi- "Nicole?" He just stared at her, not really believing it. Then, he stood up really fast, knocking over Philippe, and rushed over to her. "Are you okay?" As Philippe's head hit the floor, he yelped. "Ohhh....This is such a nice way to wake up," He said sarcastically.
Xandor stirred in his sleep, but didn't completely wake up. "Someone is crying.....Waking me up like that....How dare they..." He mumbled, not realizing it was Nicole.
OOC: Was just reading on what I missed. BIC: Philippe and Xandor were both huddled on the floor, fast asleep. Xandor's eyes were puffy from crying. He was curled up in a ball, right in Philippe's lap. Philippe was breathing softly, a comforting arm around his friend.
OOC: They are nice together. Even if they are evil. lol Oh, ya, hiya!
OOC: lol, same here. Oh, and Bye-Bye kairigirl22!^^
OOC: Oh sorry. I meant I pity the girls. Didn't type it right. ^^
Laulite's eye twitched. Rage filled him. This idiot just call me an imbecile! He doesn't even know how to use his stone properly! "Well, I am sorry to hear about that. It is a pity she has such a powerful stone. What a waste," He said coolly, letting no emotions show. In truth, he did care what had happened to Lilly, and wanted to go rescue her right away, if she was still alive. He also mentally kicked himself for not being there, but was still angry on how Matt seemed to blame him for her capture. He insulted me right to my face! He turned to leave, "Well, you are right. If I was there, she probably wouldn't have gotten captured. Though, I am wondering, what you were doing to prevent this kidnapping." Every word dripped with disdain. OOC: I kinda pity the girl.
Laulite blinked. Had I said something rude? He reviewed the few words that he had said to Matt, and finding nothing he said rude, proceeded to pop a candy in his mouth as he stood up. "Why are you being impolite? Did I offend you somehow?" Lin felt the sweet candy slowly dissolve in his mouth, then added, "Why do you care where I have been? After all, it hasn't been that long since we last saw each other." OOC: Holy f***! Poor child! I would have helped him. Idiots these days...seriously.....poor kid...
Philippe picked himself off the floor as hear heard sobbing. It must have been Xandor who knocked me down. It also must be him who is making such a sad noise. He walked towards the sound of the crying, and found Xandor crumpled on the floor. Poor Xandor. Philippe knelt beside him and put an arm around his shoulder. "Hey, what happened? Is it that bad?" Xandor looked up at Philippe, tears streaming down his face. "Nicole is gone. She is GONE!" Philippe gave a comforting look at Xandor, "Then we will have to go get her back, won't we?" Xandor sniffled and wiped his eyes. "What if we can't? I won't lose her again."
^^ Bye, W7FHAX. I hate to admit this, because I enjoy your stories so much, but your real life is MUCH more important than your virtual one. So, when you get your grades up, see you on!
OOC: ^^, you are back! Nobody has posted in a while..... BIC: Xandor made a funny hiccup noise, sounding like he was holding back sobs. It was happening over again. He finally feels love towards someone else, and they are gone, just like last time. He couldn't take it anymore. He let go of Ceri and collapsed onto the floor, clutching his head. Shards of glass and other debris lay around him. Tears ran down his cheeks. This is what I get for loving someone. He let out a cry. Why? He started to repeat this question over and over in his mind.
OOC: kk ^^ bye BIC: Laulite seemed lost in thought. He did not realise where he was walking until he bumped right into someone. Caught by surprise, he fell backwards and landed on the sidewalk. He looked up and saw Matt. The air around him seemed troubled, but Lin ignored it and, still sitting where he had landed, cheerfully asked, "Oh, hi. What's up?"
Yet, it seems many will still miss you. Okay, bye-bye *waves*
OOC: Hi, everyone! Holy ****, seriously, I hate homework, especially math projects. Excuse my langauge, but I was so busy doing sh** that I couldn't even check my email. Well, I am back, but do not know what I should do with Laulite. I mean, so much has happened, I don't know how I can fit him back into the story line. Any suggestions? *sigh* I am just glad it is almost the weekend.
This freakin' sucks. I will miss your stories!
Lol, I suppose you did. It was also interesting to read.^^ Yes, I too, am busy. Oh, bye. See ya later (maybe), will miss you!