Laulite groaned and slid to the floor. This is not fun anymore. I really don't feel good. How could it be that long? Elevator rides are only supposed to be a minute! He didn't dare open his eyes. I really don't feel good at all.
Laulite paled visiblly. I hate elevators. He closed his eyes and waited for it to be over. OOC: Actually, in real life, I hate elevators. Which is strange, since I can ride almost anything at the amusement park. lol
Laulite smirked at John's comment, but when he heard about their 'rooms', then he frowned slightly. "How long are we to stay here?"
"No, I don't watch any movies whatsoever." Laulite then realised he had spoken outloud. Why did I answer a question that wasn't even addressed to me? He sighed and put another candy into his mouth, turning to John. Lin stopped to look at him, sucking on the candy. "I apologize about that. It was not my place to answer a question that was clearly not directed at me."
Laulite blinked and looked at John. He sighed and slowly made his way out of the car, popping another candy into his mouth along the way. OOC: haveta go now, but I will be back on later
Laulite popped another candy into his mouth. John is getting on my nerves.
Laulite sighed. Rob was being sensible. Even if I can fight with my stones, there was a chance of damaging the plane. He casually crossed his legs, seemingly unbothered by his situation. At least it is not boring, Lin thought as he sucked on a caramel flavored candy.
OOC: I haveta go too, bye BIC: Laulite blinked, wondering what Rob was doing. Does he have something planned? Or is he really giving up? I should wait until doing anything.
Laulite opened his eyes and looked at John. Oh, it is him again. He sighed.
Laulite sighed with relief. Finally, it is quiet.
Lsulite had heard Rob's proposal and rolled his eyes. Is he joking? Getting those two to shut up is impossible!
Laulite sighed. I wish they would all just shut up. He closed his eyes, trying to pretend no one was there except him, but of course, that didn't work.
Laulite sighed. They are starting to irritate me. He went over to the window and tried to ignore the loud shouting.
OOC: back! ^^ BIC: Laulite watched their fighting, less interested now that the door ws sealed. He popped a candy into his mouth and stood up, walking over to Rob. "So.....what do we do now?"
Laulite watched with intrest. OOC: gtg eat dinner
Lautite stifled a laugh. It is now entertaining again! He popped a candy into his mouth and swung around so he faced the door, still sitting.
Caramel is a good flavor. I am glad I found these candies. Laulite quickly became bored and stopped humming. He looked around the place and was wondering what everyone was thinking. It would be so much easier if I could read minds......
Laulite was sitting on the floor, humming quietly. His mood seemed to improve because he had 'found' some more candies. Lin put on in his mouth and stopped humming. He smiled and anounced, "Caramel!" Lin then continued to hum, fiddling with candies between his fingers.
Laulite sighed and followed Rob. I can't wait to get more candies. He realised it was still dark. "Hey, Rob, do we leave the city like this? I mean, people can't do anything." He shrugged. "Personally, I don't care either way, I just thought that it would be a lot harder to run airports without electricity."
Xandor hugged her back, and whispered, "Hey that's my line."