Laulite was completely ignoring what Rob was saying. At the moment he ddn't care. Damn....Why didn't I take the stairs? Stupid logic. He groaned and closed his eyes tightly. OOC: About the second stage-thing.....Lin has knowledge of using the stone, but how much of this knowledge was actually given to him? Lin knows much more about the stones then the other members do, asides Rob, but exactly how much more does he know?
Laulite didn't say a word. He wasn't really paying attention to anyone. It is logical to choose the elevator, so why do I feel so horrible? He frowned. Oh ya, elevators make me sick. Lin sighed. Logical choices are better choices, but that wouldn't stop me from getting sick
Laulite thought for a moment. Stairs....that would take much longer, and use up more energy. I am not what they call the athletic type. I am fit, but that many stairs.....On the other hand, elevators are the Devil's way of mocking me. He sighed and slowly made his way over to the elevator. At least going up is not as bad as traveling down.....
Laulite turned slightly pale. "I refuse to ride in that again."
Laulite's eyes snapped open. What? This makes no logical sense. Why are they letting us go? He stood up and peered out the door.
I. Am. Bored. Laulite sat perfectly still with his eyes closed. Bored. Hell must be more exciting than this.
Laulite, bored with the conversation, closed his eyes and sat down. He sighed.
Laulite looked at Xane. He didn't speak for a moment, then, when he did, his words were soft and carefully said, "Why? I suppose it was because I was bored, tired of the same thing over and over. I wanted excitement. When I learned about the stones, I found it, but also found power. I suppose I search for more stones is because I want more power, to be able to control my situations." Lin laughed dryly. "Though, it did not help my life at all. I stand here bored, and powerless." I crave the powers of the stones. It makes me feel wonderful. Now I am captured, I want, no, need more power. How to get it, though?
Laulite looked at Xane and tried not to roll his eyes. "What do you think I'm doing? Isn't it obvious?" Apparently not, considering he had to ask. He sighed, "Of course I am involved with the stones. I would not be here if I wasn't."
Laulite was not happy. He was leaning against one of the walls. frowning. I hate this. I am bored, wet, and stuck in an uninteresting room with someone I could do without.
Laulite twitched. He looked up as a drop of water landed on his nose. He quickly moved out from under the droplets, but he was slightly wet. Lin clearly looked pissed off. White. Boring. And now, Wet.
Laulite examined his surroundings. White. Boring. He sighed and sat down, closing his eyes. My stones are of no use in here. I am surprised John didn't take them when we were captured.
I have to be stuck with him? Ugh. Laulite was slowly recovering, but he would have been much more content by himself. He sighed. This room is very boring.
Laulite smirked asides from what he was feeling. Lilly sure talks a lot. That does not do her good at all. He still felt sick, but was happier that he didn't have to go back in the elevator.
Laulite slowly stood up. "At the moment, John, I don't care." He was still clutching his stomach and looked fairly pale.
Laulite felt horrible. One. More. Minute. This is the longest minute of my life.
Laulite heard Lilly's last comment and moaned. "I would actually prefer if this f***ing ride stopped entirely." He gripped his knees tighter and tried, unseccesfully, to not feel the downwards motion of the elevator. One more minute. One more f***ing minute.
Lin moaned. This totally sucks. He shuddered at the thought of the elevator breaking. No, I am being irrational. It is just an elevator. Something to transport people from one floor to the next. His fingers dug into his legs. Then why do I feel so sick?
Laulite ignored Kain's comment and pulled his knees to his chest. He still had his eyes closed. Elevators are one of the worst inventions possible! He groaned and put his forehead on hie kness. The movement is making me sick.
Laulite turned even paler. "I don't feel good." He clutched his stomach, like he was going to be sick.