OOC: Hiya, everyone. ^^ A meeting, huh? OH! I just remembered something REALLY important! Well, to me at least. I made a detective character! Yes I did! A problem is I can't post the profile because it is saved to my other computer and I can't access it because I am currently not at my house. Oops. Sorry. I still might be able to post it up today, just I can't do it right now. BIC: Kurai smiled. "Interesting." He then frowned and kept walking. For a few minutes he walked in silence, then abruptly stoppped. "I have decided, Shinigami. I have decided what to do with the Deathnote."
"Really? How interesting...." Kurai kept walking, speaking quietly as not to be overheard, because then it would look like he was talking to himself. That many Deathnotes at a time? Maybe I will get to obtain more then one....."Hey, Shinigami? How long do I have to decide if I am going to make use of the Deathnote or not?"
Kurai jumped, startled out of his thoughts. "Yes, I suppose there is." He paused. "You are saying there are more then one Deathnote in the human world right now?" OOC: F***. I have to go. I totally forgot one of my projects are due tomorrow! Oh D***! Okay, I am terribly sorry....again. I truthfully mean it. I will try to get on tomorrow, I really will! I know for sure I can't get on Thursday, Halloween dance and and friend's party the same night so I will have no time on Thursday, but I will desparatly try to get on tomorrow. Again, I am really sorry!
Kurai walked along the sidewalk that led out of the college area. He was in deep thought. Should I use the Deathnote or not? I am being childish. I mean, I already tested it, and it proved truthful. Why do I hesitate? Should I become Kira or not? He sighed and shook his head. It was a bright, clear day, but his head ws full of dark thoughts. I tested it on a man that was about to stab someone else. He just....died. I killed someone. Kurai glanced at the Shinigami that was near him. She said something about eyes....eyes that could be very useful. At a costly price, though. He sighed again and kept walking. What am I going to do? OOC: Tell me if this is acceptable.
"You mean Misa Misa? I think I might have read something about her in an old magizine or something. What does this concern?" Kurai said.
Kurai was so startled, he fell off his chair. His eyes widened as he looked up at Seiku. What the hell?! "A-A Shinigami?" He slowly got up, not taking his eyes off of the Death God. At first I thought the Deathnote was a joke, but after this.....that means the Deathnote can actually kill someone! Deathnote....the human dies of a heart attack.....Shinigami....... Kurai wasn't stupid. He knew all about Kira. His parents had told him about the case, what happened years ago. So he put two and two together. He smiled. "So this is how Gods kill." Kurai laughed. OOC: Of course, Kurai doesn't know everything. He does know that there used to be someone, or something, able to kill with heart attacks. He knows that there was a battle between L and Kira, but he does not know if any of them had died or who won. To the public, Kira simply disappeared, but L was still out there. Kurai does not know that the original L had died and that a person named Near became L. Since it had been years since then, who knows who is L now? What I am saying is that Kurai knows as much about the Kira case as any other civilian because, unlike a person like Light, his dad isn't part of the police. Also, Kurai is in college now, but still living with his family because they live close to the college he is attending. Another note, Kurai is fasinated with the Kira case that had taken place years ago. I thought I would say these things since I forgot to include this in his profile (because I hadn't thought about this until now).
Kurai jumped as he heard a cat shriek outside. What is that about? He runs down the stairs and opens the door. He looks around and sees nothing, then something glinted out of the corner of his eye. Kurai looked down and saw.....a notebook? He picked it up, not noticing anything else, and brought it to his room, examining it along the way. "A....Deathnote?" Kurai flopped onto his bed and opened up the cover. There appeared to be rules of some sort. The Human whos name is written in the note shall die.
OOC: Hi, I am here! Sorry couldn't get on yesterday. School. Anyhow, about the whole dropping of the Deathnote thing; where did it land? I can't really do anything until I know the location it was dropped.
Kurai Sakuya was studying. Again. He didn't really need to, though, he already knew the material. It is not like he had anything better to do, no friends. Kurai sighed, but kept going with a determined expression on his face.
OOC: Thanks, rikurep, totally reminded me to check and if my sig was there. And it was!! Okay, now I am thinking on how to introduce my character.
OOC: Sorry this is totally spamming, but I had to say it. To Yami*no*Hime: You sig is AWSOME!!!!!!!!!!! Kay, done spamming. On with the rp......
OOC: yay, okay. I will fix it up a bit, though, cuz itr isn't like my other character profiles. It doesn't seem, uh, descriptive enough.
I am SO SORRY Deathsight. A friend came over and stayed for longer than I expected. I rushed with the character since I knew you wanted today, so, you know, tell me if I need to change anything. Also, I am going to create an investigator, but I think this character will suffice until then. Civilian Name: Kurai Sakuya (Translation is: Kurai = Dark and Sakuya = Final Night) Age: 19 Gender: Male Appearance: http://photobucket.com/mediadetail/...20boy/2.jpg&searchTerm=anime boy&pageOffset=0 Personality: Quiet, does not talk to many people. He is polite, but has almost no friends. He sets his goals high and makes sure he achieves them. Kurai is very intelligent, the top of his class. He wants to become a police officer, for he has a strong sense of justice (omg, after I wrote that, I realized it sounded almost like Light. Damn, I hate Light. Oh well). Line of work: No occupation, he is in college. History: Kurai has always wanted to be part of the police force, it excited him. Kurai had been bullied all through school and hated the injustice. He had always wanted to give his tormentors their “just dessertsâ€. Kurai had always had the intelligence to rise above others in grades. He became the top student of every class, and eventually was accepted into one of the top universities. He continued his high average, but was still rejected from people. Were they jealous? Kurai wasn’t sure, but he knew that one day he would show them, and become justice. Wow. He kinda reminds me of Light and Mikami together. Ew. Oh well. My character is SO much better than them. Ya, I said it.
Laulite almost fell off the building. He giggled as he rebalanced himself. I almost fell asleep! Sitting on the edge of a building! He pulled out another candy and started to suck on it. I didn't know it was possible to become this bored.
OOC: Ceri DIED?! Wow. Okay, um, I don't even know where to restart.
OOC: SOOO Sorry I haven't replied in a while. I have been busy. Damn school. So, uh, I usually like to read what I missed, but there is a lot. So, I hate to ask this, but could I please have a recap?
OOC: Sorry, guys. Missed a lot. Well, not much, but still.....damn school....*sigh* Busy, Busy, Busy. BIC: Laulite was sitting on the edge of a building, with his legs dangly down. Boring. Where did everyone go? He fingered his stones. First, there is fighing, then....quiet. He sighed and popped a candy into his mouth. Bored. Lin started humming to himself.
OOC: I don't either BIC: Laulite abruptly stopped. He had been sneaking around with his Cat's Eye, taking out many soldiers, but had spotted Rob and the others. He released the stone's power and walked over to them. Facing Rob, he asked, "What the f*** is going on?"
OOC: Hmmmm.....Make Lin fight or not fight? Decisions, Decisions..... BIC: Laulite looked up and realised everyone was gone. He rolled his eyes. "Oh, I feel loved." He cleaned himself up and decided to look for someone to explain the situation. OOC: I have decided to make him walk right in the middle of the fight, if that is okay. hehe....I am evil.
Laulite stumbled out of the elevator, looking extremely pale. He went off to the side, not being able to hold it in any longer. A gross retching noise could be heard. OOC: Sorry bout that, kinda gross. lol, poor Lin....I am so mean. Oh well, I don't feel all that great so why should my character?