ewwwww. lol XD oh f*** I have to go now. This freakin sucks Sorry. Excuse my language. Maybe See you later. Bye!!! :p
OOC: kay, I have to go now. :( This freakin sucks. I will try to get back on later, but I am not making any promises.
i will try to stay on as long as I can, but if I leave suddenly then it is not my fault. lol, yeah it is good you are feeling great, cuz if you felt crappy, then that would make it a little less enjoyable.
Laulite saw Cathy look at him. What was that about? He decided to ignore her. The voice said to worry about what Rob was planning, so I will focus my attention on him. He still felt a little uneasy on how Cathy had glanced at him. He popped a candy into his mouth.
XDDD Well, my mood thing says I am amused, so..... This may come a surprise to you.... Im amused! Yup! Bet you were surprised, huh! ......how are you? lol
*eats a cookie* Hmmm...... .....I really have no idea what to say...... *eats another cookie*
Laulite glanced at Cathy. She has a pretty stone. If I had that stone.....He gave a start. What am I thinking? I want more power, but I don't want to steal it from people like her. He sighed. This is quite boring. I thought more people would show up.
lol kay, just wondering, ^^
Laulite almost grinned. Eventually use them naturally? I can already. Though, I better not show how well I can use the stones on my first try. He saw Rob through the fire at him. He pretended to concentrate really hard, but really he waited a second, then activated Cat's Eye. The world seemed to slow down. Then he smiled broadly as he watched the fireball come at him in slow motion. He sidestepped it easily, and released the power. Lin made it seem like he was surprised at what he had done. "That was amazing!" He said with fake enthusiasm.
Laulite sat down on the ground. I wonder which stones Kain has?
Yup! ^^ ......is that good?
Laulite was a little surprised. She got it on the first try? He absently fingered his necklace.
Yes, so am I, lol OMG!!! I LOVE CHOCOLATE!!!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SPlpnq3o46w
I read the epilgue (don't care if spelled it wrong or not) it was good! ^^ cuz it made the ending better! I am sorry to here that you feel so crappy. :( I would feel very crappy too, but I think they would refuse giving me happy pills. I would have to feel SO FREAKIN CRAPPY, before they did that. ^^ I hope you feel better, because feeling crappy is, well, crappy.
Laulite was suddenly interested. He smiled back. I will see what stones the others have. This might be usuful. His smile got wider. And fun!
You will be fine. Just I wouldn't lose the map, for the first couple days, but then it is easier to navigate. ^^
Philippe stared up at the ceiling. I am bored. Nothing to do..... BIG HUGE EDIT!!!!!!!!!! OOC: Well, this freaking sucks. Well, I guess it only kinda sucks. I am going to Lethbridge for the long weekend (this weekend), so I will not be able to get on the computer. Going to Lethbridge is fun, but not being able to get on the computer, sucks. I will probably miss a lot. That is what freakin' sucks. I really have no idea what to do with my characters. Either someone can control them until I get back, I don't care who, or Philippe and Xandor can just silently tag along. Something. Or I won't miss much, probably will, and I can just miss out on a few pages, but you know, its a whole freaking weekend. Sorry people. PS: Don't think you care, but Lethbridge is in Alberta, Canada, so for those who do not live in Alberta are probably thinking it is a long drive, but I also live in Alberta, so I don't have to worry about a long drive. You probably don't care, I just thought I would point this out. Kay, bye!!!!
OOC: lol, I almost made my character a female, but I thought the personality and everything went better if he was a male. ^^ bIC: Laulite arrived. He walked over to the group, slowly. "So, I am here. What do you want me to do?" He said in a bored voice, but remembered that the training was supposed to be new, therefor, interesting. So he tried smiling, but couldn't, so he settled on examining their surroundings.
You going to High School? AHHH! I SAID SCHOOL!!!! *hits self on head* As soon as you get out, school drags you back in......*cries*
Philippe layed on his bed, unable to go to sleep. What is wrong with me? I was so tired a few minutes ago.