I pick kairi I like kairi because I love to see her with sora and namine well.... I like namine too but kairi is way better.. I don't know why there's something about her that i like. SO KAIRI ALL THE WAY!!
I Think....... i really don't know cause nomura said that u won't play as sora,riku, or kairi.. so i think we'll play as those three amoured people in the kh2 secret ending..
how do you think would win in a fight kairi or namine? personally i would pick kairi cause namine can only rearrange people's memories and kairi uses a keyblade. so thats my opinon..
i really jus voted for the hec of it cause the only ff games i have are ff10, and 10-2. but overall i like ff10-2 and for all the boys who don't like ff10-2 ya'll just mad cause it's a girl game.cause personally i really liked the game and i liked ff10.
i love cloud, tidus, reno, vaan, squall or as ya'll know from kh(leon), and here's one that none of ya'll said: shuyin from final fantasy 10-2..
i like sora, roxas, kairi, and riku's clothes. i aslo like mickey's clothes he looks so cute in them.
BEST: sora,kairi, roxas, riku, namine. but mainly i like most of the characters in kh2
i agree with all the people who think sora is straight because in the first kingdom hearts he tells kairi that he'll bring riku back no matter what..in the second kh sora does care more about riku but thats because riku was left in the darkness alone and kairi was at home on the island. in my opinoin when sora finally found riku and started crying it was because sora had looked everywhere for him and couldn't find him and now to finally see him he feeels relieved and very emotional and when he hugs kairi, well kairi actually hugged sora because remember in kh:com his memories were erased and it affected everyone who was connected to him so when kairi actually saw him in kh2 she actually felt something between them and so did sora. for those of u who think that when sora gave kairi a handshake was stupid tetsuyo nomura said that she jus wanted the ending to have them holding hands since in kh1 they let go of each others hand.she jus wanted them to reunite but thats my opinoin.
my fav organization member is roxas.
they said im sora which is fine with me..
my fav character is riku, sora, and kairi but i like mainly all the characters in kh2. what can i say im an independant woman!!