im osrry but, my help ends here, i cannot help u up to this point
no lines need replacing, u only need to add my joker code to the very top of the riku code
wishfull thinking, if they already hurts enemies, then all u need is a max hp code and an infint hp code
well i cant give u digits at the moment but didnt u get my joker code?
NO, there is a code to make his attack commands appear normally but it isnt worth doing at the moment, ercs is currently working on a stable one that will possibly have him less glitchy, so until then have fun with riku the way he is now, if u wish to joker command him, just ask
ok sora limit form, ok well u will need move set mod and here is that code move set mod 200f9000 10400005 200f9004 944f004c 200f9008 24010001 200f900c 142f0002 200f9010 240f0005 200f9014 a44f004e 200f9018 03e00008 201d348c 0803e400 now u will need DW limit form 1032ee94 000001f3 ok this is all u need, u will be in DW limit form as normal sora ^^
i wont ba able to give u ar max codes but i can codebreaker
can u tell me what or who u were trying to change?
no no, it will work wherever and when ever but there are some glitches, more then likly u entered the character slot wrong,
yo i totally noticed that, well in short that is just one of those things ur gonna have to ignore and move on
well thanks, i am good arent i, like that time i made the riku code ROFL
i have the joker command for Riku, here ya go E010FEFF 0034D45C hold L2 when skipping the scene and u will be riku, but not, i do not think finishers can be done, i have fought roxas though have fun
good to know, he worked in the pride lands too, i tested it
dangit, i posted ur answer too, man this sucks
yes i do i have the codes u seek NOTE that cloud will freeze the game after u enter 2 area's 11c6cc22 00000688 is for cloud 11c6cc24 0000061c is for leon leon will not glitch u whatso ever ALSO note u cannot pause while using these characters
thanks for the insight now can anyone give me some worthy codes to try, .....................ok seriously this account profile does not do me justice XD
um who is this erks or erhgiez or panda bear person? ROFL random thought in my head-- OK PEOPLE, MY ACCOUNT MAY BE NEW AND IT MAY BE HATTIN ON ME TO CALL ME A MOOGLE ASSISITANT BUT KNOW I HAVE LOVED AND PLAYED KINGDOM HEARTS SINCE THE 2002 RELEASE. DONT HATE ON ME OR ILL DROP YOU IN ANY ONE OF THESE KH TITLES KH1,KH1FM,KHCOM,KHRe:COM,KH2,KH2FM+ RAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!! :guns: well anyway, well whoever this guy is, i wish i could help, YO can anyone here hook me up with a ps2 emulator around here so i can possibly get started working with these big cats making the codes and what not? Plz and Thanks
i may have said this on a post before somewhere, but if anyone needs a Riku Joker code like say u wanted to fight Terra or any Organization member and possibly Sephiroth here is the joker command, just put it at the top of the Riku code then once enabled press and hold L2 and go into a new area and Sora will be Riku NOTE: dont expect to change back to Sora once u leave the area cuz it wont happen so thats why i would recomend using it on the entrance to a boss fight Riku Joker Code L2 E010FEFF 0034D45C ps- if anyone wishis of me to test some codes, i would be happy to oblige, just well, tell me :)
i can see we can get all this cool stuff for riku but can we kinda like focus on codes to u know, make him less glitchy and such, this is technically what im looking for right now alllowance to use his triangle and square attack with no problem glitching, ability to attack on the ground without worrying about glitching allowing to do finishers on bosses such as Terra and possibly some other cool stuff to, but right now i would like to keep riku stable. PS- if anyone has any codes they would wish for me to test, i would be more then happy to oblige, all u need is ask