not exactly shur bu i read on another forum that he is supposed to have a failsafe in TWTNW and he also has scan so we can see exactly what damage we are causing,
hmmmmm couldnt be me, i never asked for that XD still not bad thanks for correctin ^^
dam right, lets all work together to achieve a better riku for the people of the world XD boy that sounded so odd
riku versus?!
lol you lucked out there. well absoulutley no reactions work whatsoever eh? well not without glitching anyway
yeah i know they shouldnt be used but the buttons are so tempting to pres when ur in a mood ROFL is their liek a blocker for them?
ok this game is a dork :) i was riku in pridlands a min ago but now im not, *looks at game >.> - you prick* XD
um if u get the possible to would probably be a hacking god :) PEOPLE? SHOULD I UPGRADE MY FINAL MIX RIKU VERSION 1? IF SO WHY?
um wierd, im using the 1st riku code and it allowed me to go to disney castle and the world that never was, i didnt try beasts castle or twilight town as i was afriad of crashing....AGAIN :) howecome it isnt freezing when i go to the worlds? it will only freeze if like some strange cutscene happens with riku, say i went through the portal AS riku to fight Terra, no it wouldnt work obviously but i can freely run around without feezing
hmm, i may try agian with those make riku hold diff weapons codes, i tried a couple before but eded up with a failur, like make riku wield xaldins lances and aurons blade, of coarse i didnt try em both at once but who knows, this may be because of the original kh and not final mix but ah, no big
na u miss interpret, im not flaming anyone, its just how i am, hmm i do not have an fmv skip problem with riku, i find that using the joker gets me through that problem simple. but i suppose i would probably be looking for something that could let riku do a finisher or 2, i was fighting leon and yuffie for 10 mins bfore i finally said (oh gimme a break) did not someone make one of those codes for micky? and it seems like i complain, but cmon im not the only guy in the world that does, just dont take it so literal, im not flaming anyone for there hard work,
yes as i said i believe i saw a foot in my mouth coming lol oh for gosh sake, what are the poins of these codes, just to screw u and ur game?, i will test them but heaven forbid i use them to challenge myself, there pretty much no use, u wont be able to travel worlds or practically do anything with this
yes, im using Final Mix, im starting to realize i may get a foot in the mouth considering this is probably for the original, well if a foot in the mouth is comming it will be here by morning, but i suffered already, i should have thought about entering it before hand. yeah, i suppose the riku code is worth the trouble, but iam seriously not like the glitches when i attack on ground
your sorry? rofl im the one that had to input it, i should be sorry, shame on me. i should have waited for another sucker to try it, i had to delet my working 11 line riku code with my joker code, and put in that new one , then find out it didnt work, get upset, and have to re-enter my original again with my joker. what a PAIN
well i havent come upon this before, um would u happen to know how i can give riku a finisher so i can beat boss's
um, how about pausing the game and hit skip scene
no, this code does not work.
sorry, there arent any
im sorry dude, but ur code is a BUST, it wont work, great now i have to re-enter the first one with my joker command again, thanks man
you are very welcome, congratulations, ur the first person who has been helped by me, maybe publicity wont be so hard now :)