nice video godzilla, i want to make one, to bad u couldnt finish the job on sephiroth lol, dang that would have been cool, still nice
ah not to much is happening at the moment
In other words...............................................
what?, am i in the wrong? LoL, dont click here......................0.0..........<.<..................i must click the button...... R YA SAYING U CAN NOW PLAY AS RIKU FROM THE FINAL BATTLE, PLZ SAY YES AND PLZ SAY ULL GIVE THE CODE
it would be boss if we could play as riku with the skills he had while fighting xemnas, nothing more................well maybe something to let him to finishers
truly is. there are codes to mod riku's weapons, like make it aurons or oblivion but as for both his arms to be used, thats kinda like valor form with an image change
well in other words it does not work with him, it worked with sora until i transformed into riku by usin joker to go to a diff screen then the code cancelled
well lets see and hope then Dang, it dousnt work, riku cancel's the code
yo guys, ill test move set mod and dw limit form for riku and see what happens
more then likley the 1st version but what good does this do? or is this the code for DW limit form and Move Set Mod
i doubt that there is a limit form for riku at the moment
a guy who helped with a joker code eh?, sounds like me
Riku with final forms move set ?! 0.0 boy gang, looks like we have another mystery on our hands
XD yeah i get it. i like the random puns i occasionally come up with. like for exapmle, say i defeated sephiroth with no screw ups, i would say at the end, simple and clean XD
very true, i suppose u can only rely on anti weapon or erks or red sonic or whoever else works on this stuff.............xaldin?
well if ur asking me its because there isnt much of a difference in my oppinion from this one and ver 1, nobody says that this new one helps riku with glitches, just a failsafe for TWTNW which i dont need, and it gives u scan which actually would be useful but i still cant do critical finishers so. but its interesting to see what damage i would do
hmm, if thats all it does, the code isnt worth entering, scan would be useful but as for TWTNW i have no probs .......................................wait, wasnt i my profile saying i was moogle assistant a min MERLINS HOUSEKEEPER?! OH CMON, where is the justice ROFL
uh im afraid to give it a shot but if i havent seen it already could u post it for me and WHAT does it do that my version 1 dont do?
im to afraid to try these on my final mix version, i was all ready screwed up once so i will wait until this unoficial code or 2 has ben tested to be a must and not a bust
um try using the version 1 riku code, im not having any probs with that one traveling to TWTNW so i am interested in seeing if this is just me or anyone else