yeah i saw this review a long time ago and honestly ,xplay is full of ****. T.B.O.G gives final mix a perfect 5. if u have played the original, there should be no prob understanding this game...
cool durin my free time ill test the codes
actually that would be really cool, i doubt it can happen but awesome thinking. honestly i would just like to play as Riku with his final battle commands through the game. hopefully the other moddders who are working on that project, if any will be trying
yo would any of ya mind givin me the final mix codebreaker codes on how to play as Sora through the game with his 14 year old clothes AKA KH1 outfit, and also some other interesting clothes?
well i used my joker and activated it right before the fight began which is why im still sora during the short conversation
oh cmon i was lucky to get the footage at all, i dont have a cam corder
well i got riku to fight terra and i got a video
yes that is doable but i do not know how
i have seen these questions alot too but i never looked for the answer so i just asked myself so dont get upset
yeah, it works perfectly, there is alsoa youtube video showing it, icant link u though
ohhhhh sounds like fun
yeah i have psted half an episode of something XD
wow a 20 min song? lets hope u dont bore people for even 5 mins lol
thats it XD? well its better then nothing, se like what? does it get rid of the 2 other button option which can screw u or cause u to T stance, and or is there a fix for that so now we can use Guard and Dark blast
hmm, Gackt - redemption Utada Hikaru - my sanctuary(passion) Death Note -opening theme and or closing theme.....................WHAT!? Bleach - UVERworld opening 2 Tales of the abyss -Karma and many more
k guys i was gone for a few hours, i am usin riku version 1 with a joker code for Final Mix, so now, is there a better one that is worth using that, perhaps, glitches less and or does some more stuff or has any other tricks?
i tried the roxas pajama code, it didnt work for me, im assuming since im using final mix, argh, i dont use my normal kh 2 anymore
so, final battle riku as in with the 3 commands and no glitching? if thats how it works set me up plz
is there a code where it blocks the other moves u Cannot do as riku