its not just on kingdom hearts, its alot of games that they review inaccuratly.
omg, i talkin to myself here
aside from the help i still need. can someone hook me up with some kingdom hearts 1 final mix codes for codebreaker ? im looking for Master code infintMP (Magic Power) Attack increase
cool, but not what im looking for. how do i use those?
T_T item codes?
just being clear.......Adam sesler and Morgan Web dont know squat. :P
well the code dont work
yeah wats it do?
honestly .... i really dont know
um........item syntheses material code anyone? i need one
^^ glad i could be of if only i could get help with my problem
master 903088e0 0c0c21e0
seriously, its like we're being ignored, but lucky u, i actually have the codes u want with no huge bars. HP a00fe000 8c820004 a00fe004 0806891e a00fe008 ac820000 a0166cd8 0c03f800 MP a01a1a08 00000000 note.....even with infint hp......if ur foe can do an instant kill, u will lose. note. ur mp will only run out if u do a limit break and or heal. all other attacks are infint.......... have fun.... ^_^
and im alone here
isnt there anyone who can help me out here?
ok guys, i need a couple of Final Mix + codes in critical mode cuz i kinda screwed myself. i have 2 of 3 crowns and the last needs me to do the mushroom challenges again so for this. i need great attack power, so if there is a code to help with this to get me some boosts or something plz do, i dont wanna fight Xemnas a million times. now secondly, SYNTHESIS ITEMS. this is where i screwed myself. i am out of Orichalcums and the only way i may have a chance to get a couple are from the vending heartless, but even if i found one. its only a 16 percent chance i would get 1. so if there is a syntheses material item code...PLZ give it to me. i cant even get my ultima keyblade right now because of this...
they were tested already but perhaps more will come and u can help test those
well it sure helped me. after beating kh 2 hundreds of times ,there was no prob goin through the final mix version, and i still havent used a translation guide to help me yet and i have already done critical mode, solved the jiminy puzzles, complete ORGXIII final cut, mushroom challenge, and beat Terra. NOT BRAGGIN. so after beating kh2 there really should be no prob
i was busy, but i can now. guys my pc is in the shop and im using my ps3 to reply and get these codes, you got to give me props. i have tested the codes. the cutscene one is a bust..... as for the speed mod, up to here it has always been workin so. i have an action replay but RARLEY use it
i have done the final battle glitch many times a while back with others and its as godzilla said