im going out on a limb here, but if its a master hits or greatest hits, it could or could not have differences. master codes maybe, as for the other codes like well, things in the game i think all those will stay normal. i would make an effort to look for a different master code though, but try em before u go lookin for one. hope this helps
i dont believe Axel is playable. Mickey is however. im sure that somewhere in this forum there is a micky code, you just gotta look around.
yo guys, been a long time since i came around. but after all the things i went through like Metal Gear Solid 4, im back hungry again for my favorite Disney series, Kingdom Hearts. i wish i could help you guys out with codes and stuff. but ABSOULTLEY EVERYTHING I OWNED FOR FINAL MIX+ WAS DESTROYED. all of my joker commands. GONE. infinent HP and MP, GONE, Character mods from the first one all the way to Riku, GONE, all of my ROOM Mods, GONE. Special Costomization for Drive Forms. ..........GONE. <:C on another note, i recently bought a Nintendo DS for the upcoming 358-2, unfortunate cuz i expected it to come out this summer. but atleast i got other titles like "The World Ends With You" but thats another story. so guys, plz fill me in on what i have missed, NOTE - i have checked in on the site regularly, just havent checked any forums for a few months, so whats going on now?, whats hot?
OMG I HAVENT SAID ANYTHING IN FOREVER. woah are u serious!? i was really waiting for that game to come out sometime in the next few days, i just bought my Nintendo DS lite. but now its coming out late 2008 or early 2009?! what a rip off................................well i cant say that because honestly guys, i would rather wait a long time for a game thats good, then wait early and get a game thats a piece of trash. but when u have a team of Disney and Square-Enix, you just cant go wrong. even though i download all my DS games, i will purchase this one because im just that confident that it will be well worth the money its asking for. as for the cell phone buisness, i never was fond of the cell phone thing cuz if u didnt have the right cell phone for any reason then your screwed. Kingdom Hearts Coded is likly gonna see america, but i dont see my phone playing it.
OMFG EVERYONE, I JUST TURNED ON MY CODEBREAKER. ALL OF MY CODES ARE GONE!!!!!!!!!!!!! NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I HAD EVERYTHING... IF U GUYS CAN HELP ME GET BACK WHAT I LOST, U WOULD ROCK FOREVER. I HAD THE FALLOWING, THIS WONT BE ALL OF EM BUT IT WIL BE THE BEST the best Riku code. infinite Drive Gauge with soem L3 attatchment. Infinint MP Infinint HP a whole bunch of play as different character codes. the bet roxas codes the best Sora codes. CodeBreaker. the latest one PS- can anyone give me some working Kingdom Hearts 1 Final Mix codes? for CodeBreaker yo, i havent done nor said anything in a while, i hope ppl remember me ^^. so i will test that code for u, as well as many others. im on a hunt fr some codes right now, or some patches. play as mickey, be able to do finishers, no glitches. have some awesome key blades u cant get normally. NOTE i have kh2 final mix and a crap load of good codes. CodeBreaker can someone give me that messed up DW roxas that antiweapon had on a vid 2 vids ago? PS - I TESTED THOSE CODES, AND THEY DO NOT WORK, ALL THEY DO IS FREEZE UP THE GAME AS U LOAD A SLOT
OMG friends, it has been a real long time since i have posted anything nay searched on the site. the only thing i have done in the past months was just log in to see some new kh - vids for some new codes. and what i saw was incredible. ok so now that im back, i would like to point out that i too have some workign codes should anyone need em. MP codes,Hp codes, Joker's, room mods, and different characters stuff. k anyway i saw the vid and it seems like Terra is somewhat playable, sephiroth maybe, and a variety of others. so if anyone can point out where i can test these codes if there real plz do
Newgrounds Wooooo
those are pretty cool, i own a couple of Cloud and Sora figures myself
me too i did the code and i got nothing
exactly. none of em do and i need some
cmon, the front page codes are duds, they never work
ok guys , i need help quick, i need Codebreaker Kingdom Hearts Re-Chain of memories codes Master code............I NEED IT and cmon anything that wil give me the cards, cards for doord, all the best cards, all dat, cmon guys dont let me down, i need em quick ok guys , i need help quick, i need Codebreaker Kingdom Hearts Re-Chain of memories codes Master code............I NEED IT and cmon anything that wil give me the cards, cards for doors, all the best cards, all dat, cmon guys dont let me down, i need em quick
if anyone saw something worth doing in the new vid, would someone hook me up with awanting code, for FM+?
im sorry, i can say why thats happening, it works for me
DUDE i was thinking the same thing, even if it didnt work correctly, just being able to weild Terra's keyblade would be an extraordinary event. its moddled after a keyblade so it shouldnt be totally impossible. and guys, as i said many times over, i really need some codes. synthesis item codes because i ended up screwing myself and i cant get my Ultima since i used my oricahlcums on other stuff and for kh1 final mix i need the master code some better attack power and some infint magic power
im more interested in seeing how the multiplayer will work out
hold on. so what am i? chop liver?! T_T i hate bein left out, i have been testin up till now after all *SOB* cry
totally outrageous. sounds great cant wait
i tested the code ... it replaces ur current keyblade with the key u get fer beatin roxas
it was probably something dumb. like FF12