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  1. morris1113
    do u think it would eb at all possible to play as Reid Hershal through a hack or code? i mean. it looks like he has a move set.
    Post by: morris1113, Oct 18, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  2. morris1113
    here are some things i didnt care for in Kingdom Hearts 1, didnt like the fact you couldnt skip scenes. that was annoying if you died often.
    i didnt like the gummi ship levels, it was boring and just slowed things down. healing powers werent to fast. and the number one thing i didnt like in this game is the reaction commands in kh1, how u gotta press the d-pad down and still use ur other hand to move the anaolog. HOW AWKWARD IS THAT!? and you gotta be real quick too otherwise it dissapears just as fast as it came ARG.

    KH2 , there was nothing i hated. it was all lovable and worth playing. and YES, even Atlantica. that was awesome. the ppl who dont like it are just the over obsessed ppl who love violence and shun everything that is serene and peacefull.
    Post by: morris1113, Sep 27, 2008 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  3. morris1113
    yeah, im aware of that, im just sayin, it would be cool if it were so... GAWD I WANT KH 358/2, Birth By Sleep, and CODED NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Post by: morris1113, Aug 4, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  4. morris1113
    this would be an interesting code. to be able to have Sora's hood on
    Post by: morris1113, Aug 3, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  5. morris1113
    yo guys, im on critical still. and i want to fight..............SEPHIROTH......again...

    but being i dont have a save file with him in it.

    so can anyone give me a code where i can fight him in any room i choose?

    OH and while your at it, could ya see if there is a way to beef him up?, i have fought Sephiroth so many times. i know his patterns in and out, i cant lose.

    so yeah a sephiroth code and a code to make him stronger.
    Post by: morris1113, Aug 2, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  6. morris1113

    thanks, the items helped a bit, but just a couple dont ya think the 99 stock of weapons including the 2 gummie weapons are....pushin it? this has i cheated written all over it. and boy i gotta get rid of all these extra items. as cool as the all weapon cheat it, its only gonna cuz me more dread.
    Post by: morris1113, Aug 1, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  7. morris1113
    why would i want to do that? i want all my key blades. its not like i never got it before, its just that im having a lack of synthesis items on critical mode
    Post by: morris1113, Jul 31, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  8. morris1113
    well, i tried the bottle items code. but um. IM TRYING TO GET THE SYNTHESIS ITEMS...

    but i keep on getting nothing...i need things like serenity gems, and orichalcum+.........ring a bell?
    im trying to get my ultima blade which moogle just dousnt wanna give me...
    Post by: morris1113, Jul 31, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  9. morris1113
    that code dousnt even work for will freeze upon loading the save file so.....dam... what did it do?

    anyway, on another note, this Synthesis items codejust dousnt wanna work for their another one or any specific reason why this one isnt working?

    GOD DAM IT LMAO ROFL. jeez as if something else couldnt go wrong well gues what

    MY BARRIER MAGIC SPELL IS GONE. WTF!!!!? HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE!!!?, I JUST HAD IT. NOW ITS NOT IN MY MENU!?........umm can someone explain or provide YET ANOTHER CODE, for a barrier spell?

    NEVER MIND, I FIXED IT.......still need a Synthesis code though for my Ultima weapon
    Post by: morris1113, Jul 31, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  10. morris1113
    thanks, ill try it out now, i just put in the synthesis codes


    sorry, but this code, DOES NOT WORK
    ON ANOTHER NOTE. im listing here all the fallowing codes that have not worked and need to be fixed or edited.

    have the Kingdom key become Aurons sword....DOES NOT WORK
    11CD4390 000002C0

    play as shadow roxas ....DOES NOT WORK( freezes upon starting a save file )
    (might work on a ps2)
    11c6cc20 00000754
    21cb1950 58455f50
    21cb1954 2e303131
    21cb1958 7465736d

    the play as Mickey hooded code all of a sudden became a play as Roxas code...

    ill post more later
    11C6CC20 0000005A
    Post by: morris1113, Jul 31, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  11. morris1113
    im not entirly sure, at first my HP bar was long and ran off screen, i wanted to get rid of it, so i did some hp codes previously entered like a page ago, and after just one code it made me have no HP bar period, and now my HP is always blinkin letting me know im gonna die, but that dont even happen, im invincible anyway even with no hp bar and endless blinkin sound. its really annoying... thanks for the synthesis items code though
    Post by: morris1113, Jul 31, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  12. morris1113

    for starters, i fu**ed my HP up, so now its always down blinking saying im gonna die, and i cant change it,

    and seconds, moogle is the biggest ass and dont want to give me the last orichalcum+ which means i cant make my Ultima blade, which honestly is the biggest shock that i havent got it i need like a.....have all item synthesis codes or something. please guys help me out here. my hp blinking bar is so annoying
    Post by: morris1113, Jul 31, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  13. morris1113

    yeeeeaaahhh about that...i mentioned like idk how many pages ago, that the reason i needed all these codes was for the reason that all my originals on my codebreaker were now i have nothing...

    Omg Help Me. This Is Driving Me Nuts. Damn I Cant Take It Anymore

    Those 4 Hp Codes That Had To Be Used Along With The Infinint One To Make My Hp Bar Small Worked To Well. So Well I Cant Turn It Off

    The Bar Is Now At 0 And Its Always Making That Annoying Beeping Sound To Let Em Know Im Pretty Screwed With 1 Hit, But I Cant Die And Besides That, I Cant Get My Hp Back Up Any How, Not Even With The Infinint Hp Code.

    The Beeping Is So Annoying Make It Stop, Somebody, Antiweapon. Make A Code To Stop This And Make My Hp Normal Again, Im On Critical

    And Yes I Know I Double Posted
    Post by: morris1113, Jul 30, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  14. morris1113
    ill have to test these later but the thing is, im so far in the game, like. have completed everything including my terra fight. there are no bonuses for me to get for me to change this, but ill see what these do. thanks, but i still need the other codes. can anyone help me out here?, these codes are old, and should be easy to give

    except fo rthat new Roxas one in the video's
    Post by: morris1113, Jul 30, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  15. morris1113
    i dont get it...reduce my HP. other then getting attacked. i dont see how this will take away this huge HP bar on my screen
    Post by: morris1113, Jul 30, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  16. morris1113
    that is exactly what i need
    Post by: morris1113, Jul 30, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  17. morris1113
    gosh darn it guys, well. i hope you guys can remember the codes i wanted, i dont know how far back it was, this thread moves faster then anything. so another code i would like, is that one where you can play as Roxas then turn into DW roxas like in the video's on the front of the site.

    ill try to say the cods again.

    im using Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix+, and a codebreaker, not sure which version

    i need a infinint HP code, infinint MP, and note, i dont want these to go accross the screen, im already cursed with one. so is there a code, to make it go away?

    infinint Drive and have it be at 9 or whatever number. and cool form codes and such
    Post by: morris1113, Jul 30, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  18. morris1113
    im not gonna lie, King Mickey came for me atleast 2wice in a row the first time i fought Xaldin........OH CMON, LIKE IT DIDNT HAPPEN TO EVERYONE ELSE
    Post by: morris1113, Jul 30, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  19. morris1113

    thanks please do, i have been away from Kingdom Hearts for a little while and i need to get back into it, i have been off for to long actually, roxas is owning me.

    plz help with any codes you can,

    yo guys, back again, and having already said all of my sweet codes have been destroyed, i need everyones help so i can get back on my feet before Kingdom Hearts 358/2 comes out for DS,, here is what i have and need

    i am using a CodeBreaker, not sure if its an old Model or not, best to give multiple codes of the same thing to be sure.

    i own, Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix+

    the codes i need are as fallows.

    Infinint HP - im not cheap, i just like having insurance every now and then.
    Infinint MP - still not being cheap, i just like to have my backup powers
    Infinint Drive which also goes to LVL 9 - well, i guess this is cheap but cmon, its to good NOT to use.
    the cool Character mods, from King micky to Riku, to DW Roxas,
    and the room mods, ill be able to get back myself.

    OH AND ONE MORE CODE, on my expert mode which i did fairly through the game, i did a infinint HP code on it to be tested and i accidentally saved so now my expert mode has a HP bar the goeas farther and off screen. CAN SOMEBODY GIVE ME A CODE TO TAKE THIS OFF, and give me my SMALL hp bar again!? PPL THINK I CHEATED
    Post by: morris1113, Jul 25, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  20. morris1113
    yo guys, back again, and having already said all of my sweet codes have been destroyed, i need everyones help so i can get back on my feet before Kingdom Hearts 358/2 comes out for DS,, here is what i have and need

    i am using a CodeBreaker, not sure if its an old Model or not, best to give multiple codes of the same thing to be sure.

    i own, Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix+

    the codes i need are as fallows.

    Infinint HP - im not cheap, i just like having insurance every now and then.
    Infinint MP - still not being cheap, i just like to have my backup powers
    Infinint Drive which also goes to LVL 9 - well, i guess this is cheap but cmon, its to good NOT to use.
    the cool Character mods, from King micky to Riku, to DW Roxas,
    and the room mods, ill be able to get back myself.

    OH AND ONE MORE CODE, on my expert mode which i did fairly through the game, i did a infinint HP code on it to be tested and i accidentally saved so now my expert mode has a HP bar the goeas farther and off screen. CAN SOMEBODY GIVE ME A CODE TO TAKE THIS OFF, and give me my SMALL hp bar again!? PPL THINK I CHEATED :(
    Post by: morris1113, Jul 25, 2008 in forum: Code Vault