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  1. ▪Jay▪
    Hey Wolf,

    Ive been trying to resize my avatar and because it is a GIF file im having some problems.

    I was wondering if you could change the canvas size of the image to 100 x 100

    Link to image

    Post by: ▪Jay▪, Apr 20, 2011 in forum: Art Shop
  2. ▪Jay▪
    Thankyou sooooo much :D
    Post by: ▪Jay▪, Apr 19, 2011 in forum: Art Shop
  3. ▪Jay▪
    Sorry about this :P
    but could you please change Steel to Dark

    and change Buizel to Poliwrath

    Thankyou :D
    Post by: ▪Jay▪, Apr 19, 2011 in forum: Art Shop
  4. ▪Jay▪
    Profile Post

    Thankyou ;D

    Thankyou ;D
    Profile Post by ▪Jay▪ for Korra, Apr 19, 2011
  5. ▪Jay▪
    You never wonder about these things while in the game. If Yen-Sid is as powerful as the game makes him out to be, then why isnt he helping fight against Organisation XIII?
    Post by: ▪Jay▪, Apr 19, 2011 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  6. ▪Jay▪
    KH1 Sephiroth was so much harder than the KH2 one. The abilities you have in KH2 made it so much easier than in KH1.
    Post by: ▪Jay▪, Apr 19, 2011 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  7. ▪Jay▪
    I hated those Monkeys in Tarzan on Expert. It was the first world i played and they used to kill me in 2 hits :O
    Post by: ▪Jay▪, Apr 19, 2011 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  8. ▪Jay▪
    Ive always said Tee-dus, but now that you mention it im confused on how to say his name...grr
    Post by: ▪Jay▪, Apr 19, 2011 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  9. ▪Jay▪
    In that case i would like the extended version please :D

    Trainer Image: Generation 4 Trainer Red sprite (male), Give him black pants, red top, blue shoes and blue backpack

    Pokemon Team: (In order) Charmeleon, Buizel, Pidgeot, Sycther, Houndoom, Zangoose

    Name: Jay

    Favourite Types: Fire and Steel

    Date of Birth: 16-03-1994

    Home Town: Cerulean City

    Badges: All Kanto Region Badges

    Card Colour: Silver
    Post by: ▪Jay▪, Apr 18, 2011 in forum: Art Shop
  10. ▪Jay▪
    Hey guys :D

    I've actually been using this site for a while now and i finally forced myself to sign up. This forum looks like an amazing place and i cant wait to see you guys out there... PEACE!
    Thread by: ▪Jay▪, Apr 17, 2011, 8 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures
  11. ▪Jay▪
    Hey there, i would like to request a trainer card please

    Trainer Image: Generation 4 Trainer Red sprite (male), Give him black pants, red top, blue shoes and blue backpack

    Pokemon Team: (In order) Charmeleon, Buizel, Pidgeot, Sycther, Houndoom, Zangoose

    Name: Jay

    Badges: All Kanta Region Badges

    Card Colour: Silver

    Thankyou :D
    Post by: ▪Jay▪, Apr 17, 2011 in forum: Art Shop
  12. ▪Jay▪
    Cookie Jar by Gym Class Heroes

    Listen Now !

    Post by: ▪Jay▪, Apr 17, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  13. ▪Jay▪
    Hello guys (first post/thread btw), ive recently gotten intrested in graphic art but i just can't seem to get my project to stand out or fit what i want it to look like.


    Above is the image im working on. Ive got the base pretty much done but i need some tips on what i could do to make it look better such as lightening and layer effects. I am a noob so i still dont know how to make use of all the editing options photoshop gives you. I could really use some tips and guides on how i could improve my image above and overall abilities.

    Thread by: ▪Jay▪, Apr 17, 2011, 1 replies, in forum: Help