Hey Wolf, Ive been trying to resize my avatar and because it is a GIF file im having some problems. I was wondering if you could change the canvas size of the image to 100 x 100 Link to image - http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq41/crimzondawn/scott_callstriker.gif Thankyou.
Thankyou sooooo much :D
Sorry about this :P but could you please change Steel to Dark and change Buizel to Poliwrath Thankyou :D
Thankyou ;D
You never wonder about these things while in the game. If Yen-Sid is as powerful as the game makes him out to be, then why isnt he helping fight against Organisation XIII?
KH1 Sephiroth was so much harder than the KH2 one. The abilities you have in KH2 made it so much easier than in KH1.
I hated those Monkeys in Tarzan on Expert. It was the first world i played and they used to kill me in 2 hits :O
Ive always said Tee-dus, but now that you mention it im confused on how to say his name...grr
In that case i would like the extended version please :D Trainer Image: Generation 4 Trainer Red sprite (male), Give him black pants, red top, blue shoes and blue backpack Pokemon Team: (In order) Charmeleon, Buizel, Pidgeot, Sycther, Houndoom, Zangoose Name: Jay Favourite Types: Fire and Steel Date of Birth: 16-03-1994 Home Town: Cerulean City Badges: All Kanto Region Badges Card Colour: Silver
Hey guys :D I've actually been using this site for a while now and i finally forced myself to sign up. This forum looks like an amazing place and i cant wait to see you guys out there... PEACE!
Hey there, i would like to request a trainer card please Trainer Image: Generation 4 Trainer Red sprite (male), Give him black pants, red top, blue shoes and blue backpack Pokemon Team: (In order) Charmeleon, Buizel, Pidgeot, Sycther, Houndoom, Zangoose Name: Jay Badges: All Kanta Region Badges Card Colour: Silver Thankyou :D
Cookie Jar by Gym Class Heroes Listen Now ! [video=youtube;HrjRj4uQQ1o]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HrjRj4uQQ1o[/video]
Hello guys (first post/thread btw), ive recently gotten intrested in graphic art but i just can't seem to get my project to stand out or fit what i want it to look like. Above is the image im working on. Ive got the base pretty much done but i need some tips on what i could do to make it look better such as lightening and layer effects. I am a noob so i still dont know how to make use of all the editing options photoshop gives you. I could really use some tips and guides on how i could improve my image above and overall abilities. Thankyou.