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  1. SoratheFallen
    Well, I like to challenge myself, so what better way to do it then with one of my favorite games lol

    btw, nice pic
    Post by: SoratheFallen, Feb 10, 2014 in forum: Production Studio
  2. SoratheFallen
    I'm not sure if you can or not for the beginning part of his 3rd form and Scythe Wheel isn't his DM. His DM I would have call that attack Ivy Pillars. I believe if you hit him with a ground finisher (Guard Break or Normal) or an air finisher (Extra Hit after Aerial Finish), he'll do his Scythe Wheel attack. I wouldn't recommend that you force him into that though because it can be hard to time guard against it and when he's done doing that, you would have to be close to him to even attack him.

    Yes, you can run away from his Scythe Throw with quick run and hope that you don't run into a wall, so that rather hard to time or You can quick run away from it and guard his Scythe, but don't use Counter Guard or you'll get hit by his next attack when he drops down on you.

    Also, when you see me running clock wise close to the middle of the arena, I was pushing the left along stick to about the bottom right hand corner and when I saw his arm move with the Scythe in his hand, that's when I ran away and used guard afterwards.

    Trust me. It's just easier to let him go into his DM. As for Valor Form, it's really not recommended for level 1.

    I only have a few Proud Mode fights atm since I'm only concentrating on Final Mix for right now.
    My best one for Proud Mode and it was the first KH challenge that I did is my Sephiroth level 50 No Damage video.

    Hope that helps!
    Post by: SoratheFallen, Feb 10, 2014 in forum: Production Studio
  3. SoratheFallen
    Q1. After you take out about 4 bars of health depending if you used a ground (Guard Break or Normal) or an air finisher (Extra Hit after Aerial Finish) or you just used Aerial Finish depends on what he does after summoning his 3 Rose Pools which is his 2nd form. If you hit him with Guard Break or Normal finisher on the ground or the extra hit after Aerial Finish, it will be a lot harder and that's where he'll most likely surround you with those explosive thorns.

    As you saw, I only used Aerial Finish without the extra hit, and I believe it forces Marluxia into an easier setup for his 2nd form.

    Q2. I redid a few of the challenges because I wanted to make sure that I beat the ones BloodyBizkit or who is now know as Bizkit047 did. You can look him up on YouTube.

    Q3. The level 1 challenges are on Final Mix and setup for Critical Mode only which also makes Sora more Over Powered. The bosses are keyed down a bit as well on Critical mode. On Proud Mode, you will notice that all of the bosses are more erratic and more random in all of their forms. Go watch some of the Critical Mode Bosses and compare them to the Proud Mode Bosses and you'll see what I mean.

    I hope I answered your questions. :)

    Post by: SoratheFallen, Feb 10, 2014 in forum: Production Studio
  4. SoratheFallen
    Main Story Line Fights:

    Side Boss Fights

    These are challenges for KH2 Final Mix which are a lot more beatable then the (USA) version, but still quite difficult!

    Restrictions Included:

    Critical Mode
    Level 1
    No Damage
    Weakest Weapon
    No Armor
    No Accessories
    No Status Boosters
    No Scan
    No Guard/Counterguard
    No Growth Skills
    No Magic
    No Drive
    No Limit
    No Summon
    No HP/MP Items
    Best Time
    No Cure Donald
    Donald and Goofy Off (Customize Both to No Abilities/Sora Attack)

    Difficulty levels go from N/A-I/10.
    Going by 5's
    Count the total HP of enemies x 5 x the mode you're on.
    Beginner= N/A Normal= 1 Proud= 2 Critical= 3
    If it's at I/10, then it is impossible to beat.
    Anything below is possible.
    N/A means it's that flat out easy to beat.

    If anyone has questions, suggestions, comments please contact me here or



    Thread by: SoratheFallen, Feb 9, 2014, 8 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  5. SoratheFallen
    wtf are you talking about? i'm not a mod. i just needed somewhere to post these videos.

    tell me what?

    Post by: SoratheFallen, Jan 24, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. SoratheFallen

    For video 2 I had to make it downloadable content sorry!

    Post by: SoratheFallen, Jan 24, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. SoratheFallen
    no... it stands for Kingdom Hearts...

    hahaha gawd nice! made my night xD
    Post by: SoratheFallen, Jan 18, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. SoratheFallen

    Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep - Kingdom Hearts 1


    Thread by: SoratheFallen, Jan 15, 2014, 1 replies, in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  9. SoratheFallen
    ok cool thx! i will do that then!

    Post by: SoratheFallen, Jan 15, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. SoratheFallen
    Here's the location to my video since I can't get it up on YouTube


    Thread by: SoratheFallen, Jan 13, 2014, 19 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. SoratheFallen
    no, i see that. i was just mentioning what this thread is about.

    Post by: SoratheFallen, Jan 10, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. SoratheFallen
    yes it is. this was started by me. i'm new here. i made this one for 2 reasons 1. for a bit of my own non-profits ad for YouTube, so i can get myself built up. 2. for anyone that has bragging rights no matter how small they are.

    ~Seth[DOUBLEPOST=1389336211][/DOUBLEPOST]admin if i'm breaking a rule, plz tell me! Please go like

    Post by: SoratheFallen, Jan 10, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. SoratheFallen
    what do i have to do? i'm all ears! ^^

    Post by: SoratheFallen, Jan 9, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. SoratheFallen
    hey as long as you're a KH fan, that doesn't really matter! :D[DOUBLEPOST=1389324172][/DOUBLEPOST]
    haha haven't you seen my page!? I'm already doing that! ^^ Bizkit047/BloddyBizKit is the original holder of these!

    ~Seth[DOUBLEPOST=1389324309][/DOUBLEPOST]Btw everyone! You get a weaker weapon then the Kingdom Key in KH2 not too long after you play as Sora! The Hidden Dragon that you get on the first visit is weaker. Yes has better magic, but the strength is the worst up to the point i'm at!

    haha i wish i was this ripped :P i'm not fat either tho :/[DOUBLEPOST=1389324435][/DOUBLEPOST]
    try doing it with the weakest weapon that you would have on you, which is the hidden Dragon in KH2 where i'm at :P

    hey! how do i become an admin!?

    Post by: SoratheFallen, Jan 9, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. SoratheFallen
    haha yea! that one is pretty annoying! >_<

    Nice .GIF btw xD

    Post by: SoratheFallen, Jan 9, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. SoratheFallen
    aww ok. would've loved to see them!!! :D

    Post by: SoratheFallen, Jan 9, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. SoratheFallen
    do you have vidoes?

    Post by: SoratheFallen, Jan 9, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. SoratheFallen
    Yes! because she is rather difficult to kill. that is a pretty good accomplish ment! ^^ tip: choose shield and staff in that order for mele
    Shield | Staff | 5 STR 4 DEF 2 MP 1 AP +2 Items It evens out the stats and gives you guard at lv9 or if you want to go with magic
    Staff | Shield | 5 STR 1 DEF 3 MP 3 AP +0

    If you go with mele, you'll depend a lot on guard, so get that mastered big time! If you go with magic, you will be using a lot of MP while being far from enemies.

    I'll probably go with magic next time around and level slowly up to lv50 so i can lvl up fast after that.

    ~Seth[DOUBLEPOST=1389317734][/DOUBLEPOST]Has anyone done any no damage on any of the bosses?

    lol at you .GIF xD love it!

    Post by: SoratheFallen, Jan 9, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. SoratheFallen
    My best one was


    Thread by: SoratheFallen, Jan 8, 2014, 30 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone