It was sorta Spoiler It was Calvin & Hobbes Sled Sleighing down the snow and it ending with them going out exploring. I demand more of it!
*Spectating* Don't mind me, just bumping the thread for more funnies.
Like the colored Sundays book where he explains about every comic he did in the sundays?(I think everyone)
Exactly! I call myself a Mary-sue Cop, you see a sue, I'll do my best to help that person, if its they are troll, well thats just a plus for me!
Damn right you were! I swear if there was a convention for these comics I would attend every year! I think I'm going to make my next Icon Calvin if I can find some good pictures of him I Hobbes, Hobbes is awesome.
Super smash bros. That is final. Every Wii owner should own one, or at least did. Its is addicting and fun. Enough said.
It is great for a first time, the coloring is very nice! Pastels really brings out a picture. The only thing I don't like is the eyes, pupils and shine in them make the eyes more alluring, but its great anyhow!
*sniffle* I love this comic series so much, I have three of the books.
Quite the rich one now are we? XD I sometimes go to DD's and make my costume homemade, though its pretty tedious work.
...Your a guy? I say its one of the most perverted shows ever, and yes it is dumb. Anyone who dies that way, unless drunk, are quite pathetic, but I digress; I have come to times when I accidentally almost do such things.