Blade saw the katana going for his chest. suddenly something happened with in him that he couldn't control; everything went black. Since they were still in mid air, blade was flying backwards slightly and Rokuxion was flying twards him slightly. A white light consumed Blades body every inch and centimeter. it went on for a split second then the light faded away and were blade was, was someone Rokuxion new. His clothes changed and he got a little taller, but not his green eyes or purple hair. They were still flying back, katana still centimeters away from the teenagers chest. And then the voice came, "Rokuxion?..."
Blade watched the armor appear on Rokuxion. "Hmph." Blade's Keyblade was moved, by the force of Rokuxions keyblade, out of his hands and flew many yards away. Stabbing into the ground as it landed. Blade ducked as the first slash came. Jumped sideways as a slash came upward, then jumped sideways again as the stab came down. He barely had time to react as the blade came down, it sliced his shoulder pad barely, causing a scratch. Blade then jumped backwards as the horizontil slash came in. When it stopped, he saw an opening. He lept at him with no keyblade in his hand, extended a fist for his cheak.
"Heh..." Blade also jumped into a glide twords Rokuxion. There 2 blades met in an instant. Dark clouds came in quickly over head; rain fell on them. The battle countinued....
Blade smirked as Rokuxion came up to him. He brought his keyblade down to block the first attack, but the force was to strong so it nocked his keyblade up into the air. he saw the horizontal slash come and barely blocked it, then the knee came, slightly nocking out the wind, he looked up to see the elbow come straight at his face. he had no time to move, the hit nocked him back alittle giving him chance to bring up his keyblade. he then twisted on the ground, dodging the diagnal attack, then brought up his keyblade. blocking the vertical one. As the blades pushed on eachother Blade looked up. " dead!" Blade then, with a thrust of energy, shoved his keyblade up ward. he then followed with a kick to the head, a diagnal slash to his shoulder, then a slash upward then jumping back and firing many Dark Auroras. ooc: Hey you guys...The Enigmatic Knights Family!!! :D
Blade saw, through the dust, the thundagas coming at him. He lifted up his keyblade in a horizontal position, supporting the top with his other hand. Thundagas hit with such force that he was sliding backward and out of the cloud of dust. as the thundagas died He stood strong again slashing down at the air diagnally.
Suddenly several shots of Dark Aroura came shooting out of the heavy cloud of dust. all were aimed for Rokuxion.
Blade countinued his strike, even though he was completely wide open and was kinda in the air still. He turned his keyblade just in time for the key part to go into the ground. The force suspended him for a moment. He scrunched up into the keyblade causing the knee to miss him, then shoved off his keyblade, horizontilly. As rokuxions blade came almost exactly parrellel to him, Blade turned his body in a spiralling motion. Blades quick airobatic skills weren't clever enough to miss the attack as he flew through the air. The stinging pain of his cheak came as the blade cut a clean but not deep scar on his face. Blade landed on his one of his feet and the other on his knee cap. he raised one hand having his keyblade come back to him. He gripped it tightly. he raised his other hand to feel his new cut as blood dripped down his face. He touched it, looked at his hand, then smiled at Rokuxion. "Well...this should be interesting." Blade ran at Rokuxion while fireing several blasts of Dark Firaga.
Blade smiled. "Vaguely," Blade got into his battle stance, his keyblade resting slightly above the ground and gripped with both hands to his right. "Remind me...Ha!" Blade lept at Rokuxion, with such speed and strength that he was there in an instant. His keyblade coming at his side.
ooc: ...*checks last post*...OMG lol i did! That made me laugh as well. I'm going to keep it that way!!! XD Blade turned to Rokuxion. "Ah I see your back...Idiotic i think." Blade flipped his hair and smirked. "You know you can't beat me-" Then a word caught and intreaged him. "Brother?"
"Hmph..." Blade had his Chaos Keyblade out infront of him. He glanced at it then back at the three. "Family?" Blade smirked. "What could family possibly do for you, but make you weeker?!"
I had to delete my resent file because it was messed up...anywho is there a code to have all the Gummie Parts?
I tried it with a different saved file in twilight town and it worked...i'm going to try it in T.T. with my Resent saved file...
The Roxas Code isn't working. I don't know what's wrong i looked over the code several times! When ever i enter a world the game BSOD
thank you i'll reply if i have any problems! :D
Can you put that in Raw format plz? :)
Whats the code to have Roxas as a member but still have goofy? Because i want Sora, Roxas, and Riku all in one party! XD Also thanks in advance along with thanks for yesterday i got DW Roxas w/ FF Movset to work!
It worked but the Reversal code didnt...what is that code? cause theres like 5 different ones. Also i'm trying to get DW Wisdom Form to work but it T-Stances, so does DW roxas with FF moveset.
1000 Heartless Battle(Hold R2 while walking into new area) E002FDFF 0035B55C 2033E830 42001104 2033E834 00004242 that's the code i'm useing
Okay...the 1000 heartless thing didnt work
should i have dusk in my party?