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  1. Doxyc
    ooc: oh...okay lol
    Post by: Doxyc, Apr 22, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Doxyc
    ooc: ones replying

    ooc: Where are you?! First your at Sephiroths place then your over at the great gourge randomly without an explaination.
    Post by: Doxyc, Apr 22, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Doxyc
    Blade landed Gracefully, looked at Rokuxion, "Huh." Blade dashed towards him and sliced downward, and countinued to attack him in any way possible.
    Post by: Doxyc, Apr 14, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Doxyc
    Blade blocked the first attack. the jumped backwards and countined to dodge there attacks. as The last attak came Blade jumped high into the air, his keyblade charged with energy above his head. "HA!!!" Blade yelled as he sliced down. Suddenly a dark energy slash came flying at Rokuxion; this move sent Blade a little bit higher into the sky. He countinued this attack another 8 times, causing a huge cloud of smoke, before he took his other hand and fired several blasts of Dark aurora into the dust.
    Post by: Doxyc, Apr 11, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Doxyc
    Hey does kh2:FM+ work for USA PS2? or do i have to get a Japan PS2 to play it?
    Post by: Doxyc, Apr 9, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  6. Doxyc
    Blade countinued to on the buildings rubble, Rokuxion in clear sight; he lunged at Blade. Blade jumped backward as the first slash came, landing on the ground, then jumped backwards again as the Downslash took over. Rokuxion rushed into Blade, attacking with Horizontal like attacks. Blade kept on blocking and blocking the moves over and over again. He then lept back, and then back to rokuxion; there swords clashing. Their Blades were locked together. " you think you should be fighting a battle you can't win? save Doxyc?" Said Blade with Doxyc's voice and another deep like voice.
    Post by: Doxyc, Apr 8, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Doxyc
    Doxyc floated in the POD. His dream like state was quite peaceful. As the POD read in HollowGraphic letters, 36.4 %. His wound was healing nicely. It had stopped bleeding because of the POD's formulas. In his dreams though he could see the battle being wadged between Rokuxion and Blade.
    Post by: Doxyc, Apr 7, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Doxyc
    As Doxyc got to the Castle The blood started to flow more frequently down his chest. He was carrying Rokuxion all this way. Roka was behind them fighting Graxe, for all they new. He thought life was once again slipping away. "I can't do this!" He cried out as he fell to his knees and slightly droping rokuxion. with his one free hand he punched the ground in anger. Suddenly a portal appeared in front of them. Doxyc looked up and thought please bring me somewhere i can heal! He picked up rokuxion and went through the Portal; it closed behind them. He appeared in Twilight Town's Mansion's Basement. Infront of him was a giant pod in a white, round, room. He set down Rokuxion by the wall, blood was all over him too. Doxyc limped over to the Pod, there was a control panel at the time right next to it. He put in heal, it opened. he walked slowly. trying to hold in his blood as he got to the top. When he got into it, he started to collasp, and the POD shut him from the world.
    Post by: Doxyc, Apr 6, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Doxyc
    ooc: Stop swearing!!! XD
    Post by: Doxyc, Apr 5, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Doxyc
    The rubble falling confused Blade, making the orb in his hand to dissappear, but he countinued threw it. when he thought he was in the middle. he felt a small rock hit him in a direction the rubble wasn't falling. Now! he thought. He threw out his free hand and suddenly a huge barrier came around him and right were the rock came. Several slashes from Rokuxion came forth. it was hard to see the barrier because it was partily see through. Blade was completely protected. As the last slash came down the barrier made several explosions with in the area around him in every direction.
    Post by: Doxyc, Apr 5, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Doxyc
    ooc: ...ya i'm going to go with KnightReaper's post! XD

    bic: Doxyc bairly had any energy, but he had enough to get to the castle with Rokuxion. He picked him up, the blood slightly pooring out, and ran to the castle as fast as he could.

    *****Doxyc's Heart*****

    Blade through out his right hand; dark energy channeled into the palm of his hand. he ran at the building and then started to run up it.

    ooc: no umm...KnightReaper healed Doxyc...that's what he ment
    Post by: Doxyc, Apr 5, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Doxyc
    ooc: Okay lol

    bic: Blade jumped high over the fire ball as it hit the base of the skyscrapper behind them. He then brought his keyblade to his right, blocking the first horizontal slice he brought his keyblade above his head as the Vertical slice came, the force made him fly twards the ground. He landed on the ground, rokuxion appeared infront of him still slicing away. Blade kept dodging and blocking the attacks as the last attack came sending him into the air he lept back at him and would do many slices for the torco. then attack upward with so much strength it to would have some effect then fire many blasts of Thundaga. He'd then jump after him making another vertical slash twords the ground then firing many more blasts.
    Post by: Doxyc, Apr 5, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Doxyc
    ooc: question Aren't you in Doxycs heart fighting Blade?
    Post by: Doxyc, Apr 5, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Doxyc
    "Good..." Doxyc then turned to Graxe with a smile.

    "Yes Graxe i do recognize your voice..." the smile vanished from his face. "And I'm sorry...for THIS!!!!" With a huge thrust of energy Doxyc lifted his hand and a great burst of Blizzaga came forth cannoning at graxe.

    ooc: there's 3 people: Doxyc, Roka, and Rokuxion
    Post by: Doxyc, Apr 5, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Doxyc
    "Roka," Doxyc said with a stern voice. "Is the mansion stilll ok?"
    Post by: Doxyc, Apr 5, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Doxyc
    Doxyc was still breathing, he looked at Roka and looked slightly confused, "...R-Roka?" Rokuxion was still unconsious because he was inside Doxycs heart. "Is...this real?" He said as he lifted his hand although it had his own blood on it. A sudden cough came out and blood trickled down his cheek.
    Post by: Doxyc, Apr 5, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Doxyc
    Doxyc was still holding on. He refused to let go. Rokuxion was of no help at all, his eyes were closed and was elsewhere. Doxyc was just a sliver away from Death. His staggering breathing kept going the sun was setting and they sky was still golden. He was fighting for his life, but little did he no about the battle of his heart.

    +++++Doxycs Heart+++++

    Blade and Rokuxion stood there. Rokuxion filled with rage. Blade still cocky as ever. "I'm guessing you liked my little show out there?" Said a voice that was Doxyc's and someone elses deep voice combined. He held out his hand and the Chaos keyblade appeared in his hand.

    ooc: HURRY UP!!! this is getting INSANE!!!
    Post by: Doxyc, Apr 5, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Doxyc
    ooc: lol it's kewl! XD

    "why did..." Doxyc looked around seeing rokuxion and rain falling down on him. The sky's were clearing, and it looked like a golden heaven. "Rokuxion...what's u-" Doxyc started to cough and blood splurted forth onto Rokuxions face. "I"
    Post by: Doxyc, Apr 5, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Doxyc
    Doxyc was still slightly consious, "...what's..." He brought his hand to his chest. then looked at it. Blood. Fear came over him, was this how he was going to die? Staggering breathing, he was slipping. What did I do wrong... He thought sadly.

    ooc: lol that was funny. you called me a *******
    Post by: Doxyc, Apr 5, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Doxyc
    ooc: I thought that Rokuxion was flying at Blade with his Katana out and about to stab? so...ya
    Post by: Doxyc, Apr 5, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home