for some reason my Windows Media Player says "Windows Media Player cannot play the file. The Player might not support the file type or might not support the codec that was used to compress the file."...i'm confused.
the same thing happens...
I really need help with this one! Okay so there's this site called and for some reason whenever i download a video there i can't play it!!! please help me!!!
ooc: my character waits on you Jaxed lol
ooc: don't wait to long! XD
ooc: Sure you can add a new character! and Nothing really happened...since rokuxion has been in the chamber Doxyc went to Yensids to ask if he could get rid of the Illuminites or whatever. Jaxed is in twilight town right now and Doxyc is at the clock tower in Twilight town...nothing really happened...the Illuminites are gone from twilight town however.
ooc: sorry for some reason this thread doesn't tell me if theres a new post! >.< bic: Doxyc walked down Yensids tower in thought. He looked up to see the train there and he quickly rushed in. As it arived at Twilight town. Doxyc desided to go to the only place he new were he could figure things out...the top of the clock tower. He walked up some steps and around some corners until eventually he was on top of the tower. he staired off into the Sunset...thinking.
Doxyc ran and ran until he appeared infront of the Clock tower. Half of the City was destroyed. The Illuminites were on the other side of town. Doxyc stopped and looked up the tower to see Nny standing there. Persistant... Doxyc looked threw the doors of the clock tower the Train was there, purple and magical. He ran for it bursting in through the front entrance. He got in the cart and it took off. When he arived at Yensids he ran into the tower, up the stairs, bursted into the room to find Yensid sitting there. Yensid closed his eyes and said with a relaxed face, "I wondered when you'd return...Doxyc," he opened his eyes and in a serious tone countinued, "You gave us quite a scare turning evil...Jaxeds almost given up hope." "There's no time for that!" Doxyc yelled then stopped at the familure name, "Jaxed? ...What? where is he?! TELL ME!" "Is that really what you came to ask me?" "...No...I need your help! Twilight town's being destroyed by the Illuminites!" Doxyc said frantic "Illuminites...hmmm...i'll take care of them. Oh by the way...Jaxed? is recovering his know where to find him" and with that he vanished in white spining smoke. Doxyc stood there in thought. where could jaxed be? ...the bald man could strike any moment...
NOOO!!!...well is there a code to have sora walk around with the keyblades he can steal from roxas? Sorry for doubleposting...but is that the code that's simalar to Terras? Were he tries to attack you but it phases right threw you and hits the enemies? Cause if so that's the code that i wanted lol sorry.
What's the code to have Roxas boss as an ally? like where he attacks the heartless and not you?
XD!!! I'm jumping in my seat with excitment!
Apparantly it does!!! Yes but when?
WOW! Congragulations guys! I never thought that this would be possible because Erks and Cloudstrife said it was impossible...BUT HOLY CRAP!!! Great job! Do you have any idea when the code will be final? or updated?
ooc: just start when ever you want
Hey is there a code to have the keyblades you steal from roxas, in the boss battle, all the time? And is there a Max Stats code as well?
ooc: Sorry i wasn't on today....lots of crap happening with my any ways i'll be on around 12 my's midnight right now so 12 hours from now i'll try to make it on! XD
ooc: just got on dude
ooc: HURRAY!!!
ooc: it's okay
ooc: cool cool! XD