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  1. Doxyc
  2. Doxyc
  3. Doxyc
    ooc: hey i'm interested in joining this RP and i wanted to know what was going on in it. If that's okay :)
    Post by: Doxyc, Jun 22, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Doxyc
    OOC: Hey I wanted to make a Character and before I do, I wanted to know what's happened in this plot. :)
    Post by: Doxyc, Jun 22, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Doxyc
    Profile Post


    Profile Post by Doxyc for Explode, May 9, 2009
  6. Doxyc
    ...Better. (Co Author Xemawth)

    It seems you guys actually took my advise to heart. I can actually see some relativly decent improvements here. Voice Acting improved overall. Mics NEED TO GET BETTER! All Mics should have the same type of quality so that contenuity is preserved for all scenes! Mics with white static is a HUGE turn off. You still suffered from poorly delivered lines, I would advise that MUCH MORE consideration is taken into delivery of the lines. Mike you have the MOST trouble in this EASY area! I can't believe you have faded as an understudy, she is too talented for this production. Now to move onto the...Actors:

    Sephysl (Xion): Your name sounds like an STD...moving on...i'm impressed actually. You took the time to not suck....good job.Points for not sucking :) Your mic was also good quality. I could tell that you put yourself into the character's shoes. Some lines sucked. like when she charged at riku...GAWD!

    Mike (Roxas): Mike...not terrifyingly earbleeding as last time. I only bled a little bit this time. Admittibly this is a step up from...your last mess. I could tell an attempt was made but suckadge was still apparent. You are divoid of emotion! Enough said...*If you suck, learn how to nut suck :)* with warmest regards...right...

    Roxas3310 (DiZ): You changed him? Why? This sucks, you voted all my fovorite actors off the island... Btw he sucked.

    Bacon (Axel): You are better as axel i have to admit. Good. The fight scene was stupid. That sucked. fail. get better :)

    Morris1113 (Saix): Get a better Mic! ...Next

    Anomaly1 (Namine): You weren't as good as Faded. You lines came off strange and awkardly! I miss need to learn how to say your lines in a uniform way that doesn't suck. plz. Bring your voice a little higher so you don't sound like a boy, but not as high as faded was, ONLY A LITTLE BIT, and softer. <-- Constructive?! GAWD

    Ol'Sephy (Riku): SLOW DOWN! SAY YOUR LINES! DON'T SUCK FACE! Your ok as riku and i hope you do get better! you have that potential to be good, you just need to work through that crappy invisible barrier between suck and not suck. MEAN WHAT YOU SAY WHEN YOU SAY IT!

    Zeftnon - The Superior (Zexion): Mike...this was actually a good choice! I'm impressed. I know you only had like one line, but you didn't suck! Zexion is smart and that is a characteristic trait! APPLY THAT! You were good! Improve more and you'll be better than that mess that Mike made that i commented on because it sucked so bad i died a little on the inside...:)

    Now for everyone else out there that hated my last comment you don't know what your talking about because i DO care about this production. No i'm not the best critic, director or anything. But i AM trying to provide assisstance and if you don't like that then your probably one of those people who don't know a good fan dub when you see one! Did you go watch the movies i said you should watch?! COME ON! LAY OFF! I am entitled to an opinion. Stop saying that this: "Good job, Dude! Rock on!"; this is generic and very bland...STOP POSTING THEM! It doesn't help the V.A.'s and it make me hurt on the inside. That's one of the reasons i posted that last comment because everyone wasn't telling them what they needed to know!

    PS~ Monkey your my hero! thanks for standing up to people who can't take an opinion. And call me hurtful names! Your a person of many virtues! Thank you.

    ........Fail.... You messed up the names. Who actualy worked on this? A bum or two off the street?
    Post by: Doxyc, May 9, 2009 in forum: Community News & Projects
  7. Doxyc
  8. Doxyc
  9. Doxyc
  10. Doxyc

    Everyone in this whole production sucked and that's only do to no directing or HORRIBLE DIRECTING! The only 2 who did really well was the girl who played Namine and the guy who played DiZ. The Guy that played Siax was OK, but only just, his Mic made me through up; everyone else sucked! Mike your directing this production, i presume, you should learn how to not suck. As a once great actress said: If you suck, learn how to not suck! I would LOVE to make this pile of....dead kittens...alive and BEAUTIFUL! I know your an amateur Mike, but your in need HELP and I'm opened to help you! Everyone in this production should be an actor! Therefor having the experience to put themselves into the other characters mind sets and speaking the way they should. Keep in mind their past and how that has changed them to who or what they are today. I will now criticize the actors:

    Mike (Roxas)~ You're not believable as Roxas. Your lines come out pretty blunt and hard, not smooth at all! Be more relaxed with your lines. Also your not even ACTING AT ALL! Voice acting is the same thing as acting, but people can't see you. You make the character likable by voice acting. So far I just hate the Roxas you play. Talk how Roxas would talk in his own way. Put yourself into the characters shoes and express him. The whole 255th day scene was SO bad! 1. It wasn't believable. 2. You sucked. 3. You don't know how to say your lines! 4. YOU SUCKED AGAIN! You need to learn how to direct other people to how they should say their lines, since your in charge of this production, it's up to YOU! I will help if you want it!

    Sephysl (Xion)~ ...You suck at life! You're worse than Mike! I can't believe he chose you to play Xion: you can't act, you can't voice act, and you can't ACT! You don't know how to express yourself as actress. You don't know how to say your lines, now this might be due to the fact that Mike can't direct anything, but I've taken in that consideration and have decided that it is entirely your fault you can't act! Voice Act! or put yourself into the characters shoes! I think you should go back up and read the quote "If you suck, Learn how to not suck!" What you need to do is read Mikes criticism and how he should improve and apply that to yourself but 2000 times more! P.S. Get a better Mic!

    TheVader74 (DiZ)~ 8 out of 10 on over all performance. Thank you...THANK YOU FOR BEING in this production. You actually KNOW what your doing and how to do it! How the character feels is obvious. You were really good! I'm glad you know how to act. You are the only one making this production good. KEEP IT UP!

    Ol"Sephy (Axel)~ don't know how to act or say your lines! I bet you didn't even know that Axel and Roxas are friends cause you could've fooled me if you did. The 255th day scene you sounded serious when you should've sounded like you were friends with Roxas! ACT! Nobodies don't feel anything, yes, but they pretend they do! Also, Roxas makes Axel feel like he has a heart. By the way, WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOUR MIC? If it is your Mic get a better one! If it's you editing your voice to sound like Axel then you fail! I don't see why Mike chose you either as part of this horrible production! Performance: 2 out of 10 as Axel. Hey don't feel to bad, you did 20 times better than Mike and Sephysl! :)

    Ol"Sephy (Riku)~ You did better in this area that the Axel area. When your Riku slow down more while talking and get a better Mic. 4 out of 10 as Riku

    Morris1113 (Siax)~ Eh you were OK. You need to know that Siax really doesn't show any emotion at all. Get a better Mic. You did better than most of the people in this production. 6 out of 10 overall performance. :)

    Faded/phantom (Namine)~ Where do I i have 5 words for you: Best Actress in the Production! I want to hug you SO bad! You know what your doing, you know how to act, and you know how to put yourself in the characters mind set! 9 out of 10. Fantastic! :D

    P.S. Get a better Axel!

    If you learn how to suck,(which most of you do) then learn how to NOT SUCK!

    Anyone who thought this was a great production should go and watch a Disney Movie! or the Dark Knight! Namely something with voice acting...i know that the Dark Knight doesn't have voice acting, but it's still an awesome movie! Or replay Kingdom Hearts and study how they act compared to this. So if you thought this was...good...then you don't know what you're talking about because it clearly sucked face! And I'm sorry, but this is the Truth.
    Post by: Doxyc, Apr 30, 2009 in forum: Community News & Projects
  11. Doxyc
    Character 1: Data Roxas (boss)
    Character 2: Cloud
    Character 3: Axel
    Character 4: Xaldin
    Character 5: Larxene
    Post by: Doxyc, Feb 3, 2009 in forum: New Releases
  12. Doxyc
    how come the All Magic Cards code doesn't work?
    Post by: Doxyc, Dec 10, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  13. Doxyc
    You can convert things yourself with Max Convert here!
    Post by: Doxyc, Dec 9, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  14. Doxyc
    Ah SWEET! Thanks EvilMan!!! XD that touches me...right here --> <3
    Post by: Doxyc, Dec 9, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  15. Doxyc
    kk cool beans
    Post by: Doxyc, Dec 9, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  16. Doxyc
    Thanks very much! xD
    Oh i tried jokering the code for all map didn't work...maybe i didn't put it in right...this is what i put:

    E002FDFF 0043B91C
    201B4F84 340A0062
    201B4FA4 A04A0396

    Is that right?
    Post by: Doxyc, Dec 9, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  17. Doxyc
    how come the map cards code doesn't work? Also what's the code for Max CP?
    Post by: Doxyc, Dec 7, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  18. Doxyc
    Hey i have a question. If you walked into a Room with Boss (ally) Roxas in your party alone, and used that code that makes you become him can you walk around that whole map as Boss Roxas but still have him attack you...when he really hits the enemies? I don't think that would work but.
    Post by: Doxyc, Oct 19, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  19. Doxyc
    that didnt work either...:(
    Post by: Doxyc, Sep 1, 2008 in forum: Production Studio
  20. Doxyc
    it's version 11...i believe it's recent
    Post by: Doxyc, Aug 31, 2008 in forum: Production Studio