I live on Long Island so I don't know about other places. Maybe upstate...
I like going to the highest points in worlds, Jumping off, then, seconds before I hit the ground, hit square and glide away, then watch your party members hit ground. I wish you could climb to the top of Memory's Skyscraper or the Clock tower in Twilight Town normally. Jummping off that would be so much fun. Especially with a skateboard. Or ARmax glitches Edge of Ultima Keyblade then go to Villains Vale and just run around and kill heartless... I think you can do that normally if you complete Jiminy Journal in proud, then go to Timeless River and look for another door like the one that takes you there and then you can fight harder heartless and get Mickey summon, but not sure if that's true...
No Safeways in NY T_T v_v At Least not where I live.
I'm only at lvl 99 because of sephiroth on proud. My friends are all like "no don't do it you're going to lose" and "you are a freaking idiot. what's wrong with you". Well I did it. And what do I have to show for it? Another freaking keyblade!!! I busted my @$$ fighting Sephiroth and all I got was this stupid Keyblade right? Right!!!
Nope. Beginner-30-Kingdom Key Standard-40-Bond of Flame Expert-99-Fenrir(which pretty much explains lvl99 now doesn't it.)
If that's true, then why is the Keyblde referred to as "he"?
I'm pretty sure that Axl says something like "pretty soon I won't be able to just talk to your concsiousness anymore" which means that Roxas was talking to Axel from inside Sora. Pretty confusing, kinda why I HATE ROXAS.
back up. What? are you effing serious? I mean one minute you got games where some kid who's probably never left home for more than a day flying halfway across the universe just to beat up some black guy(sorry if that offended anyone), and now that same kid is advertising for fruit snacks? WHAT HAS THE WORLD COME TO!!!???!
That wasn't funny, so much as cool, But I liked that part too.
Well, what hapened was, I needed to find a way to make people think that I wasn't a loser in playing games. However, all my games were rated E. I needed to get a game that would stop people from ridiculing me. It was a choice between "Mortal Kombat:can't remember title" or KH2. I picked KH2. Nobody ridicules me anymore, but my friends say that people laugh at me behind my back. I wonder why? KH2 IS RATED E10+. NOT A BIG DIFFERENCE!!! What really happened was I beat the first one, I was bored to tears. I was browsing my local GameStop and saw KH2. I'm thinking "Where have I seen this before?" Then I realized why I went to GameStop in the first place. To sell KH1. So I sell KH1 and What do I spend the money on rigt after? KH2. Tell me that isn't love for a series!
Another thing. When I first played KH1, I beat it in a week(vacation). KH2 took me a freaking year to complete Everything. But I got CoM two years ago and I still can't beat it, so that is the hardest for me.
Sora has his Party members, his abilities, his magic, his drives, and Roxas only has half of Sora's Power. Plus, Roxas doesn't have as much skill as Sora with the keyblade, so Sora has an advantage also. Sora is the winner.
That was in Twilight Town, right before you start playing as Sora. Axel and Roxas hadn't disappeared yet, so they could talk.
The only weird thing about Kairi's hair is that it doesn't defy gravity or isn't shaped like a freaking pineapple like everyone else's hair in the game.
^there are such things as sitars, but they don't look like Demyx's. They look like oversized banjo's. they come from India I think.
When Goofy "dies"...
Hey, I just thought of something. In the Cutscene of Sora vs. Roxas, Roxas says "Why, why did he pick you?" Then, when Roxas is floating in the air and sees Sora/Riku/Kairi/Donald/Goofy's pictures on the floor of where they're fighting, he says "So that's why he picked you..." Not sure if those were his exact words but he mentioned a he... Who's the he?
Well, two things. 1: I AM SO SICK AND TIRED OF PEOPLE THNIKING THAT THE SERIES WITH THE ARMORED PEOPLE IS KH3!!! IT IS A SEPERATE PROJECT THAT WILL BE FULLY ANNOUNCED THIS SUMMER!!! THAT'S WHY SORA/RIKU/KAIRI/MICKEY/DONALD/GOOFY MIGHT NOT BE IN IT!!!. OKAY!!! JUST CLEARING THAT UP FOR ALL YOU IGNORANT PEOPLE. 2: I agree with whoever else said that Riku just gave Kairi that KB. Also, all the KB's in the desert place are real. They do have keychains. And that (secret ending) happens in the past because Kingdom Hearts(heart-shaped moon) doesn't have a hole in it yet. Ansem blew a hole in TWTNW(world that never was.) Also, Kairi's KB has a keychain too. It's got a flowery thing for a KC.
Well, when he said "by getting close to one," The one is Sora's, not Axel's or Roxas'. Also, I'm not sure how to answer the last one, but I think the awakening thing means how Roxas fought Sora at the Memory's Skyscraper.
I picked Auron, but I meant to pick Riku. How could you forget!!! And If your only counting KH2, then Ariel's not a party member. Minney isn't a party member either. She's just there for a partner battle. If you counted those, then Hercules, Mickey, Yuffie, Leon, Tifa, Cloud, and Axel would count too. Just saying...