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  1. Rey Alejandro
    Well, since you CAN'T SAY AXEL'S OR ROXAS'S WEAPONS(read the first post people), I have to say... The Playing Cards of DOOM!!! Seriously though, Those things are cool. I would love to carry those in my back pocket. Those or the Shield of Icy DEATH!!! I like that thing a lot. Of course, Armored Xemnas' Sword is my all time favorite. Who can't like that thing.
    Post by: Rey Alejandro, May 16, 2007 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  2. Rey Alejandro
    Well one thing: Can you use drives in boss fights? If not then this is pathetic. Is yes then I'll keep going. Also, Using Kingdom Key throughout the whole game isn't that hard. I've done it for a long time. Also, If we can use Drives for Boss battles, then can we change those keyblades? Are we allowed to use Mickey if we die? Answer please.
    Post by: Rey Alejandro, May 16, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  3. Rey Alejandro
    This thread is for taking pre-existing characters in the KH universe(Final Fantasy or Disney) and taking their names and turing them into nobody names. Here's my list:
    Cloud:Sephiroth(according to the KH universe, Sephi is Cloud's Nobody)
    Jack Sparrow:Kajxc Worraps(Kashz)
    Jack Skellington:Jakxc(Jak-Sic)

    Feel free to make your own names. And pick other characters.
    Thread by: Rey Alejandro, May 16, 2007, 21 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  4. Rey Alejandro
    Well, my real name is Alex, so... AXELX!!!XD But if you go with my Username it's Y-Rex(like EE-Rezz) Or Xlejanord(Zle-Ha-Nord...ring any bells?)
    Post by: Rey Alejandro, May 16, 2007 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  5. Rey Alejandro
    Oh, well if this is supposed to be Castle Oblivion, then I have a new theory if this was in teh games. So, you know how you have the second fights against the organization members. Well, after you beat all of the ones in Normal KH2, you see a new world on the map. so you go to it and well what do you know, it's Castle Oblivion. So you're all like, cool, until you get there. The place is filled with Heartless like the ones in Cavern of Remembrance. And if that wasn't enough, there are Nobodies like those heartless too!!!. So you fight the second versions of all those Org. Members as you fight up the castle. You get to and Beat Marluxia. You're about to leave, when a cutscene starts. It shows Xemnas Marluxia+his mech thing chasing you. They capture Donald and Goofy, and are ready to fight you, when you see someone tackle you. Its your past self!!! His memory is caught in this castle. So is Past Riku's!!! The three of you defeat them, and start to talk, when the floor turns dark around you. Marly and Xemmy ain't dead!!! They start transforming into this thing. First you fight the normal thing, then they absorb the castle and go all evil on your @$$. You're thinking: HOLY $#!& I can't beat that. Again, after at least a half hour of Button Plugging and thumb massaging,you beat it. Past Sora and Past Riku give you a combined version of their weapons from those games(Soul Key) and a limit, Memory's Reprieve, a limit that can be used alone and is used in sync with the past guys. That's it.
    Post by: Rey Alejandro, May 7, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  6. Rey Alejandro
    Ummm... yeah. 2 things: 1: crap i'm screwed. I'll never be able to get above a C rank. 2: There are so many mushroom heartless(5 Kinds!!!) That I feel 'high' off these 'shrooms'. Just a little attept at humor.
    Post by: Rey Alejandro, May 4, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  7. Rey Alejandro
    All right, I see how this is going down: It's right after Sora and Riku take down Armored Xemnas for the Second time. They jump back on to that thing for the part where they were flying and fighting the dragon, and watch the results of their destruction. Suddenly, A giant hand shoots from the ground and grabs at Sora and Riku. They fly off and watch this giant monster start absorbing th city until it is 10x it's normal size(this is the thing that you see in the picture, the 10x one). Then They Jump off and start flying towards it(Like Chernabog in KH1). They attack the head, the arms, etc.(more bars than E.S., but a little bit weaker than Sephiroth) Eventually, after a half hour of button plugging and thumb massaging, it dies, but it's not going down alone. It grabs at Sora and Riku again, Only grabbing Sora, and Stealing his energy. Riku's got to save him. If I were Riku, I would leave him there, but whatever. Anyway, after a slightly easier fight against the thing, Sora and Riku attempt to leave. But Something is pulling them back. The damn thing still ain't dead. It grabs them again, actually gets them both, and eats them. They find themselves fighting the soul of this monster, Twilight Xemnas. End of story.
    Post by: Rey Alejandro, May 4, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  8. Rey Alejandro
    ummmm, no. Just no. I have nothing to say about this boss. He pissed me off one too many times for me to care. I can't even believe I bothered to read this. NO!
    Post by: Rey Alejandro, May 4, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  9. Rey Alejandro
    Well, from lurking on Wikipedia(shut up I know i'm not the only one...YES I AM(cries uncontrollably)) I already knew both of these things, So I have worked up this as a rebuttle: Ohh, I'm Zexion, I'm so evil, my element is illusion, what, your coming to close? Oh well i'll just shoot you with something...oh wait, I can't, because my element is 'Illusion', and illusions can't hurt, so maybe i'll just use my weapon...But it's a dictionary. Well, time for my ultimate attack-Defining all the words in the english(greek?)language, from A-Zzyzyva(don't ask. my friend told me about 'zzyzyva'), Doing no damage to you and leaving me perfectly open to any attack you feel like using...too bad my element sux, wait, I can just make you think your far away from me...but we're in an enclosed area! Eventually you will catch me after swinging blindly. Oh well, maybe I can just make you think that I have a weapon that has a longer reach...oh wait, that won't work, because I still have a s***ty book!!!! Oh well, maybe i'll just die, because I SUCK!!!

    NOTE: I don't really think Zexion Sux, I just needed something funny to say. And If Zexion's weapon has a name, then how come nobody else has a name for their weapons? (excluding roxass)
    Post by: Rey Alejandro, May 4, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  10. Rey Alejandro
    This is for people who want to discuss their favorite Drive forms, and for anyone who knows things about Limit they would like to discuss. I left off Limit because Not everyone has KH2FM+. You can say it's your favorite, but there isn't a poll for it.

    I like Anti. It is pretty cool. I don't care if there is no magic or Items used here. It got me out of some tight situations.
    Thread by: Rey Alejandro, Apr 18, 2007, 39 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  11. Rey Alejandro
    I'll pair up opposite elements.

    Luxord and Xigbar(Time and Space)
    Xaldin and Lexaeus(Wind and Earth)
    Roxas and Xemnas(Light and Darkness)
    Zexion and Sa'i'x(Illusion and Moonlight)[not really elemental opposites, but there aren't elements called Clarity and Sunlight]
    Larxene and Marluxia(Lightning and Wood)
    Demyx and Vexen(Water and Ice)[not opposites, but]
    Axel and Nobody. He's a loner, and too cool to be paired with a crappy organization member like Roxas. I hate Roxas. I will condemn him to hell.)
    Post by: Rey Alejandro, Apr 18, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  12. Rey Alejandro
    It would be good, but Riku is Sora's best friend. They wouldn't fight each other at all. Especially no under those circumstances.

    Anyway, here's my newest one:

    HP:10 bars AntiSora/5 bars AntiRoxas
    Attacks: All of Sora's/Roxas' attacks. When Sora drives, AntiSora does the same drive. AntiRoxas uses his Kingdom Key throughout the fight, but when Sora drives, he pulls out two keyblades. When AntiSora loses half his bars, He splits into AntiRoxas and AntiSora.
    Rewards: Anti-Blade, AntiForm on Drive menu with Antiblade.
    Arena: Where you fight AntiRoxas in 6 days of Roxas in Beginning of game.

    Here's another one: Twilight Darkside
    HP: Twillight thorns HP plus the final fight against Darkside in KH1's HP.
    Attacks:Twilight Thorn's attacks and Darkside's attacks
    Rewards: HeartBody KB
    Arena: Double Arena. Station of Calling with a light bridge to Where you fight Darkside. I think it's called "Station of Awakening."
    Post by: Rey Alejandro, Apr 17, 2007 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  13. Rey Alejandro
    ^that Is Kik@$$!!!
    Post by: Rey Alejandro, Apr 17, 2007 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  14. Rey Alejandro
    I'm not going to buy it. I mean, I know that it is the best game so far in the KH series, and everyone here will be talking about it til the next KH game, and everyone will be laughing at me for not getting it, and I will become the exact kind of person I hate, and everyone will be teasing me, causing me to be more emo than a Sasuke-lovers convention(for those who don't know, Sasuke is a character in the anime Naruto who's the biggest emo on the Eastern Hemisphere), and the sudden depression will cause me to commit suicide, And after that I will be reincarnated as a character in KH3:FM+_+, causing me to live my worst nightmare, but I don't care. I won't get it...


    my answer is yes =D
    Post by: Rey Alejandro, Apr 17, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  15. Rey Alejandro
    Attacks-Fireball, Jump on head, All attacks from SSB:M and SSB:B
    Reward:N-Piece 1
    Arena:Where you fight all XIII mushrooms, but after you beat them.

    Attacks-Suck up, Key combo, All attacks from SSB:M and SSB:B
    Reward:N-Piece 2
    Diff:Same as above
    Arena:Where you fight Pete in Underworld

    Attacks-Thundershock, Volt tackle, All attacks from SSB:M and SSB:B
    Bars and Diff.:Same as above
    Reward:You guessed it, N-Piece 3
    Arena:Cornerstone of light in Timeless River

    Attacks: Transform into wolf, all attacks from SSB:M and SSB:B
    Bars and Diff.: Same as above
    Reward: Well what do you know, N-Piece 4
    Arena:All of Ship's Graveyard(he moves around)

    Master/Crazy Hand's
    Attacks: Double Destroyer(they smash into you repeatedly like crazy), All Attacks From SSB:M
    Bars:2 each
    Difficulty: So much harder than the Other four Nintendo guys combined that they could kill in one hit. Reflega, Second Chance, Guard, all those work though. HA, Take that E.S. and Sephiroth!!!
    Reward: N-Cornerstone
    Arena: Sandlot

    Giga Bowser
    Attacks: All from SSB:M
    Bars: 1. Hundred.
    Difficulty: You don't want to know. Combine Master Hand AND Crazy Hand, Multiply by IN-FREAKIN-SANE, and Add E.S. on Critical. That's how hard.
    Reward: Nintendo Heroes KB (only available if Mario, Kirby, Pika, and Link are beaten[what the N-Pieces were for]), Nintendo Villains KB (only available if M/C hand are defeated)
    Arena: Land of Dragons, where you fight Riku(it fits, doesn't it?)

    MaPiByNk(Mario, Kirby, Pika, and Link Combined)
    Attacks: All the ones that they had, plus Destroyer shot (unavoidable, but can be reaction commanded. but it's like the one in First Xemnas Fight)
    Bars: 4
    Difficulty: Giga Bowser times IN-FREAKIN-SANE times 4
    Reward: N-Form(nintendo form. can only use N-Heroes and N-Villains kb's.)
    Arena: Altar of Naught.

    Note: No party members except the ones given are available for any of these fights. But you can't fight them until you beat:

    Riku(the one mixed with Xehanort in KHI)
    Attacks:all the ones he had x10
    Bars: 30
    Difficulty: When you fight this guy for 2nd time in KHI, x10
    Reward: His dark KB, plus Release form(allows a special party member to appear, automatically used in Nintendo Fights)
    Arena: Where you fought your first Behemoth in Hollow Bastion in KHI

    After which you have your only party members for those fights. Roxas and Mickey.
    Beat That!

    Sorry about DP, but I meant to post this with my message. I just forgot. You are really unoriginal. That is the least intersting boss I've ever seen. Sorry, but I just had to get that out of me.
    Post by: Rey Alejandro, Apr 17, 2007 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  16. Rey Alejandro
    Name: Reverse Organization-thirteen different bosses
    Battleground: Reverse World that Never Was
    HP: 1500/1600/1700/1800/1900/2000/2100/2200/2300/2400/2500/2600/3000
    Difficulty: Very Very Easy/Very Easy/ Easy/Medium/Hard/hard/hard/hard/hard/hard/Very Hard/Very Hard/IN-FREAKIN-SANE!!!
    Rewards:XIII-Doublade/XII-Fan Shield/XI-Wave Wand/X-Warp ability(teleporting ability)/IX-Synch Blade ability(lets you hold a second keyblade)/VIII-Star Shield/VII-Buster Sword(A Keyblade that looks like Cloud's sword. FFVII, Get it?)/VI-Sun Staff/V-Light Aura ability(Riku's Dark Aura ability but without Riku)/IV-Light Shield ability(Riku's Dark Shield ability but without Riku)/III-Shiner/Shining Staff/Shining Shield(a keyblade/staff/shield made of pure light essence)/II-Undertaker/Dead Staff/Dead Shield(a keyblade/staff/shield made of pure dark essence)/I-Ultima Form(a form that allows you to use all keyblades in a flurry of powerful attacks and limits[only obtained if all others are beaten first])/Ultimagic limit(a limit used with donald that sends out all magic at it's highest strength)/Ultimattack(a limit with goofy where all sheilds form around the keyblade, and are thrown with great precision)/Twilight Ultima(the most powerful keyblade. Ability lets it split into two with limit)/Ultima Shot
    (strongest limit only available with Twilight Ultima KB. Splits KB into two KB's)

    Beat That!!!
    Post by: Rey Alejandro, Apr 16, 2007 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  17. Rey Alejandro
    Real Deal- After Axel met Roxas in T-Town and Roxas regained his mem., Roxas went back to sora. However, Axel could still talk with Roxas' conciousness from within Sora, as Axel states in one cutscene. But their connection was limited, and Roxas and Axel lost communication. Probably forever.
    Post by: Rey Alejandro, Apr 11, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  18. Rey Alejandro

    But what I meant was that AXEL!! and hercules and mickey... they would count because minnie does. Theyare all partner battles. Ahhh, forget it, i'll make my own thread.
    Post by: Rey Alejandro, Apr 11, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  19. Rey Alejandro
    I might make a fan-fic... It'll start off like my bio, then I'll take it to places I'm even afraid to go...
    Post by: Rey Alejandro, Apr 11, 2007 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  20. Rey Alejandro
    As soon as I get KH2FM+, I am going to go Final form and run through the cavern of remembrance like a freaking idiot. It'll be fun!!!
    Post by: Rey Alejandro, Apr 11, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX