Last time: Axel isn't gay. end of story. stop calling him gay.
All right this is a poll for what KH game Idea would be best. You can pitch your own ideas too if you want.
I would steal the scythe/claymore from that little/big man-lady and use it against them. Seriously, they can't do anything. Then I would go on a killing spree throughout the worlds, killing all but Riku and Axel.
Sora because he is pathetic, Roxas because he is Sora(must really suk), Donald and Goofy for having to stick around with Sora, Riku for being friends with Sora, Kairi for having feelings for(is it too early to say loving?)Sora, All bosses for being beaten by Sora, prettey much everyone for being in contact with Sora. I would hate to be near that little too-cheerful-to-be-normal little punk. I would flip out even having to listen to him. All he talks about are Kairi, Riku, and Namine(in CoM)
I know, but try to stay on topic. Please? Is it really that hard?
Because, 1:It's fun, 2, It has Final Fantasy characters in it and FF rocks, 3, I was a Disney addict and still follow what it does, and four, My friends think that they're all better than me at it and I have to prove them wrong. I have a superiority complex. All right, I joined because I like to voice my opinions. Also, my brother said all that stuff. Also, All that stuff isn't true for me, except for the Roxas part. I really hate him. Maybe it's because I need to stand out from all my friends, who think he is the best thing since sliced bread. That's also why i think KH:CoM is great. All right, sorry for multipost, but COME ON!!! I Really don't like Roxas. Okay? I think he is a pathetic excuse for a nobody. That, and i'm tired of hearing people say"oh, roxas is so great, he could kill anyone. I just want to f*** him. He could definitely pwn axel, or riku, or xemnas, or whoever." It's really getting on my NERVES!!!
RiSoKu:Well, people have finally answered. didn't take as long as we thought. Axeluxia:Yes. One more challenger, and we can start this thing.
Exactly. Leave the characters to their sexual orientations, and let it be. Wait, wouldn't fngirls not want roxas and Axel to be gay so they could dream of f***ing them? Just a thought... No. YOU DIDN'T. WHEN I FIND OUT WHERE YOU LIVE, YOU BETTER SLEEP WITH YOUR EYES OPEN, BECAUSE I'LL BE ALL OVER YOU LIKE A BAD ITCH!!!!! >_<
All right, i'll say it right now: I HATE KINGDOM HEARTS!!! ALL THE CHARACTERS SUCK(except for riku and axel), THE STORY SUX, AND THE ONLY GOOD THNG ABOUT IT IS THE GAMEPLAY!!!! Kairi plays no important part in the story at all, Sora is a P*ssy little S***, Mickey is too important to the story, and Donald and Goofy are useless in fights except for healing and limits. I hate Roxas with a deep sense of... hatred, but he would be a better Main hero than Sora. He is dark enough, he is a constant dualwielder, and he has no love intrests to distract him(and don't give me your Namine crap, she sux worse than Kairi, plus Roxas forgot all about her after he got his memory back.) Also, how about Riku? Why not just let him be? He would be better off as the outcast type. And Kairi being Oversexed? How about we just kill her off like we did to Aerith? Nobody would miss her. She shouldn't be in the game. If I was there, I would take the Kingdom Key and Stab her through those oversized boobs of hers.
The Mirror:Roxas HP:5000 first time, 10000 second time Difficulty: Easy first time, Hard second time Attacks:All of Roxas's attacks as he is in game's start in Twilight Town first time, All of organization Roxas's attacks the second time Rewards:Unlimited use of Oblivion and Oathkeeper the first time, Ability to change control to Roxas the second time. The Deal: The first time around, right after you beat Axel the second time, instead of finishing your time as Roxas, Go to the place where you fought Anti-Roxas(the waterfall in Sunset station. A cutscene will start where instead of Anti-Roxas walking out of the mirror, Roxas will walk into it. He enters a world where everything is reversed. Hayner is his Worst Enemy, and Seifer is his Best friend. He starts Running to the mansion, But slams into something right before he gets there. He sees a dark version of himself. It Walks up to him. Roxas pulls out his Keyblades, and, almost as if it was a mirror image, it pulls out the exact same kb's. During the fight, it will copy your exact moves and reaction commands. Win or lose, A cutscene will play showing Roxas getting knocked out and waking up on the first day. But, if you won, he wil have his memories from the week before, and for all fights you use Oblivion and Oathkeeper instead of Kingdom Key. If you lost, the 6 days will just replay like normal. Second Time: After obtaining Wisdom Form, A new world will appear On the map. When you enter it, There will be four chambers. One will be lit up, while trying to enter the others will result in you hitting a wall of mirrors. Going into the lit up one will play a cutscene where Sora Walks thorugh a door, and Roxas walks out. He walks into the reverse Twilight town from before, and Fights Mirror Roxas. After you win, a new ability appears in the magic menu: Roxas. When executed, instead of staying Sora, you change to Roxas. You can use this ability anytime.
This is the wrong thread for that. also, since when was this the"discuss Cloud and Tifa Thread?" Please stay on topic.
Buzz or Woody because Woody is the main guy, so they'll think of something, or Buzz beacuse He has a laser for attacks and stuff. he has the attacking component, while Woody has the main character superiority component.
Axel is not gay, he never will be gay, and if you think he's gay, then you're gay. AXEL IS THE BEST CHARACTER EVER!!! HE WOULD NOT BE GAY FOR THE WORST CHARACTER IN THE GAME!!! (yet another reason for me to hate roxas.)
Just a name, a pic(if possible), and (if a combination) who you combined. Oh, and weapon/weapons.
Probably where you fight Marly, Zexy, Axel, Larxene, Lexaeus, and Vexen. Just a hunch.
READ THIS BEFORE POSTING:All right, This is a battle arena for KHII-type Characters. There are only 5 or 6 rules:1-No taking pre-existing characters as yours. 2-You can have up to five characters. 3-No cloning other peoples characters. 4-No ressurrecting dead characters. 5-Once your character's are dead, You're out. Unless you can think of another Character. 6-Combining Pre-exsisting characters is ok, but nobody from KHI who didn't return for the sequel.7-Team ups are allowed, but only after 6 or more people come. Here are my two characters:RiSoKu(riku+sora. weapons=kingdom key and way 2 da dawn) and Axeluxia(Axel and Marluxia. weapons=one of axels chakrams and Marluxias scythe). If you want to see them, search "Axeluxia and RiSoKu" on Oh, and the world where this takes place can change, but only if I agree. RiSoKu:"Well, this is boring. Nobody is gonna come to this." Axeluxia:"That's because they're scared of us. They won't accept the challenge." Will you?
That's okay. Just clarify next time.
Queen La - Xal Shego - Geshox Doctor Drakken - Xandrekk Winifred Sanderson - Denfirwix Mary Sanderson - Armxy Sarah Sanderson - Xarash Mad Madam Mim - Ximm Kefka Palazzo - Xafekk Mozenrath - Taxehmornz Mirage - Agemirx David Xanatos - Sonatax Demona - Amendox Gaston - Agnostx Negaduck - Cadgeknux Zira - Axirz Evil Emperor Zurg - Ruxzg Davy Jones - Adejon Syvx Yeah, this was only for people in the KH universe. Also about the Sephiroth thing, It is Also a thory that Sephi is Cloud's nobody. I put it here because It fits. Sorry I could't put quotes, But I forgot how.
Naruto and Sasuke Bars:10 for Naruto, 10 bars for Sasuke Difficulty:Really Really Really Hard. Like so hard, you won't live to beat it. They are so very hard. I can barely begin to say how hrad. Attacks: Naruto-Shadow Clone Jutsu, Naruto Uzumaki Barrage, Summoning Gamabunta, Ransengan(if you only follow the american dub, then it sould be coming up soon), Nine-Tailed Fox mode. Sasuke: Fire Style: Phoeix Flower Jutsu., Barrage of Lions, Sharingan Copy technique, Chidori, Curse seal mode. Location: New World-Konohagakure(Village hidden in the leaves). Rewards: Naruto as Party member, Konoha Keyblade. New Boss: The Living Keyblade!!!! Bars: Schfifty-Five!!! Difficulty:That depends. Have you ever fought a giant living key before? Attacks:Same as all keyblade master's attacks. Location:Place where Secret Endings to KH2/FM+ happen. Rewards:Giant Keyblade. Limits are strengthened tenfold. Also whatever dream weapon you chose for the fight. See, what happened is that Sora ended up in a strange place after falling asleep(like always). He reached for his keyblade when it wasn't there. He saw the three things that he chose at the beginning of KH1: The Dream Sword/Shield/Staff. Depending on which one you chose if how much power you have. Staff increases Limit and Reaction command power. Sword deals more damage. Shield Helps protect you. After he picked one up, All the Keyblades formed One Giant BODY!!! At the head was the Kingdom Key. Kill it to get it back, plus the dream weapon you chose.