Bull****! Miyu Irino is way better than Haley Joel Osment, for one. Secondly, the Donald and Goofy aren't as weird as everyone says they are.
I understand all this (not saying that comment was directed entirely at me, but maybe just a little). However, personally, I disagree that 7 is too young to learn what a homosxual is. In this day and age, it's important that kids should learn about these things at a young age and grow up to accept them, and not cling to past traditions of discrimination (again, this is a personal statement and not some kind of proverb).
Wow, this is a really weird question. I think that by the time Sora is old enough to consider proposing to Kairi, he will have matured considerably, and would propose simply, but wouldn't screw it up or anything. Alternatively, I think they'll die together at a farily young age, most likely in an act of saving the world, before they get that chance.
Xemnas summonned 1,000 laser beams and started firing them at the banana stems, knocking down hundreds of bananas. "Ha! Though your sniper rifles may have a shockingly high R.O.F, they're nothing compared to my extremely numerous and ridiculously easy to block laser beams!" he cried. "And by the way, I would never shoot a fellow member Luxord... okay, maybe Marluxia".
"Hmm... shooting bananas, that sounds like mindless fun. Here, let's try a game. If I shoot down the most bananas, I get one of your guns for a day, if you shoot the most bananas, you get one of my lightsabers for a day. What do you think, Xigbar?" Xemnas asked.
Again, Xemnas went Naruto, this time on Riku, and the real one appeared behind him. "HI!" he said in an insane, high-pitched voice, then boxed Riku in the ears and knocked him down. "And don't even try an indignant retaliation, Namine, or I'll go Naruto on you AGAIN" he added.
"Hey, Xigbar, help a fellow member out, eh? That is, if you want to... I mean, you did feed my bear...".
All of them suck except for XH, Donald, Goofy, Mickey and Diz. Quinton Flynn was kinda funny, but he sucked as Axel. Oh yeah, Susan Blakeslee as Maleficent was pretty good. For the absolute worst voice-over? Hmm... probably Lance Bass as Sephiroth in KH1, for people who actually really talk in the games, both Mandy Moore and the other woman SUCK as Aerith, so they tie.
Namine thought she beat Xemnas over the head, turns out it was his clone again. He then jumped up and sliced the stick in half, then kicked Namine in the gut, sending her sprawling across the ground. He then drew his other lightsaber and attacked Riku. "You won't have Sora to help you now beotch!" he cried.
Here's chapter 3 as well, the story wouldn't be complete without it, but skip the part where Sora talks to his mom if you want, it's not very good. 3. The Keyblade That night Sora’s dreams were strange and troubled, and he awoke, feeling decidedly not rested. He looked up and found the sun had not quite risen yet. After about a minute he got up and found his way into the shower. He stayed in for nearly 20 minutes, letting the water continue pouring down on him, steam billowing up. “Not going to school today… I can’t…” he muttered to himself. Finally he exited the shower and dressed. He proceeded down the stairs and went to the cabinet, then extracted a mug and poured himself a cup of pre-made coffee. He sat down at the table and lowered himself, holding the cup in both hands, staring at it. His mother appeared, still in her pajamas and clearly tired. “Up so early?” she asked, heading for the cabinet. “I had some strange dreams” he replied shortly. “Like what?”. “There was a cloaked guy in the corner of my room. And he was talking about knowledge, and that this world was connected. Tied to the darkness. It… it felt like I was awake. But… I couldn’t have, could I?”. She turned to him and looked at him full in the face. “Are you all right, Sora?”. “…Yeah. Why do you ask?”. “You don’t sound sure of that. I’m worried about you. I know… ever since you were 11 or 12, you’ve been a little different, but not a whole lot. Everyone’s different, and… I wasn’t really worried. It was just a part of going into puberty. No, this is different. It’s like… no matter what happens, you’re not quite happy. Ever. And, nothing seems to make you really sad or angry either, but that’s not quite normal either”. “Yesterday was… no, nevermind”. “No, tell me”. Sora sighed heavily. “It’s Kairi”. “So that’s all it is? Girl trouble?”. “Basically. Very basically”. “What else is there?”. “It’s that…”. “You can say anything”. “Okay, here it is. I kissed her, and obviously Riku was none to happy about it. I didn’t really even want to do it anyway. After all, Riku is my friend. And Kairi… she’d definitely be better off with him. I mean… that’s why they got together in the first place, right?”. “Maybe. Maybe it’s because she thought she could never get you, just like you did with her. I don’t see why you’re so upset about this. Actually, most kids you’re age would be thinking ‘score!’. I know you care about Riku, but you’ve told me about this. It seems he’s had this coming for some time”. Sora stood up suddenly. “No. He hasn’t. I don’t know what was with Kairi, but she didn’t mean to do that. I guess… you don’t understand. You can’t really. It’s not your fault”. “I’m sorry. You should talk to her. And Riku, too. I’m sure you can sort it out”. “Okay. But not today. I can’t”. “I suppose you’re not going to school today?”. “I kind of have to, don’t I?”. “Don’t act like you’ve never skipped school. I know you’re dealing with a lot, but I think it’d be best if you went”. Sora hung his head and let the coffee’s steam fly up into his face. Finally he drank it, and then tipped it back all the way, and finished it all in one go. His mother had gone to dress. “No. It wouldn’t be good if I went” he thought to himself. He went upstairs and took his borrowed acoustic guitar and left the house, then went to the large, bent Paupu (a sweet citrus fruit, and a well-known aphrodisiac) tree. He pressed his palms against his eyes and rubbed, then gripped the guitar and perfectly played “Embryonic Journey” by Jefferson Airplane. After this he began playing one of his own tunes, and stopped, as it was the only acoustic song he had written. After the sun had begun to rise, he returned to his house and put up his guitar. He then went to the local gym and practiced kickboxing for some time (in addition to playing guitar, Sora was a committed kick boxer, and had developed an impressive and powerful technique). All the while he turned a tune over in his head, as well as a few lyrics. He returned home once again and took out a pad and pencil, then returned to the Paupu tree and began writing. He spent most of the rest of the morning working on the lyrics, and then returned home briefly to get his normal guitar. He then headed to Tidus’ house. Tidus was around Sora’s age, and had a similar haircut, though his was blonde as opposed to Sora’s brown. He was Sora’s closest friend, and he co-wrote the songs and played a number of instruments, including rhythm guitar, harmonica and cowbell (they attempted to implement just a small bit of cowbell into all of their songs). It was, of course, his garage which they played in and wrote songs in. The only song which Sora and Tidus had truly struck gold with was “Heart Shaped Box”, which Sora written. Tidus had “edited” it, though a more appropriate word would be “censored”. In any case, it stood out among their other songs in terms of lyrics and musical creativity. Tidus was already in the garage awaiting Sora and their two other members, Reno and Wakka. Reno was their bassist and was more exuberant and professional at the same time. Wakka was the drummer in the band, and was by far the most upbeat in the group. “Hey Sora,” Tidus said as he arrived. “Why didn’t you show up at all today?”. “You mean… you don’t know?” Sora asked. “I would think you would want to kind of clear your name. You know, beating up Riku and then making out with his girlfriend. At least, that’s the story we heard”. “Well, that’s a lot of exaggeration. I didn’t ‘make out’ with her, and Riku hit me on the back of the head with a wooden plank before I fought him”. “I figured it was something like that”. “Hey, Sora!” Reno shouted, coming in. “I heard about last night. Way to go, man”. Sora rolled his eyes. “It’s not what you think, Reno”. “Uh-oh, I sense another manic depressive song coming”. “Actually, I did write a new song” Sora said, pulling out his pad and giving it to Reno. Wakka arrived and looked over Reno’s shoulder at the pad. “You need to lighten up, man” he said. Reno threw the pad back. “Let’s hear the tune” he said. Sora nodded. “You’ve got a pretty big role, Reno”. Sora demonstrated the tune he had invented in his head. After about 10 minutes he had perfected it. This felt as good as “Heart Shaped Box”, perhaps better. “Wakka, you just have to follow along, sorry man”. “It’s all good” he said, walking over and taking a seat at the drums. Sora then demonstrated what he wanted Tidus to do, and then took up his guitar. “Okay, everybody ready?” he asked. “Yeah” they replied. Reno started up the bass tune, and Sora leaned into the microphone and sang: “I’m so happy, ‘cause today, I found my friends, they’re in my head…”. *** The song was nearly completed all in that day. Even Wakka approved of it after their final take. “Good job today, guys” Sora said as they parted. “You too, see you tomorrow” Tidus said. Rehearsal had cleared Sora’s mind considerably, but his relief was short-lived, as he saw Kairi waiting at his house. “Hi” he said quietly. They stayed silent for a moment. “Look, I’m sorry about yesterday. I didn’t mean to… okay, I did mean to, but…”. “Riku and I split up” Kairi said plainly. “You what?”. “It had to happen sometime. I mean, you knew as well as anybody…”. “Well, um… I’m sorry…”. They stayed silent. “There were some pretty nasty rumors going around about you” she finally said. “Yeah, um… I heard”. “Which one did you hear?”. “…Does it really matter?”. “Yes, it does. Some people think you killed him”. “What?!”. “Riku didn’t come to school today either”. Sora paused for a moment. “I’ll find him”. “I want to go with you”. Sora looked away a bit. “What is it?” she asked. “I want to talk to him myself”. “…Okay”. Sora looked up at her, somewhat surprised. After a time he nodded, and went back to his house and threw his guitar in. He then walked to the back of his house and took out his wooden canoe and slung in over his shoulder, then grabbed a paddle. “What are you doing?” Kairi asked as he walked out. “I think I know where he is. Or where he’s going” he replied. The most common place for refuge, in Sora’s opinion, was the tiny island near their home island. From the age of 5 to about 10, Sora, Riku and Kairi had played. Sora was, of course, the first to stop going to the island, saying that he was “too old” for it. However, he occasionally went there to write, or to be alone. He knew that, every so often, Riku visited, but for different reasons. What he went for was to inspect an inexplicable door which he and Sora had found when they were 6 years old. It seemed to fascinate Riku. Sora set down his canoe and jumped in, and rowed quickly to the island, then went to the cave cautiously. Riku was indeed there, kneeling down with his palms on the knobless door. Sora stayed silent for some time, then walked a bit closer. “Riku?” he asked cautiously. There was no response. Slowly, Sora put a hand on Riku’s shoulder, there was still no response. “Riku?” he asked again. “Why?” Riku finally replied. “Why… what?”. “Why does she…”. Sora sighed heavily. “You know as well as I do that I have no idea. I don’t know what she wants. Maybe it’s neither of us. Remember? ‘The love of a woman should be spoken on the water and written on the wind’”. “You were always ahead of me. Always”. Sora gave a hollow laugh. “Ahead? You’re telling me…”. “I… I hate you…”. Sora stayed silent. “You’ve taken everything from me…”. “No. No I haven’t. Everything’s still within your reach. But you have to take it”. “How can I take it back from you? When you’re so much stronger…”. “I don’t know what to tell you. But… I won’t… take her from you. I’ll never do that”. “Shut up” Riku suddenly said. Sora’s eyes widened as the door began to come open and what appeared to be darkness incarnate came pouring out. “All you’ve caused me is pain and suffering! I’ll kill you!” Riku cried. Suddenly he sprang up, and a fearsome sword appeared in his hand. It was red and blue, and curved, with an eye on the hilt. Riku suddenly charged and Sora jumped back as he swung. He then kicked him in the shins, then pulled his leg up into his jaw, sending him into the air and knocking him down. “Die!” Riku cried, getting up and swinging his sword. A dark force flowed from it, and Sora was pushed back. It felt like he had been cut by a thorn, and that someone was pressing into his stomach at the same time. The dark forces suffocated him. Riku appeared over him with a crazed expression, and his light blue eyes seemed to dim, already being darkened. He pulled his sword down, and Sora was stabbed in the shoulder. Riku then pulled the sword out and walked away. “Riku! What are you doing?” Sora cried, summoning what little strength he had left. “I’ll kill you later, but first I’ll deal with someone who’s deceived me from the start” he replied. “You don’t mean… Kairi?!”. “Yes, I do”. “Riku, stop! This is insanity! You don’t know what you’re do-” Sora was cut off by Riku walking over and stepping on his stomach. Once he raised his foot, Sora lost consciousness. *** When he awoke, it was completely dark in the cave, he ran out and rain was pouring in sheets, and a humongous vortex was spinning in the sky. “What is that?” Sora exclaimed. He ran back to his boat, and found it taken. Without a second thought he jumped into the water and began swimming. He made it across successfully, but he was exhausted as he came up on the shore. Suddenly creatures about three feet tall appeared out of the ground, their skin was black, and they had large, circular eyes. In addition, they had claws both on their hands and feet. About five of them jumped on top of Sora, and began knowing at him, he ran, attempting to shake them off, but he had too little energy, and collapsed. The creatures piled on top of him, and as he seemed to lose breath, and indeed his life, a light appeared. The next thing he knew he was standing fully upright with a humungous key in his hand. He gasped as he found himself on a tiny platform of ground, right below the vortex. The island was nowhere in sight. The key’s handle was made of pure gold, and it’s handle was made of a shining steel. On it’s chain was three ovals interconnected. He was now clothed in a tunic, a robe and a cloak, all of a shining white material. He felt incredibly powerful and agile. The creatures charged at him from all directions, but he spun around, swinging the key, and they were all destroyed. He stared at the key wide-eyed, and then turned around. Riku was standing, his arms outstretched either way. “Riku!” Sora cried angrily. Riku turned around. His eyes were now a bright orange, and he grinned maniacally. “Riku, why? Why did you do all this? You’ve destroyed everything!”. “Yes… that’s right, Sora. Your body, your existence, they’re all going to disappear!” he drew his sword again. “NO! For their sake, I won’t let you live!” Sora shouted, charging at Riku with the key. He quickly knocked away Riku’s sword, jumped up and kicked him in the face, then stabbed him with the key. Riku gasped in pain, but then grabbed the key and pushed it and Sora away. Sora hit the ground with a thud, and Riku took up his sword and jumped up into the vortex. Sora turned around and looked down at where the islands formerly were. “Kairi… Tidus… Mom… I’ll avenge you… I’ll avenge you. DESTINY ISLANDS! I WILL AVENGE YOU!”. He then jumped up into the vortex, away from his islands, his dream both fulfilled and crushed.
Xemnas stands in half-shock after Riku dared to push him. "Hehe, you're a brave little emo twerp, Riku. But you're pathetic. Namine, saying that I'm gay is just ridiculous. I should've killed you long ago. You didn't even help the organization, and it was all your fault, Marluxia. C'mon, Luxord, let's take 'em down!" Xemnas cried, taking out both lightsabers and cloning himself. "Hmm... now if only Saix and Xaldin were here... oh well, at least I have my pet bear. Oh *%&@, Marluxia can read my mind..." he thought.
"Oh yeah? You dress like you're mentally ******ed, stalk girls younger than you and are about half your height, you're emo, and on top of it all, your voice-over sucks. ...I mean, your voice is annoying!".
"YEAH!" Xemnas cried, taking a lightsaber out. "Luxord, you confront Riku and question his sexual orientation, his life, and his meaning to live. Then, once he comes to the obvious conclusion that there is none, he will kill himself". Xemnas then ran to Marluxia and cut off his hair with one fell swoop, but it all grew back. "WTF?!" Xemnas cried.
"Sure, come along Luxord" Xemnas said. He walked over to Riku and Marluxia and saw Marluxia's insane hair. "Hmm... a now emotional wreck and a weirdo with a ridiculous haircut... what do you think Luxord? What're we gonna do?".
Well, I'm a guy, and for me it's easily Tifa.
"Yeah... that's pretty much what my clone saw. I'm not entirely sure how this is going to work, what with Namine being Kairi's nobody and the Sora and Roxas and... Sasuke, oh wait, that's Naruto. Damn! Kingdom Hearts and Naruto are too similiar! Anyway, thanks for feeding my bear, think I'll go mess with Marluxia for a while. Wanna come?" Xemnas said.
"But... why would you betray me and let them live? We're still alive... or something. There's still an organization 13! And... what's up with the honey? ...Y'know what? If you feed my bear, you're free to go". While real Xemnas was talking, clone Xemnas was watching the events of the Riku/Namine drama. Real Xemnas recieved this information and cried: "HOLY %&^# ON A *@$% SANDWHICH WITH $#!^ ON TOP!!!".
S'all good.
Xemnas had passed out from the laughing, and finally woke up. "Hmm... I had a nice dream... Oh wait, that wasn't a dream. Yea-uh!". Xemnas walked around and found a bear sleeping with a tranquilizer dart in his leg. "Hey, who's been messing with my pet bear?" he asked angrily. He looked at the dart and saw: "I used a tranquilizer dart. Signed, Xigbar". "Xigbar knew that it was my pet bear and he signed the tranquilizer dart? Idiot. Y'know what? I'm not in the mood for killing Xigbar. Shadow-clone (again a Naruto reference) go!". "...Oh ****, that's copyright infringement...".
Hey, this looks pretty good. However, you seem to be replying to A LOT, if not every comment. It's probably better just to reply to 1 or 2, and definitely not to every comment. I know, it sounds trivial and stupid but it might save you some problems.