Xemnas found Luxord. "Hey. There are a ton of people here, most of them good guys. We're going to have to split them up if we're gonna take them down. What do you say?". "Killmenowkillmenowkillmenow" said Curtis, who was "banging" his head on a tree (more like softly nudging the tree with his head). "Hold on," Xemnas said, going up to the tree and slinging Curtis over his shoulder. "We'd better take him with us".
Xemnas had gone Naruto on Leon, and was in fact up in a tree, glaring at his pet bear, which had forgotten to maul Sora and Roxas and was now sleeping peacefully. "Damn it," he said. "Why are there so many goddamn heroes here? Almost no organization members...". He did not notice the teenager behind him. "Well at least she left..." he was muttering to himself. Xemnas spun around. "Whoa, what the ****?! Who are you?" he exclaimed. "I'm a servant of the darkness, a soul tortured by the ignorance of the common mortals. Out of my way or I'll send you into a world of suffering". "Whew, you need to get laid, buddy" Xemnas said, and dissapeared.
I think it would've been interesting if Sora didn't wind up with Kairi, and she was more attached to Riku. Sora's immaturity and naivety are sort of understandable in the first one, but in the second one, waking up from hibernation and not knowing where he is or what has happened over the past year with his life devoted to doing nothing but killing things, he should have been a lot tougher and more pissed off. I certainly would be. Add that to the sort of love/hate feelings toward Riku and Kairi and he would be a pretty cool and interesting main character. As it is, he's a really thin character.
Leon's valiant efforts were to no avail as Xemnas had already ordered the bear to maul Roxas, and Xemnas found himself irritated with Leon as he turned around sharply and didn't bother to stop himself from stepping on his foot very hard. "Can I help you, Squall?" he said, knowing that calling him by his first name instead of his abbreviated last name would make him rather inexplicably irritated.
Xemnas shrugged as Luxord walked off, then called up his pet bear, and then ordered it to maul Roxas.
LOL! My favorite is Tifa and myself. ...Whoops, wasn't supposed to say that, kind of creepy
"No, I just want to scare the **** out of him. How many other Organization members are here?" Xemnas replied.
Xemnas finally found an Orginization member as he saw Roxas, and he decided to sneak up behind him, drawing his lightsaber...
I think they have electricity on Destiny Islands. I think they're about the technological equivalent of the 1950's, there are no PC's. Nonetheless Sora is a complete idiot.
Yeah, Zane is the best voice-over in all the games, and he has all the best lines. But stupid Sora gets in the way, I was nearly in a state of nirvana when he went into the monolouge of: "Every world is born in darkness, and all so end. The heart is no different. Darkness grows within it, it sprouts, consumes it. Such is its nature" (goes behind Sora) "IN THE END, EVERY HEART RETURNS TO THE DARKNESS WHENCE IT CAME! You see... darkness is the hearts' true essence". Then Sora gives one of his 1,000 idiotic motivational speeches, this one possibly the worst of them yet. Okay, sorry about that. The point is that Zane does a very good job, and Osment does a terrible one.
Wait, Riku does have a heal spell. And anyway, that's a pathetic excuse. Sora learned a cure spell which he could (apparently) use with more repetition than Riku. For example, if two people agree to a swimming race where they can use any style that they like, and one uses freestyle while the other uses breaststroke, the guy that used breaststroke can't complain to the guy who used freestyle (who won) that it wasn't fair. It's just that the guy that used freestyle learned freestyle, a naturally faster style of swimming, and just because the guy who used breaststroke never learned how to swim freestyle, that's not unfair, is it?
Wait, the game clearly states that Sora is stronger. He still HAS to beat Riku, alone, and without magical steroids (as in, all of Xehanort's heartless' power and his combined) at least once. Yes, Sora has a stronger heart and will, and that is what makes a person truly strong (at least in the Kingdom Hearts world), not how many goddamn weights you lift. Riku is emotionally WEAK. Sora made one of the rare smart decisions in life and chose strength in numbers and in friends, and in the end he prevailed. Riku turned to darkness, failed, had to battle his way through his personal darkness, and then found that, in KH2, he's not even as strong as Sora anyway.
The story of the X's in Org. 13 is because everyone kept their original names, except they rearranged them and added an "X" to them. E.G: "Sora- Roas- Roxas. Braig- Igbar- Xigbar". Sora didn't get more stupid, he was retarted in the first game. However, I didn't think of Sora using really old terms. Good catch there.
Okay, the profile for my other character is Name: Curtis Age: 16 Clothes: A very small black shirt, barely going past his waist, a pair of extremely tight black jeans, and bandages where he THINKS he cut his wrists, but in fact the caps were still on. Appearance: 5,8 Black, untidy hair. Persona: Curtis is a wannabe emo, the only thing is, he's not remotely masochistic, and only thinks he's depressed. God only knows WHY he wants to be emo, in any case, he's the son of someone on the island, but who? Xemnas woke up on the shore of the beach, lying spread eagle. "What the ****?! This is the second time I've been trapped on an island for a week!" he exclaimed. "Ah, well" he said getting up. "Might as well go and see if there are any other Organization members around". And with that he set off into the island. Meanwhile, Curtis had awoken in the grass, and had grabbed a small rock and climbed up a tree. "Finally... total solitude" he said, trying to ignore the stirring woman (Tifa) on the ground. He decided it was time to notice her, and jumped down. "Hey, you!" he shouted. "Get out of here before you get hurt!".
Okay, I don't really like either of them (as is obvious by my post), but that is just WRONG. Sora is a lot stronger than Riku. Riku actually said it himself in Com, all of Ansem's power and his COMBINED didn't come close to beating Sora. Sora kicked Riku's *** 3 times over, and Riku had the dark powers in later fights. Want proof? Destiny Islands, Riku's extremely easy, Hollow Bastion w/ Donald and Goofy, yes Riku is outnumbered but he's still easy. Later, Riku is completely powered by Ansem, and their powers combined failed to defeat Sora. While he is a total idiot, Sora is stronger emotionally and stronger in fights. Riku SUCKS as a party member as well. He's only useful for his Limit Break. While some of this is a matter of opinion, it is undeniable that Sora is more powerful than Riku. I am also baffled with the matter of the keyblade. Riku was obviously it's original target, but that changed because Riku's heart was weak and he opened it to darkness. Riku's heart was far weaker than Sora's from the beginning, so why did the keyblade choose him? Also, it's bizarre that it went from Sora later, because Riku had opened his heart to darkness. Maybe if he called upon it, it had no choice because he was it's original master for apparently no reason, but it still went back to Sora because Riku was going to use it wrongly.
May I join as Xemnas and an original character? (I'll give the profile once it's confirmed that I can join).
Com Sora is my favorite character, and in Japanese he's a lot better in the other two. In English, I despise both of them. Sora's ******ed, Riku's also stupid, full of himself and then incredibly emotionally fragile. Riku seems kinda gay, and Sora seems bisexual.
In English, Christopher Lee is the best voice, though James Woods is good. In Japanese, Miyu Irino is really good as Sora, WAY better than Haley Joel Osment. I think that the English dub took away some of Sora's character, and made him more immature and idiotic. He was more of an RPG main character in Japanese, not only because of his voice, but some of the dialogue was changed.
Two things. One, Kairi was definitely frowning, I'd go as far as to say she was quite concerned. Riku had a smirk, and Sora had a blank expression. Nomura actually talked about this, he said that their expressions kind of paint the picture of the nature of the letter. The music was upbeat, but I feel it's more adventurous than really happy. In any case, I think it's going to be more interesting than "Hey, guys. It's Mickey, want to come to the castle for lunch?".
Yes you may. ...Aaah, screw it.