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  1. esakrreh
    I'm sick and tired of Sora's childishness, naivety and suffocating cheerfulness. He seemed VERY awkward around Kairi in the second, but he wasn't like that in the first. I know, it's been almost two years but still... I hope that the relationship doesn't work, sort of like the fifth Harry Potter book. Sora needs clothes that don't make him look like a ******, and needs to stop acting like an idiot. He doesn't need to be depressed or spiteful, or even that much of a badass, just sort of. Also, he should remember the stuff in CoM, like Nomura said he might. CoM had the best plot, and if the new one's plot is connected, that would be great.

    Also, I agree with Star_Seeker except on account of the first and sixth hopes.
    Post by: esakrreh, Jul 13, 2007 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  2. esakrreh
    My thoughts exactly, here's mine.

    Xemnas: The product of a life of loneliness, emotional scarring and hatred. Xehanort was a disturbed individual, and so is Xemnas. He is egomaniacal, he wishes to prove himself the greatest of beings and does not feel for any other person, and he does not care that he cannot. He only wishes to have a heart because, according to him, hearts are the source of all power. He cares for no-one, except for how loyal they are to him.

    Saix: Very similar. Sociopathic and calculated. He was (and still is) a very intelligent person. His past is probably similar to Xehanorts', that, and probably the product of too much abstract thought have caused his insanity.

    Demyx: Most likely completely out of his mind. His lightheadedness is only the product of madness, and not a former persona. No-one can guess what he was like when he was sane.

    Lexaeus: One of the few in the Organization who is not insane and sociopathic. Lexaeus was apparently something of a hero in his time. He is intelligent, but he was probably lonely and introverted in his past. He has more respect for human beings than the rest of the Organization put together. He most likely does not know why he is doing what he is doing, and either does not realize or simply does not care enough to realize that he is actually hurting people.

    Vexen: Another intelligent person with a great deal of pride. He is a compulsive liar. He even seems to have been lying to himself, as he somewhat denies that he has no heart.

    Marluxia: A power-hungry tyrranist with extreme power. His only wishes are power and self-betterment. He is like an average mob boss, but with extreme power and more ambition.

    Larxene: The mirror image of Marluxia except more decietful and sociopathic, she is more sadistic as well.

    Axel: As I see it, he's a nice guy who's seen to much. He might have a sort of inferiority complex, and the embarrasment of his homosexuality made him throw away his morals and join the Organization. However, Roxas helped him to remember those morals of goodness and friendship, and eventually he triumphed over his problems.

    Zexion: More sleek and composed than the other Organization members, ready to kiss up to whom he needs to get what he wants, but what that is is unknown.

    Xigbar: A standard-grade terrorist, a simple appetite for destruction blown way out of proportion, making that his entire identity.

    Roxas: Similar story to Axel's, but he is not a homosexual. He merely went with the Organization because he was confused, and obviously he quickly ran away. However, he harbored a gret deal of spite and an idea of self-superiority when he was with the Organization.

    Xaldin: Virtually a clone of Saix.

    Luxord: Virtually a clone of Xigbar.
    Post by: esakrreh, Jul 11, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  3. esakrreh
    Xemnas took Tacole from Luxord and heaved him onto his shoulder, and then threw him and Curtis unceremoniously into a cave that seeming appeared because it was convenient.

    "Hmm... this seems ridiculously easy and convenient. Ah, well" Xemnas said.
    Post by: esakrreh, Jul 6, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. esakrreh
    "Hey guys, since Leon's helping us and Tacole's unconcious, how 'bout we kill them and have their nobodies join the organization? Do you think it will work?" Xemnas said quietly so that NO-ONE EXCEPT LUXORD AND XALDIN (that's right, nobody has superhuman ears here...) could hear him.
    Post by: esakrreh, Jul 6, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. esakrreh
    "Luxord, Xaldin, can I have a quick word?" Xemnas asked.
    Post by: esakrreh, Jul 5, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. esakrreh
    "He's actually a DAMN good sitar player, and that's why I let him in. But yeah... I'm wondering if there are any other nobodies... anyway, you want to help with our conquest to take over the island?" Xemnas said to Xaldin, slinging Curtis over his shoulder.

    "Oh yeah, by the way, you suck Roxas. And Demyx, you're fired.
    Post by: esakrreh, Jul 4, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. esakrreh
    Curtis became apathetic again, and simply lay sideways on the ground, bound in several places.

    "...Now we're just giving him what he wants..." Xemnas said.
    Post by: esakrreh, Jul 4, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. esakrreh
    "Um... he's still concious, you know. He's just in one of his apathetic moods," Xemnas said. "Hey, Curtis, I'll let you sit in a cave and wallow in self-pity if you want".

    Curtis suddenly sprang up and pulled out blue and green lightsabers, and began to duel Xemnas furiously.

    "NO, THAT'S NOT TRUE, THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE!" he screamed.

    "What's not true and what's impossible?" Xemnas thought.
    Post by: esakrreh, Jul 2, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. esakrreh
    "How about we trap him in a cave with Curtis for one day and say that we won't allow him out unless he joins our side?" Xemnas suggested.
    Post by: esakrreh, Jul 1, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. esakrreh
    "...I'd actually rather not say" Xemnas replied.
    Post by: esakrreh, Jun 30, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. esakrreh
    Xemnas sighed.

    "He's some kid who thinks he's an emo but he's not. His name is Curtis and... I have reason to believe he's my son..." he said.
    Post by: esakrreh, Jun 30, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. esakrreh
    "OWWW!!!" Curtis yelled, as he had jumped in front of Xemnas and had gotten Leon's sword in his arm.

    "What, you thought that a sword wouldn't hurt? Face it, YOU'RE NOT MASOCHISTIC!" Xemnas said angrily.
    Post by: esakrreh, Jun 29, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. esakrreh

    BIC: "Ow, that kinda stung" Xemnas said, getting up. He had decided that going Naruto again would be too much of a good thing, and instead his head had collided with Luxord's.

    "Thanks for giving my bear's arms back" he said to whoever it was that had done that.

    Turning to Tacole he said: "Now get out of here or you'll wind up even more pathetic than our friend Curtis over here".

    Curtis was presently biting his fingernails and fake screaming in agony, as if he was comitting some incredibly masochistic act.

    "Oh, will you shut up already?!" Xemnas cried.
    Post by: esakrreh, Jun 28, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. esakrreh
    Xemnas smiled and waved at Leon over by Tacole's most likely unconcious body.
    He then turned his attention to Tacole.

    "Now give my bear's arms back!" he shouted.
    Post by: esakrreh, Jun 28, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. esakrreh
    Xemnas had gone Naruto AGAIN, and was hanging from a tree behind Leon.

    "Oh yeah, a real sign of toughness and manliness, going straight for the genitals when fighting a guy" he said sarcastically with his arms folded.
    Post by: esakrreh, Jun 28, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. esakrreh
    "When do you guys ever learn?" Xemnas sighed as Tacole slashed his clone.

    Xemnas kicked him in the back and knocked him full-faced into the ground, then stood on him.

    "Give-my-bear's-arms-back" he said, punctuating his sentence with repeated kick's to Tacole's head.

    OOC: Sorry about the semi-godmode, but that wasn't a very nice thing to do to the bear.
    Post by: esakrreh, Jun 27, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. esakrreh
    Yes, from the beginning Sora acted WAY too young. He looked and acted about 10 in the first one. Being 14 is absolutely preposterous. I am 14, and not only is my voice deeper (though Osment was 14 at the time...), but also I have a much larger vocabulary and, unfortunately, I tend to cuss a lot more. I am not a particularly mature or intelligent person, but Sora is just ridiculous. Riku looks about 16, but acts about 11 or 12, and Kairi is the same as Sora. I know, I know... he needed to blend in with the Disney characters, so what. In the second one, it's clear that Osment has gone through puberty, but Sora acts little to no different.
    Post by: esakrreh, Jun 27, 2007 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  18. esakrreh
    "You $@$%!@#$@$##&$^*&)(*^$#@#!#$#%$$%&^!@#$%^&*()(*&^%$#@
    !!!" Xemnas cried. "That was my pet bear you little sack of ****! I'll kill you!".

    Xemnas then took out both lightsabers and started attacking Tacole furiously.
    Post by: esakrreh, Jun 27, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. esakrreh
    I agree completely with what you're saying. Japanese Sora is different. My little hope for America that's left was even more diminished when I saw the changes. In the Japanese version of Kh2, Axel catches on fire after his kamikaze attack, but in the American one, they figured it was too dark. In addition, they thought that Sora saying: "I'll kill you!" to Saix was too dark as well, and so they changed it to the unbearably lame: "You rotten!". As I've said before, he doesn't have to be Master Chief, he doesn't have to be Vincent Valentine, but can he be just a little more human and not optimistic all the time?

    CoM Sora is much, much better. I'm not even sure he likes Kairi all that much with how optimistic and carefree he is in KH1 and 2, in CoM, he is actually very concerned for Namine, and is pissed at Donald and Goofy when they're scolding him for not being unbearably optimistic.

    Kairi is a very thin and pretty useless character. I hope that there's a conflict and that their relationship doesn't fly. That way Sora can be a little more real. He's probably going to be 16 in the next one. I hope Nomura is smart enough to at least change his character a bit, and make him like he was in Chain of Memories.
    Post by: esakrreh, Jun 27, 2007 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  20. esakrreh
    Xemnas had been kind of half listening to the conversation/ battle, as he was trying to stop Curtis from taking up a rock and cutting his wrists, however, knowing that his attempts would most surely fail, he turned his attention to Luxord, Tacole and Riku.

    He snapped his fingers and his pet bear tackled Tacole and proceeded to give him a very enthusiastic hug.

    "Well, I was more thinking for you to tear his windpipe out with your teeth, but that looks pretty painful to me. You okay, Luxord?" he said.

    Curtis, meanwhile, walked over to Riku.

    "So what are you guys, the Justice League?" he asked, apparently forgetting he was an emo and instead being cynical and obnoxious.
    Post by: esakrreh, Jun 27, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home