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  1. Niami
    This is too wierd for words... I can´t... feel... anything... it´s... almost sad to see things like this... Zexion went ahead and put his hand up to try and do what everyone else was doing, when everyone was still thinking the same thing, that this was going on too- WAIT A MINUTE! Why do I know nkow what everyone else is thinking?!?
    Post by: Niami, Dec 1, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Niami
    OOC: head, hurts! to much info that i didn´t care 2 understand!

    "This is just too wierd for me!" Wait a minute... "Wait Xehanort?!?!?!?!"
    Post by: Niami, Nov 30, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Niami
    OOC: yes, i no it´s a little late for him to react but i write slow!!!!

    B2S: "Hey, I´m not a five year old! I´m only immature! Besides, have you noticed who the new batch of freshmen are? The little keyblader and his girlfriend."
    Post by: Niami, Nov 30, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Niami
    This was to ·Xemnas· "Well, we could go along with who came to this spot first. For the other question, I can´t really remeber what I used to call you, you just LOOK familiar, and you remind me of a guy I used to know... He used to think he was better than our master; Five of us assistants: X. Ienzo, my old name, rearranged with it, Zexion."

    OOC: I like putting dramatic colors, so what? (sarcastic) oh, really, she escaped? Well, that ruins the fun...
    Post by: Niami, Nov 30, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Niami
    OOC: that´s funny how he just jumps to the conclusion... now, back to the show... (Larxene´s with Axel, right?)


    "I think so, Xemnas. WAIT, how´d I know that?"

    OOC: if you want, follow the drift i´m trying 2 create, ok? IF you want...
    Post by: Niami, Nov 30, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Niami
    "Whatever happened... happened to all of us... Wait, and Master Ansem???"

    OOC:Remmber, i skimmed through the Reports

    B2S (back to story):

    "Wait, who´s that?" ienzo, now Zexion, of course, pointed at two people wearing the exact same siuts as all of them were.
    Post by: Niami, Nov 30, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Niami
    "Hey, it´s not my fault! Beethoven should´ve had a better life! ´Oh, he was tortured. Oh, this. Oh, that.´ 5 minutes of that, you can´t even feel your brain!" Ok, so I exagerated a bit, but, they should´ve been there!
    Post by: Niami, Nov 30, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Niami
    Then, JUST then, when Axel´s class was walking out, he noticed Larxene out of the corner of his eye. Hey, Larxene DID come back. Well, she should be Arlene now... He walked p to her, acting as cooly as possible, but, in the end, OF COURSE, HE TRIPPED RIGHT IN FRONT OF HER! Well, that was embarrasing, he thought as he stood up. "What´s up, Arlene? Didn´t see you this morning."
    Post by: Niami, Nov 30, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Niami
    The bell rang, and everyone was off to class before the Principal ha any say into it.

    Why did I get into this class? Why? Why, why, WHY??? Suddenly, he sees the cute transfer student, OH, THAT´S why... Oh, great. What´s that on the board? You know what? I don´t care. He just put his Bluetooth Earphone (A girl can dream, can´t she?) to his ear and listened to his MP3.

    He was really bored soon, I mean, who wants their first class period back to school to be about Beethoven? Then, he thought of the PERFECT back to school prank, a no-fire-alarm-pulling, FIRE DRILL. Best thing I can come up with? No, but, ANYTHING to get out of here a little early... Just then, Axel made sure no one was looking, he targeted the fire alarm at shot. It missed. Need to spend more time in Target class. He shot five more times until it FINALLY hit it. The alarm rang. LOUD.

    That´s it! No more Beethoven!
    Post by: Niami, Nov 30, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Niami
    OOC: continuing story...

    Ienzo what just about to pull out his hair when he noticed one of his best friends, Even, was being turned into the very thing he tryed to prevent. Why is it that everything I do, turns up wrong? He just turned to his side, when he also found Elaeus freaking out and saw both of their hearts fly toward the sky... No way... Then he saw one of the Shadows turn to him and stare. This is how I´m going to spend my last moments? At the mercy of a Shadow? Then, the Shadow mercilessly jumped out at him, and ...

    slowly saw his own heart rising up to the sky...
    Post by: Niami, Nov 30, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Niami
    Ah... no... sry the list of ppl is at the start.
    Post by: Niami, Nov 30, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Niami
    U can get these Org. members: Xaldin, Vexen, Lexaeus, Luxord, Marluxia, and any other character bsides sora. We´re in the part were the ppl that were Ansem´s followers r about to turn into heartless, which, in form and mentuality, changes them into the Org. XIII we now and love!
    Post by: Niami, Nov 30, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Niami
    OOC: i did, now what? *trying 2 fight med as best as she can*
    Post by: Niami, Nov 30, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Niami
    OOC: -_- (remember, i didn´t say anything...) and, hello, Ienzo wouldn´t b like that. he´d just freak out "eye style"... but, hy, u did good... so in the original storyline, where r we?
    Post by: Niami, Nov 30, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Niami
    And, yes, Axel WAS behind someone... just not ready to pounce... he was behind everyone .... ALL the way in the back. He was just minding his own business, when he noticed Roxas come in. Axel was about to go over and say hi, when he saw Principal Xemnas coming in!
    Post by: Niami, Nov 29, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Niami
    OOC: what r we supposed 2 tell him?
    Post by: Niami, Nov 29, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Niami
    This is not helping one bit! We are all here trying to clear the little problem we had brought to Radiant Garden. But, it wasn´t good enough, it´ll never be... Ienzo went to the main hall on the castle to rest. Never thought I´d have to work THIS hard looking after this thing while everyone else is doing something else. When, suddenly, he heard a glass break and a million thoughts ran thoughout his mind as he ran the way back.
    Post by: Niami, Nov 26, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Niami
    Axel came in to the Hero´s Academy, hoping for another pass-by school year, when he noticed Braig talking to Sora, "Oh, ok. Wait, what´s the twerp doing here?"
    Post by: Niami, Nov 26, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Niami
    Thank people that Ansem was here just in time to make sure Braig doesn´t call me a baby anymore... Hate him when he does that... Not a baby... I´m not...
    Post by: Niami, Nov 26, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Niami
    Oh, great, he´s busy when it´s convinient for him. "We´re all going to die. The people outside the castle have already suffered the consequences for OUR actions. We´re the only ones left for the heartless to consume. " He looked up at their faces. "Don´t look at me like that! It´s true! We´re all DOOMED!" Great, today, I turn into a blabber mouth.
    Post by: Niami, Nov 26, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home