when do we start?
Username:Niami Pic:http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m286/niami94/namine2.jpg Name of Character: Naminé (put the accent on it) Color of Background:Any blend of Naminé´s basic color scheme Quote:"Sora...you came for me." -KH:CoM
Axel came from the intersecting hall, where he had heard the comment. "HECK, no! I´m not out of shape!" OOC: Guys, SRY i havnt bin on, d play in causing head trauma!!!!!! And I´ve bin sick in bed 2! What´s bin going on besides you guys calling Axel out of shape?!?!?
I think... an Unknown Samurai
Kairi walked in and read the note on the door. Wow, and almost everyone´s here, too. ...... Oh, shoot! Need to get a bed from the garden!
0.o REALLY??? *checks the site again* maybe cuz I´m not in Maple.... *loox at the site* NOPE! Still nothing!
AGAIN??? AAAAGH!!! 2DAY IS NOT MY DAY!!!! 2nd chance: Evil person that makes fun of my acting... (sorry, but there´s this girl in my new school who found me in Youtube and is VERY EVIL toward my acting classes and her name in almost everything (except Youtube) is "Rose Angel94"... real angel...)
OOC: Yeah, I know, and Zexion and Demyx r always "best friends" ´r something of the sort
Really? all I got was ... Super Search / List of Locations The search turned up no results
No offense but... badly dressed angel. IT WAS THE FIRST THING THAT POPPED INTO MY MIND!!!
OOC: Thank you, thank you, thank you 4 coming back! Now, (FINALLY) back to the show! BIC: "She won´t be waking up anytime soon, "explained Zexion. "She hit her head pretty badly. "
There´s nothing going on, just everyone´s staring at you, you should be used to it, Axel! I mean, YOUR the big man on campus. Your doing what the big men in campus do, terrorize the Freshies. OOC: Paranoid. Oh, yeah! Welcome back, RPGgamer! go check out ur Beginning of.. thingy, it kinda died or something... BIC: Always got to blame it on the red-head why don´t you?, he thought as he turned around. Maybe I´ll stash it in my locker until I figure out what to do with it. OOC: Seriously, guys: SOMEBODY PM Sorax, please! BIC: Because, hey, if anyone tries to take it from there, they´ll have to answer to ME.
It´s the first time Roxas talks to you, act cool, "Oh, hi Roxas." The little ditcher...
Something happened that made the drain fling it back out. OOC: it´s happened!!!! BIC: Axel noticed it´s gleam on the ground the second the 2 were escorted off the hall and into the office. He left it behind? Was all he thought as he bent down to get it. Could this be any better? Xigbar and Isa are probably on their way to detention right now, and I´m here with the keychain. Score! Playing along really DOES help sometimes. But, I have to continue this charade if I ever want their help again. Now, about this, I´ll just tell them Sora found it again when he dropped it.
Oh uh, what´d I just do?
Ok, when I was in 6th grade, the 7th grade cheerleaders went Miami, Florida. When they came back, they were bragging alot until finally, the dumbest one yelled out loud, "We went to Niami, Florida and u didn´t!" I was in drama with the 8th graders and they never knew how to say my name, and they were all there when the little blonde said that, and I was dubbed "Niami". If I don´t get my way and get that username, I´m Niami94. 94 cuz ,1 time, I tried to write 93 but my fingers hurt and they accidently wrote 94 and I liked it better! My fingers hurt now, too...
OOC: thinking, thinking, thinking... hmm, Oh! I have an idea that´d totally help! BIC: And then, Axel handed the keychain the Xigbar. OOC: I never said it´d help YOU, did I? NOOO. hehe. Nah. kidding, but, yeah, you have it, and I suggest we do the blackmail thing. It sounds like something the upperclassmen would do. Even, thought i am a woman, but STILL!
Gosh, this is truly the best thing ever made. Mine r Riku, Zexion + Axel! In that order. Sora and Roxas...? Not so much...
so, you only had 1 person?