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  1. Niami
    You´ve all seen (or most) La Academia in tv. (OH, let´s hope so!!!!) Here you go then, (Finally) a port from khvids to vote in

    *this is a good vid

    ppl if your seeing this PLZ coment here or in Youtube. This vid was helped with all my friends, so, don´t give me an excuse to tear it down from Youtube or to stop with Hands-On.
    Thread by: Niami, Jan 3, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  2. Niami
    Oh, gosh how many ppl r bored in here?

    For MR. Boom:That song from Zenon: Supernova
    "Boom, boom, boom, let my heart go. Boom, boom, my Supernova girl"

    for The Darkness: what happens when my nightlight runs out.
    Post by: Niami, Jan 3, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Niami
    I´ve heard of that game, just not 8.


    ----Longest fully played kh2 game in my history 89:53
    Post by: Niami, Jan 3, 2007 in forum: Gaming
  4. Niami
    I no, d only good 1 was d last 1 cuz I was 6/7
    Post by: Niami, Jan 3, 2007 in forum: Gaming
  5. Niami
    Nol. You rock!!
    Post by: Niami, Jan 3, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  6. Niami
    *eye starts twitching* NO. WAY. ppl wen I left, we were in, like,
    2nd. TT.TT I have alot of homework
    Post by: Niami, Jan 3, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Niami
    ok, ppl. calm down.

    He WAS an idiot for going to d darkness at last minute. (I wanted 2 play as riku in kh1. Waaah!!!)

    He WASN´T an idiot cuz he thought he was helping Kairi by giving into the darkness becuz Malifi told him so, remember?

    Anyway, I still love him cuz he turned nice in CoM!!!!
    Post by: Niami, Jan 3, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  8. Niami
    u ppl will laugh and laugh and LAUGH at me but,

    ---- Beat KH:CoM (Sora) in a little more than 2 days

    ---- Beat KH:CoM (Riku) in 18 hours

    ---- Beat Kh2 (Easy) in a week at lvl. 42. Nowhere near 43, by the way.

    ---- Beat kh2 (Medium) at lvl.50-some. Umm... 53, at the least. HOW THE HECK DO YOU GET ENOUGH EXPERINCE POINTS TO PASS THAT?

    ---- In Pokémon Snap (Nintendo 64), i took a picture of all of the pokemon and the signs in less that 3 weeks. It´s hard work for a 6 year old that doesn´t know english!!

    and those are the only games i have ever passed. I always give up on a game. I hope that doesn´t happen in Final Fantasy XII.
    *bites nails*
    Post by: Niami, Jan 3, 2007 in forum: Gaming
  9. Niami
    SRY!!!! i had to go to mexico and wasn´t able 2 get on during d holidays! (no computr!!!) so... what did i miss and were am I?
    Post by: Niami, Jan 2, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Niami


    OOC: SRY!!!! i had to go to mexico and wasn´t able 2 get on during d holidays! (ppl u no hu i am) so... what did i miss and were am I? OK, i read it all. Wow u ppl like fighting... ALOT!!! me likey!!!
    O.o anyway.

    BIC: While everyone was fighting, Jiara stole away from the rest of the little group. I have to go away. These people don´t understand the kind of power they´re holding. Besides, I´m old enough to know what my heart wants. Jiara looked over her shoulder and saw yellow scribbles moving. THE GUARDS!! Jiara had forgotten all about them. If she was going to go back for him*, she was going to be careful.

    OOC: *Anyone want to be my lover?
    Post by: Niami, Jan 2, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Niami
    No, dude. When Sora goes to Christmas Town, his outfit'll change! Hopefully, the music does too! That was ridiculous in KH2! Halloweeen town music in Christmas??? The lazy bums!
    Post by: Niami, Dec 20, 2006 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  12. Niami
    LOTS of ideas!!!! but, guys, even Nomura (sp?) said that Kingdom hearts was SORA'S story. That means HE'S the main char, no matter in changing it now that he already told everyone!!!! I'm not saying that there's not a possibility about the chasers. In fact, u ALL have seen the UNMASKED chaser/knight, right?

    1)Could it be a possibility that those 3 figures might ACTUALLY be S, R, and K?
    2)Or is it just shot down cuz Nomura also said that there would be new characters?
    3)Would the unmasked chaser be anyone we know?*

    * I think it is cuz remmbr in the secret ending of KH that there was "Kairi"? They had totally diffrent designs, but, both were KAIRI! Could we be facing the same thing?
    Post by: Niami, Dec 20, 2006 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  13. Niami


    Jiara turned around and saw what was making the commotion. Oh no... not again... He was literally dismembering those guards... Hadn't I just done the same thing?
    Post by: Niami, Dec 20, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Niami
    sassy person
    Post by: Niami, Dec 20, 2006 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Niami
    wow there r alot of ppl here that like som1! Good thing no1 likes me.... RIGHT?? *kinda scared now* *too much silence!!!*
    Post by: Niami, Dec 19, 2006 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Niami
    3RD TIME???

    married woman! (with Cronoking)
    Post by: Niami, Dec 19, 2006 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Niami


    As soon as the coast was clear, Jiara´s voice let out another remark. "Sorry to be of such a burden. If those men found me here, they´d be sure to punish you three also. Now, I must be on my way."
    Post by: Niami, Dec 19, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Niami


    It had been some time since she had been allowed to talk but her clear, whispery voice came out without a struggle. "Thanks. That´d help. "
    Post by: Niami, Dec 19, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Niami


    OOC: Yeah, it died heck fast, i guess it was a bad time for RPGgamer´s comp 2 die out.

    BIC: As everyone was escaping the guards, Jiara tryed to run for cover in the crowd, when she tripped and stumbled upon the three freaky sensing people.

    OOC: that´s u guys!
    Post by: Niami, Dec 19, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Niami


    OOC: Introducing Jiara

    BIC: Out of nowhere, soldiers started shoving people aside to bring in slaves caught in another village. Within them, was Jiara the fire master, cautiously envoking fire under her breath. Everyone hates you for revealing our location, but, this just might help. Then, out of nowhere, she pulled out a sword which seemed to be ridged with fire and thrust open the locks, revealing her gift to everyone in the town square.

    OOC: Like that?
    Post by: Niami, Dec 19, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home