Get some muscles. I think that would make you a strong person and decrease your chances of getting mugged. anyway, I think she deserved to be punished, I mean, she could have done something about the bullying but never did. her doing it back is just as bad, she can't use being bullied as an excuse.
roxas is banned again XD. i slept over at his house last night. he said this to me last night, or something like it: "Yeah, whatever. I already talked to Sara and she said I could come back in a bit. Some things need to be done first. It'll probably be by the end of the year." then today i was reading the thread about Roxas how everyone would slit their throats and **** all over themselves if he ever came back. Well... lol. also i read his "A History of KH-Vids." he said that Sara was going to post it in Forum News, and that DS had asked for it himself. i thought it was good, actually not very funny or silly considering it's him. Anyway that's my 245 cents.
Me and Roxas have a shared account, and we're slightly well known, though I don't know if I'd say popular... Anyway, people around here should know it, seeing as we post the links to most of our vids here.
I hate it when people make threads about small, worthless problems that no one really cares about.
My posts? I'm not exactly sure what you mean, but I guess it's because sometimes because they're taken seriously when I'm joking. And I don't even know what happened on the "Roxas is God" thread. Some people started arguing and it got out of hand, but I don't know why. Anyway, many quality threads by me have been closed because of other people. I'm not a bad person. Honest.
^^Random. xD
I'm taking this math course next year, but I need a refresher on the basics. If anyone were to help me out just a little bit... How would I use the zero product property to solve an equation like: (x+4)(x-3)=-10 And also, how would I solve this equation by factoring? x(squared)+2x-8=0 If anyone could help out just a little it'd mean a lot. I suck at mathTT
I was at Roxas' house and he locked himself in the closet to hide from me... Then he farted and it took him almost a whole minute to get out... It was funny because he was clawing at the door screaming, it got in his eyes and mouth and he was crying a little.
Yeah, obviously... since he keeps coming back when he gets banned >_> He definitely doesn't hate this forum.
... He bumped this from 9 months ago.
Why do you hate him so?
This is Death Note II, as written by myself. A priest was on his way to the supermarket to purchase a pot roast that he was going to cook that night, a couple of his good friends were going to watch the Detroit Tigers play the Cleveland Indians that night and he needed to get the proper edibles. On his way to the supermarket, he saw a bluebird. He stared at it and wondered about the innocence of life until the bird fluttered away... After spending several seconds lingering by where the bluebird had stood just seconds before, he continued on to the supermarket. At the supermarket, he had his pot roast, along with several large bags of assorted chips. He pulled up to the cashier. The nametag on the young boy's shirt read "LIGHT". The boy was tall and had long brown hair. "Hello," Said Light. "Good day." Said the Priest. "Did you find everything alright?" Said Light. "Yes, thank you." Said the Priest. Light put all the items in a plastic bag and collected the priest's money. "Will that be all?" Asked Light. "Yes," Replied the priest. "Thank you for shopping at Busch's Supermarket," Said Light. The priest smiled and headed toward the automatic doors... But he was dead before he took two steps. Light cackled manianically until he died as well. They both died of heart attacks. The Bluebird had written their names in the Death Note exactly 40 seconds after their eyes first met. ~Fin~
1. Saved the site from Boris. 2. One of, if not the best mod this site has had. Misty's delicious too. 3. He voted against Bush.
The last time I celebrated Caturday, well... I had to clean myself.
Learning that you dated Tummer73 displeases me slightly.
I'll think about it. Nevermind. I won't. You get a shank. *Shanks*
What part of "Bow to him or he'll shank you" didn't you understand?
Roxas is the most prominent member of the site. Since joining the day the forum started, he has risen from a lowly n00b to God of How is this possible, you ask? No matter how many times he's banned, or even banned for life, he manages to return, because everyone knows the forum would die without him. He has managed to become a premium member, with 0 posts. And when you search KH-Vids in Yahoo! Image Search, pictures of him come up. Everyone bow to him or he'll shank you.