Did you lose a lot of points from it? they're just a ***. I'll bet they derep me for saying that.
someone once derepped me for a thread complaining about complaints. don't dwell on it.
Well i've read it, it's not that big. like 10 pages. but I think it will really be big in a way like, it answers people's questions. especially boris. people will learn about boris. and they will learn about what he did that was bad that no one really knows.
I can't wait for it to come out. this thing's going to be big.
Has anyone heard the new AVA songs? They are SO ****ing blink. Just listen to Everything's Magic: http://youtube.com/watch?v=wVH9uEGssKI&mode=related&search= I mean they still have that AVA feel, but they're so much more blink 182 at the same time. Tom just pooped all over Mark and Travis with this one.
i have to admit from reading some of your posts, risk, and the way you acted in kh-vids royale 2 you deserve it XD
nooo... you didn't read my post, did you...
i think to be safe no one should vote for DA now.
good job DA... guys plz vote 4 me plz.
i take back my votes on you just for making this thread. wait, i never voted for you anyway.
Most Positive Posts! Alice - she's always so nice! >_> Most Intellectual! CFF Most helpful! Sweqsora222 Most fair! Cin Prevented Flame Wars! Not anyone in the staff! Best Staff! Cin Most Active Member! Roxas... even if he's banned he's probably reading these forums every day knowing how he has no life. Most famous member! Roxas easypeasyjapanesey. Best Premium Member! Hmm... shadowjak. he actually makes sense. Best Rper! ew gay. Best Fangirl! ew gay II. Best Spammer! Roxas Funniest Member! Roxas, Alice Best Rant! shadowjak. Everyone ****ing forgets shadowjak. Member you want to forget! No one. I forget you all anyway. Most Obsessed Member! Roxas Most Rep whore (Not most rep) Who cares. Worst RPer WHO CARES Photo Whore Alice Member who kisses up to Admins Most Alice. if she is ever staff then it's because she is xaldin's online sex whore. Best Username Cin Worst Username Roxas Worst Admin Xaldin, he sucks, he's only admin so he can post news. Worst Forum Suggestion i don't read them. Best Forum Suggestion don't care. Best Emo Member no emos are "best." Most Insane Member Alice Most Banned Member Roxas... although CFF could be close... nah i think roxas is like 9 or 8 now XD Cutest Couple ROXAS AND CIN Best Topic kh-vids royale. Worst Topic kh-vids royale. Member you were happiest for when banned: Roxas... he needs it. Member you never wanted banned (But got banned anyways): CFF AND SWEQ Most Failed Member everyone. Most Typos no one cares. Biggest Perv eew roxas he always talks about masturbation. Most Complaining Member i have only ever heard roxas complain so Roxas Best Drawer alice Worst Drawer anniexo_lexa *shudders* Best Story Writer Roxas. my god his stuff is amazing now. Worst Story Writer soushirei. JK JK JK don't nominate him!!! JKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK k i dunno. Pushover Member sara i mean look how many times roxas has returned. Best Lurker who cares if they lurk they have silly buns. Knowledgeable of KH i don't really go to the kh sections. Most memorable Sig OMG! ROXAS'S SIG OF THE GIRL GETTING FUCKED DRY! too bad sara made him delete it... it covered her tits. Most Memorable Avatar i dunno. maybe... i don't really know. probably sara or roxas, they have had theirs for as long as forever. Best Noob SWEQ Worst Noob SWEQ MOST 1337 whatever. Coolest Banned Member Roxas Most Annoying Roxas... >_> he tells me things... scary things... Most Serious sara Best Female Member SWEQ Best Male Member Roxas Worst Female Member CFF Worst Male Member Boris! Best KHV Member Roxas Worst KHV Member I'm honestly going to say Roxas. he will always be remembered for everything bad he did despite doing lots of nice bits. Oh yeah I nominate Camel for biggest gay-in-hiding.
Yes I am glad it exists now.
you act like you came up with this idea. roxas tried to do this before but didn't go so well.
Posts don't count in this section >_>
i wonder that, especially since it's so damn easy to fix.
too bad i go to sleep then. although alex is sleeping over hwo knows how late we'll be up. i should join that chat too. i could brighten the day.
now i am in that. it's kinda boring compared tot he spam zone.
it's sarah. i've asked her about this before when i was pretending to be roxas on his msn. i then spent about 20 minutes making fun of her before he came back from the loo.
Yes DA but it opened the 28th according tot he KH-V History. Nevertheless it is long gone.