say it aloud and think about masturbation. oh god, i hope that "disgusted" lady doesnt report me to netauthority
you have to say it aloud to fully understand.
the spam zone lost it's epicness when roxas was banned
hellyeah it is. it was so boring without me.
Well, I'm not as involved as I'd like to be. (The couple mentions of "Nathan" in chapter 0, I'm Nathan) It's still a pretty decent story. I look forward to the rest. EDIT: About theorizing, I wrote the first paragraph, so I tried to set up some potential confrontations with the limited writing space I had. [SPOILER WARNING] [SPOILER WARNING] [SPOILER WARNING] [SPOILER WARNING] [SPOILER WARNING] I also know who kills Roxas.
"online songs" by blink-182
Skwisgaar Skwigelf-Taller than a tree Toki Wartooth-Not a bumblebee Pickles, the Drummer-Do dootily doo, do, dootily doo William Murderface, Murderface, Murderface Nathan Explosion
na na na na na na na na na na na na na i just forgot you were there na na na na na na na na na na na na na i just forgot you were there
this movie is gonna be so fkn dope.
Unfortunately, both the KH-Vids song and the remake of KH-Vids Royale have been delayed. Roxas and I have not set new release dates for either. -MotD
This Roxas 2 guy seems cool. I hope he has a long and glorious KH-Vids career.
Welcome, man. I hope you enjoy it here.
We had to, man.
Like I said before,we edited it for content to make it more user friendly. That verse is now just the "Sara we dedicate this verse to you" part.
Plus Sock Puppet breaks about 2 or 3 rules.
We changed the lyrics so they were more up to date with the site, and so we could include members not in the previous song. We also didn't want to mention members twice, aside from the Sara verse. The only member mentioned twice is Mish. Also, the beginning part, from "The yellow sky of twilight..." to "...And I know everything will be alright" was originally a different song, but we decided they could come together in an epic nova of musical ecstasy. We think it sounds great, we hope you guys do too.
Yeah, but not for awhile. And that verse was way more explicit but will only ever be heard in its true form live.
You'll love the guitar parts in the chorus, and most of all, the guitar part Roxas wrote for the bridge. You can hear it in the preview we posted on YouTube and it's so emotionally crazy, all coming out of his guitar. Never mind the fact it took him 20 tries during recording to get it perfect, it sounds amazing.
Well, the final lyrics are here for you to view. December 28th isn't far off, and we'll be building up to the moment with little bits and pieces. Keep in mind that the music video may not be released for a week or so after the song premieres. The yellow sky of twilight Will be my guide tonight I walk a faded line that's Faded by the many times I've traveled down these sunlit Hills in search of what I'll never find I see clouds as deep as oceans That I've left behind There are forests to my left And shadows to my right I walk through open fields of Flowers that will bloom tonight The sun does cast a glow As sacred as the morning light And this I ask, forget my past, And I know everything will be all right When I joined KH-Vids I was such a n00b I bet I only had one pube After a while I called it my home But I was just another CFF clone Shadowjak's rants were really nice I bet Mish tastes like sugar and spice Xaldin's the biggest ****** on the site But unlike Sara, at least he didn't fight Chorus All the stupid Kingdom Hearts kids Let's log on to KH-Vids They all live in their own little worlds Most of the guys have never seen a real girl Another thing that bothers me is this The girls are in love with guys that don't exist All the stupid Kingdom Hearts kids Let's log on to KH-Vids Misty, how old are you? Forum helpers, what do they even do? Vivi quit the staff and Darky did too And sweqsora, oh, how much I miss you! But Angel you loved a guy you didn't know Saving up for college but now you won't go Roxas still lurks on the site all the time See how many of his names you can find CHORUS Sara, we dedicate this verse to you You're just so annoying, we don't know what to do An online boyfriend is no way to go Dating a guy that you don't even know I'm telling you this, straight from the heart Talks about ripples are no way to start I don't really care if this makes you sad 'Cause the truth is it makes me laugh CHORUS Alice was funny in a really creepy way Deathspank always knew just what to say The best AMV's were made by DA And the best stories written by Soushirei Mish is way too hot for this site For her this is no way to spend her nights Madi, you support everything I do Cin... I've fallen in love with you CHORUS + SEX CHORUS + BLOWJOBZ + SEX + HAIRJOB
This is a lame sticky.