ZoMG Itz gona b so kwell i cant w8 i wnt to c it n reed it s0 badd
i have a sword i fight cactuars because i'm bored i like to ride on chocobos its better than having afros and when i go into an inn fifteen seconds... its day again i will use a pheonix down so when i die, i will not frown because i am cloud my hair defies all gravity and i cant have too many potions or i might get cavities if i cant slice you, then thats okay i'll use my magic anyway and i will defeat sephiroth because he's not david lee roth
well first i'd wish for the world to not explode. then i'd wish for a billion dollars. and i'd wish for a cure for aids.
laaaaaaame and unfair. he wouldn't have done it if she hadn't been leading him on.
i noticed some ads for indonesian women, men and girls, and another ad for girls with piercings. has anyone else seen these? they crack me up.
i think mabe we shoulda ll be friezn so no bodi fighz and we acll can be super
the staff does what they can, but they aren't perfect. no one is. don't ever assume you know everything, its gotten me into trouble before. because i was friends with roxas, i fought for him to get unbanned. it was stupid because i didn't listen to anyone but him. I'm sure some of what he said was true, but he probably made the story more in his favor. it's best to just roll with whatever the staff does and accept it, because they're doing what they believe is right, and mostly, it pays off in the long run. it's just like politics. you don't always agree with what the government does, but they're usually doing what they believe will make the country a better place. you can try and be a "rebel" but you usually just end up looking stupid.
jesus christ. its an online forum.
10. lost my virginity to a grizzly bear 9. saw god at a pub 8. got tickets for angels & airwaves 7. got the new angels & airwaves cd 6. i forgot what six was for 5. quit masturbating 4. saw jesus at a pistons game 3. started masturbating again 2. tried out "necrophilism" 1. learned how to eat nails
I lost my virginity to the brickster. EDIT: And anyone who wants both 1 and 2, you can get both in a package on amazon for ten bucks : D
I found these pictures of myself and Alex on my computer.
hell yeah boi.
i got 22's son. 22's. do work son. 22's.
lego island 2 had a lot more stuff, but it just wasn't as good. lego island had car races, jet ski races, and the fantastic pizza deliveries
lego island 2 was decent. but lego island was epic.
quite possibly the greatest game of all time.
grillzen, that was a favorite word of his.
very, very nice.
Some of you may not know, but today is Roxas' second year anniversary on KH-Vids. He told me to make a respectable thread, so I am. This thread is for our memories of Roxas, preferably the good. Roxas was a huge part of this site, and I think we can all agree that he is missed. He's gotten over the site, and his life-long banishment, but he still is as much a part of the site as he ever was, with projects like the KH-Vids song and KH-Vids Royale. So here, in this thread, I ask all who knew Roxas to remember him fondly, whether as the immature jokester, or the creative genius, or the avid Kingdom Hearts fan. This thread is for him. Ya'll gettin up in ma grillz
is this a joke? you can't be serious.